Final Results

25 September 2008 Eurovestech plc ("Eurovestech" or the "Company") Final results for the year ended 31 March 2008 Eurovestech, the pan-European development capital fund, is pleased to announce its final results for the year ended 31 March 2008. HIGHLIGHTS * Substantial progress across the portfolio * Net assets of Eurovestech plc (company) increase by £6.6 million to £60.6 million * ToLuna delivers further rapid growth in sales and profits * Both KSS companies make progress following demerger * Magenta's dynamic scheduling technology achieves growing recognition UPDATE SINCE YEAR END * ToLuna wins award as France's fastest growing company * Acquisition of Common Knowledge Inc gives ToLuna a greatly strengthened US foothold * KSS Ltd reports record revenues and operating profits * KSS Retail wins its largest ever order from Sonae Distribuicao of Portugal * ARKeX raises the largest venture financing for a UK oil services company since 2003 to expand its airborne imaging service * LogNet makes strategic acquisition of MaxBill, enabling it to accelerate its growth CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT It has been a difficult and testing year for investors and markets. Tightening credit conditions, slowing economic growth and inflationary pressures affected the economies and markets in which Eurovestech's investee companies operate. Yet I am pleased to report further material progress at Eurovestech and its portfolio of investee companies. We have been here before. In March, we celebrated our eighth birthday as a quoted company. We recall those early years of our brief history: during the bear market of 2001 to 2003, our benchmark technology index, the TechMark 100, fell by more than 80 per cent. from its peak. We were forced to focus on the nurturing of our investments. We did so with success. We were able to take advantage of the opportunities offered by market weakness. We emerged from that experience stronger and wiser. This year, an already strong balance sheet was reinforced by a share placing in March 2008 which added almost £5 million to our financial resources. We have been confident, therefore, in our ability to withstand the global economic storms which raged in 2007 and 2008, and which show no sign of abating. Our companies face their challenges, of course. But they benefit from management teams which are built to weather the times and are closely focused on operational excellence. We remain committed to delivering the best possible outcome for all shareholders. When one takes the elements above into consideration, I am able to report that your Company, Eurovestech, remains in good shape to deal with current and impending conditions. The Year in Detail Let me review the year in greater detail. In managing the group, your board is firmly focused on building asset value for investors. In this regard, as previously indicated, we consider the balance sheet of the Company an important measure, as it includes our listed investment in ToLuna - by far our biggest single asset - at market value. The Company balance sheet shows shareholders' funds of £60.6 million as at 31 March 2008, compared to £54 million at 31 March 2007. The increase reflects the overall growth in the fair value of our investments and the successful share placing in March. The demerger of KSS Retail from KSS Ltd in September 2007 was an important step toward realising and making more transparent the value of both KSS companies, which were previously reported in our balance sheet at their carrying value of £4.2 million. I am pleased to inform you that, after studying industry comparatives, the board has assessed the fair value of KSS Ltd. (the fuels business) at £9.5 million and the fair value of KSS Retail at £2.5 million. The board's view is that these valuations are appropriate in the current volatile markets. They represent a welcome and substantial uplift for our shareholders on a total investment cost in KSS in June 2003 of £1 million. Our statutory accounts are reported on a consolidated basis, which means that the trading activities and asset positions of our subsidiaries ToLuna, KSS and KSS Retail are consolidated in the Eurovestech group accounts. This accounting treatment reflects our ability to exercise control over these companies. In our 2007 annual report, I indicated that future results might include some volatility. This has occurred. For the year to 31 March 2008, the pretax loss was £1.1 million, compared to a profit of £5.7 million in the year to 31 March 2007. The reported loss per share was 0.46p per share, compared to earnings per share of 1.64p in the year to March 2007. The reported loss reflects the trading outcome and demerger costs at the KSS companies, our share of profits at ToLuna, and the operating costs of the Company. It does not include any disposal gains, whereas the previous year included disposal gains of £6.9 million. The consolidated loss for 2008 does not reflect the very real progress in our portfolio. In particular, it does not reflect the uplift in the valuation of our interests in KSS and KSS Retail. Accounting rules require us to include the gain on this revaluation in the accounts of the Eurovestech parent company, but to eliminate it from the group's consolidated results. During most of 2007, our share price reflected the advances we are making in our portfolio. Regrettably, as the credit crisis deepened and markets suffered, so did our share price. This is outside our control. We can only work our assets and strive to build their value. However, as we work to build asset value on your behalf, we are aware that since mid-May 2008, the FTSE AIM All-Share Index has fallen by about 25 per cent., and, as an AIM quoted company, our own share price has not escaped this malaise. Whilst it is for markets to decide the valuation of a company, we believe that it is now in shareholders' interests for the Company to obtain authority to make purchases on the stock market. We are therefore today announcing that we are seeking shareholder approval at the forthcoming annual general meeting to apply to the High Court to create sufficient distributable reserves to enable such purchases. We would anticipate that any buyback would increase our net asset value per share. Portfolio Review ToLuna ToLuna is our investee company in online market research services and is our largest investment. Its online panels and technology services for the market research industry now operate in 30 countries. I am delighted to report that ToLuna has had another year of rapid growth and expansion. Its achievement as a company was recognised in July 2008 when l'Entreprise