Final Results

To be embargoed: not to be released until 7.00 a.m. on 27 September 2006 EUROVESTECH PLC ("Eurovestech" or "the Company") Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 March 2006 Chairman's Statement I am delighted to report on a year of good progress made by Eurovestech and its investee companies. It is now more than six years since we listed on AIM raising £9.8 million at 5p per share. We spent much of the first three years surviving an extremely adverse environment - one that proved too severe for many of our peers. In contrast, the last three years have seen us focus on our key investments and ensure that they flourish. Most notably, ToLuna plc (`ToLuna') listed on AIM in May 2005, valuing our shareholding at £18 million, against a cost of investment of £2 million. As at 31 March 2006, this value had risen to £28.4 million. The current (September 2006) value of our cash and shareholdings in quoted companies is £38 million. This excludes the value of our unquoted portfolio. In the year to 31 March 2006, the value of our net assets increased significantly - from £13.3 million to £37.9 million. The directors consider that this increase is a key indicator of Eurovestech's performance. As I have previously reported to you, your directors believe that Knowledge Support Systems Limited ("KSS") is in a stage of exceptionally rapid development as a result of which it is impractical reliably to benchmark its market value. Accordingly Eurovestech's year end net asset value of £37.9 million reflects the carrying cost of our 100 per cent. holding in KSS at its September 2003 valuation of £4.2 million. Eurovestech's operating results do not reflect these increases in investment value, as unrealised gains are shown as a movement in the revaluation reserve. The result is that even though Eurovestech's recognised gains for the year were £24.5 million, we operate at a loss. This year, our loss after tax for the year was £1.87 million. This compares with an operating loss for last year of £0.66 million. The loss this year was increased by several non-recurring factors: a one-off cost of £0.5 million in lieu of a three-year option package to Jean-Michel Petit, Eurovestech's Director of Investments, a £0.3 million charge for amending the incentive package to a senior executive at a portfolio company, and a £0.2 million increase in professional fees. Last year's figure also included the benefit of a £0.3 million gain from short-term investments. Portfolio Review ToLuna ToLuna is a leading European provider of online panels and technology services to the market research industry. In May 2005, ToLuna was listed on AIM, raising £5 million gross from institutional investors. At that time the business was operating from one office in Paris and its panel - a critical element of the service it provides - comprised 350,000 members. Since then, ToLuna has opened an office in London and in December 2005 it acquired Speedfacts Gesellschaft for £2.1 million, providing a strong presence in Germany, and concluded an important strategic co-operation agreement with AG, one of Germany's biggest internet service providers. At 31 March 2006, ToLuna had 875,000 panellists in 13 European countries. Demand for ToLuna's services grew strongly throughout the year as market research companies and others switched an increasing proportion of their market research online, drawn by the very significant advantages in cost and speed of processing. In June 2006, Cenkos Securities, Eurovestech's joint broker, placed 2,245,000 of our ToLuna shares with institutional clients realising £2.9 million after costs. The disposal proceeds represent a significant return over the book cost of £2 million, being Eurovestech's total cost of investment in ToLuna. Following this transaction, Eurovestech holds 20,475,300 shares, equivalent to 57 per cent. of ToLuna's issued share capital. Eurovestech's residual holding, which was valued at £28.4 million at the end of the period under review had a value, on 26 September, of £35.6 million, based on the mid-market price of a ToLuna share on that date. Knowledge Support Systems ("KSS") KSS is a provider of pricing and revenue management systems for the retail and petroleum sectors. Eurovestech owns 100 per cent. of the issued share capital of KSS. When we acquired the business in June 2003, annual revenues were approximately £1 million and losses were approximately £6 million per annum. In the year to June 2005, KSS increased sales more than four-fold to over £5 million and produced a post-tax profit of £958,000. Following this, KSS decided, with our support, to invest heavily to increase the rate of growth and to broaden its product offering. This involved a 40 per cent. increase in staffing levels, with key appointments in the retail business unit and more generally in the important US market. In addition, substantial investment has been made in product research and development both for new and existing product lines. In July 2006, we reported that KSS had secured several important customer wins including Safeway US, Circle K (a leading North American convenience store chain with more than 2,000 stores across the USA), GetGo, part of Giant Eagle Inc. (a US food retailer with annual revenues of more than $5 billion) and Q8 Italy. We also reported that as a result of delays in closing some contracts, KSS's revenue for the year to June 2006 was below its management's expectations. Partly as a result of this, but mainly as the consequence of writing off the investment to upscale the business and full expensing of research and development costs, KSS produced after-tax losses of £2.1 million. Nonetheless, we are confident that our investment will deliver good returns. One of the delayed contracts was closed immediately following KSS's year-end. The management of KSS is forecasting strong first half sales and we believe that the business is well placed to exploit a very significant market opportunity, particularly in the retail sector, where its PriceStrat product is making a significant impact on the market. Magenta Corporation Limited ("Magenta") Magenta is a provider of intelligent software agent technology and advanced application development services with particular strength in real-time resource allocation and scheduling. Magenta builds innovative systems to enable its customers to differentiate themselves and gain a competitive edge. In June 2006, Eurovestech completed a £1 million investment in Magenta, increasing our shareholding from 37.7 per cent. to 43.7 per cent. of Magenta's fully diluted issued share capital, after allowing for the anticipated exercise of employee stock options. Following this investment, Eurovestech's total cost of investment in Magenta has increased to £2.4 million. I am pleased that in July 2006, Magenta secured a £0.75 million outsourcing contract with a leading UK transportation group. This contract represents Magenta's largest single order to date. Other portfolio companies In July 2006, we reported that we had sold our entire shareholding in Mykindaplace Limited for £0.5 million in cash to Sky New Media Ventures Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of British Sky Broadcasting Group plc. The book cost of this shareholding was £0.4 million. The remainder of the portfolio has a carrying value of £1.1 million and includes a £0.4 million investment in ARKeX Limited ("ARKeX") and a £0.4m investment in Tevet Process Control Technologies Limited ("Tevet"). ARKeX provides technology which enables searches for oil, gas and mineral companies to pinpoint appropriate drilling sites from the air. We are extremely pleased with the scale and extent of customer wins at ARKeX and, in December 2005, we agreed to increase our total investment in ARKeX to £0.6 million, as part of a £5.5 million funding round, after which Eurovestech holds 4.3 per cent. of ARKeX's share capital. Tevet, which serves the semiconductor industry with integrated metrology services, achieved revenues 25 per cent. ahead of budget for the first half of its year to December 2006. Eurovestech owns 3.8 per cent. of Tevet's fully diluted share capital. Charitable donations During the year, the Company issued 400,000 shares to four charitable organisations, with a total market value at date of issue of £53,000. In April 2006, Eurovestech issued a further 400,000 shares to four charitable organisations, bringing the total number of new shares created and issued since 2001 to 6,000,000. We are delighted that the current stock market value of these shares is in excess of £1 million. We hope these policies and actions will encourage other companies to support charities in this way. The Company has today issued 200,000 new ordinary shares to The Shooting Star Children's Hospice and 200,000 new ordinary shares to The Haven House Children's Hospice. Application has been made for these shares to be admitted to AIM and it is expected that dealings in these shares will commence on 5 October 2006. Richard Bernstein, Chief Executive of the Company, has paid the £ 4,000 nominal value to facilitate their issue. Prospects The current year is progressing well. ToLuna has reported first half revenues of £3.6 million, which exceeded proforma full year 2005 revenue by 20 per cent. Its first half profits were £0.9 million - results well ahead of management expectations. The size of its panel has grown to more than 1.1 million members, and we are pleased to see the increased adoption of its technology offering and expanded scale of customer wins. KSS is generating increasing interest in the price optimisation market: over 17,000 retail sites in 12 countries are now powered by KSS solutions. We believe the range and quantity of current customer trials is set to translate into strong revenue growth. We are delighted to report that earlier this week, KSS secured a licence contract valued at more than £1 million, with PKN Orlen, Poland's largest fuels retailer. Magenta's recent outsourcing contract represents an important milestone for the business, at a time when its core technology offering for real-time solutions is gaining increasing customer acceptance. Our sale of shares in ToLuna in June 2006 has generated a realised profit of £ 2.7 million and I anticipate that it will contribute to a strong first half result. The current value of our cash and quoted portfolio is £38 million. One cannot be anything but extremely optimistic about our prospects. Richard Grogan Chairman 26 September 2006 Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31 March 2006 Year ended Year ended 31 March 31 March 2006 2005 £ £ Other operating income 16,668 - Administrative expenses (1,843,288) (918,385) Operating loss (1,826,620) (918,385) Net interest (34,185) (16,979) Investment income 20,845 - Amounts written off investments (69,376) (53,315) (Loss)/gains on revaluation of current (9,901) 326,635 asset investments Loss on ordinary activities before (1,919,237) (662,044) taxation Taxation 48,400 - Loss on ordinary activities after (1,870,837) (662,044) taxation Loss per ordinary Share (0.598)p (0.236)p All operations are continuing Balance Sheet as at 31 March 2006 At At 31 March 31 March 2006 2005 £ £ Fixed assets Tangible assets 16,056 1,737 Investments 36,432,808 9,200,930 36,448,864 9,202,667 Current assets Debtors 166,815 169,299 Investments 3,529,058 2,674,107 Cash at bank and in hand 917,222 2,557,906 4,613,095 5,401,312 Creditors: amounts falling due within one (3,153,279) (156,379) year Net current assets 1,459,816 5,244,933 Total assets less current liabilities 37,908,680 14,447,600 Creditors: amounts falling due in more than - (1,100,000) one year Net assets 37,908,680 13,347,600 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 3,135,228 3,124,228 Share premium account 13,854,442 13,849,192 Revaluation reserve 29,585,983 3,170,316 Profit and loss account (8,666,973) (6,796,136) Shareholders' funds 37,908,680 13,347,600 Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31 March 2006 Note Year ended Year ended 31 March 31 March 2006 2005 £ £ Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating (i) 124,414 (951,406) activities Returns on investments and servicing of finance Dividends received 20,845 - Interest received and similar income 33,500 78,374 Interest paid (67,685) (95,353) Net cash outflow from returns on investments and servicing of finance (13,340) (16,979) Capital expenditure and financial investment Purchase of tangible fixed assets (17,569) (310) Purchase of fixed asset investments (998,881) (978,582) Receipts from sale of fixed asset 164,586 192,000 investments - Net cash outflow from capital expenditure and and financial investment (851,864) (786,892) Management of liquid resources Sale of current asset investments 47,220,509 14,547,605 Purchase of current asset investments (48,136,653) (16,895,021) Net cash (inflow)/outflow from management (ii) (916,144) (2,347,416) of liquid resources Net cash flow before financing (1,656,934) (4,102,693) Financing Issue of shares 16,250 5,360,500 Expenses paid in connection with share - (13,629) issues Net cash inflow from financing 16,250 5,346,871 (Decrease)/increase in cash (ii) (1,640,684) 1,244,178 Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses for the year ended 31 March 2006 Year ended Year ended 31 March 31 March 2006 2005 £ £ Loss for the financial year (1,870,837) (662,044) Revaluation of fixed asset investments 26,415,667 - Total gains and losses recognised for the 24,544,830 (662,044) year Notes to the Cash Flow Statement i. NET CASH OUTFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Year ended Year ended 31 March 31 March 2006 2005 £ £ Operating loss (1,826,620) (918,385) Depreciation 3,250 1,778 Decrease in debtors 50,884 56,825 Increase/(decrease) in creditors 1,896,900 (91,624) Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating 124,414 (951,406) activities ii. RECONCILIATION OF NET CASH FLOW TO MOVEMENT IN NET FUNDS Year ended Year ended 31 March 31 March 2006 2005 £ £ (Decrease)/increase in cash in the year (1,640,684) 1,244,178 Cash outflow from financing 800,000 - Cash outflow from increase in liquid 916,144 2,347,416 resources Other non-cash movements relating to (61,193) 326,635 investment gains Change in net funds resulting from cash 14,267 3,918,229 flows Net funds at 1 April 2005 4,132,013 213,784 Net funds at 31 March 2006 4,146,280 4,132,013 iii. ANALYSIS OF CHANGE IN NET FUNDS At Cash flow At 1 April 31 March 2005 2006 £ £ £ Cash in hand 2,557,906 (1,640,684) 917,222 Liquid resources 2,674,107 854,951 3,529,058 Debt (1,100,000) 800,000 (300,00) 4,132,013 14,267 4,146,280 Notes to the financial statements 1. Basis of Preparation The results for the year ended 31 March 2006 and the balance sheet at that date have been extracted from the statutory accounts of the Company for that year, upon which the Company's auditors, Grant Thornton, have confirmed they will issue an unqualified audit report under Section 235 of the Companies Act 1985. The accounts for the year ended 31 March 2006 will be filed with the Registrar of Companies following the Annual General Meeting. The financial information for the year ended 31 March 2006 has been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the accounts for the year ended 31 March 2006. The comparative figures for the year ended 31 March 2005 have been extracted from the statutory accounts for the Company for the period, filed with the Registrar of Companies, which carried an unqualified audit report. 2. Loss per share The calculation of loss per share is based on the loss attributable to ordinary shareholders of £1,870,837 (2005: £662,044) divided by the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year, being 312,883,075 (2005: 280,419,963) shares. Warrants outstanding at the year end were anti-dilutive. 3. Dividends No dividends were paid or proposed in respect of the years ended 31 March 2006 or 2005. 4. A copy of the Annual Report and Accounts will be sent to all shareholders shortly and will be available from the Company's registered office, 29 Curzon Street, London W1J 7TL.
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