magazine ranked it as the fastest growing company in France from 2004-2007. Eurovestech helped to create ToLuna in 2000. As the sole provider of development capital, we had high hopes for the business from the outset. ToLuna has grown further and faster than we could ever have hoped. For its year to December 2007, ToLuna's sales rose 48 per cent. to £12.5 million, and pretax profits 42 per cent. to £3.2 million. From 2004 to 2007, ToLuna has had remarkable revenue growth of 970 per cent. For the six months to 30 June 2008 ToLuna's sales rose 36 per cent to £8.2 million, pretax profits were marginally ahead at £1.4 million and dividends rose 35 per cent to 0.5p. We acknowledge the achievements of ToLuna's management team. As at 23 September, ToLuna shares traded at 231.5p, valuing the company at £84 million, and Eurovestech's holding at £43 million. The KSS companies KSS Ltd provides pricing and revenue management systems for petrol retailers and refiners and is 100 per cent. owned by Eurovestech. The demerger of KSS Retail from the main KSS fuel pricing business was completed in September 2007. Its objective was to enable each business to focus, to grow independently and to generate additional shareholder value. The focus that the demerger has provided has translated into visible improvements in financial performance. KSS Ltd KSS Ltd is 100 per cent. owned by Eurovestech and has delivered strong growth throughout the year. It ended its own trading year to 30 June 2008 with record revenues and strong profitability. It continued to build on the important agreement with SAP, the world's leading software provider, reached in October 2007, under which KSS is selected by SAP as exclusive provider of pricing management solutions for petrol retailers and refiners. KSS won a series of new contracts from leading companies in the industry including Gulf Oil, Statoil, Fas mart, Susser, and more recently, from one of the world's largest retailing groups. This is in addition to follow-on orders from established customers such as BP and Circle K. KSS Retail KSS Retail offers pricing and revenue optimisation services to supermarkets and other retailers and is 100 per cent. owned by Eurovestech. Against a retailing and economic background that was exceptionally challenging, KSS Retail made progress; it had record revenues for its trading year to 30 June 2008, which were up 77 per cent. from the previous year. It won an important order from Sonae Distribuicao, the Portuguese grocery and retail chain, which represents the largest contract ever won by KSS Retail. In September 2008 KSS Retail won another important contract from United Supermarkets of Texas, USA. Magenta Magenta Corporation is a UK based vendor of advanced software solutions with development centres in Russia. Magenta has made significant progress this year. Its Dynamic Scheduling system has enabled users in the transport industry to make significant improvements in operating efficiency - especially important at this time of greatly increased fuel costs. The system is now being operated by one of the world's leading car rental companies. Magenta is exploring the potential of developing its technology for use in other industries, including online advertising, where it recently won its first contract. Magenta is confident that sales will grow strongly in 2008 and 2009. Following a recent funding, Eurovestech has raised its stake from 41.9 per cent. to 46.9 per cent. of Magenta's fully diluted share capital. ARKeX ARKeX Ltd provides gradiometry imaging for energy and mineral exploration. The company has made substantial progress in an industry where high energy and metal prices have boosted demand. In June 2008, subsequent to our year end, ARKeX raised £15.4 million, the largest venture financing round for a service company in the UK oil and gas exploration sector since 2003. The fundraising was at a significant premium to Eurovestech's cost of investment. Subsequent to this funding, Eurovestech owns 2.4 per cent. of ARKeX's fully diluted share capital. LogNet Information Systems LogNet is a specialist in e-billing systems, which allow customers to review and analyse their bills, and to manage their accounts online. In July 2007 Eurovestech invested £2 million in LogNet, and owns 25.4 per cent. Of LogNet's fully diluted share capital. LogNet's client list already includes leading telecom companies such as Telecom Italia, KPN and Telekom Austria. It is seeking both to increase sales in its existing markets, and to broaden its sales pipeline. The company has been shortlisted for several deals with large international telecoms groups. LogNet formed an emerging markets sales team in the fourth quarter of 2007. This year, LogNet acquired the assets of MaxBill Ltd, an Israeli billing software company whose products complement its own product range. MaxBill was established in 1997, and had invested some $16 million in researching and developing its product suite. LogNet also recruited key MaxBill employees, is integrating the product offering, and is confident the acquisition will accelerate its growth. The Management of LogNet expects a very significant increase in sales for the year to 31 December 2008. We will be working closely with them to assist them in achieving this. MIST Technologies MIST's unique and innovative sound separation technology enables music tracks to be filtered into individual tracks and allows film soundtracks to be remastered for high definition surround sound. The markets which MIST is targeting are both dynamic and evolving. The recent resolution of the HD-DVD/Blu-Ray competition should lead to an increased adoption rate for the new format. We have worked closely with MIST's management and have refined its focus on both its business and consumer product offerings. MIST is at an advanced stage of negotiation of a £2.5 million investment from a financial institution. It is in simultaneous discussions to secure the services of an experienced high-tech industry operator as chief executive. The planned investment is expected to value MIST at a premium to Eurovestech's original cost of investment. Eurovestech currently holds 46 per cent. of MIST's fully diluted share capital. Other portfolio companies Among the more modest holdings in our portfolio, Tevet Process Control Technologies ("Tevet") was acquired in May 2008 by Nanometrics Incorporated in an all-cash asset purchase transaction. Eurovestech held a 1.9 per cent. stake in Tevet at a carrying value of £0.45 million. The sale resulted in a write-down of £0.38 million. D-Pharm Ltd is a developer of innovative lipid-based drugs for cancer and nervous disorders. Eurovestech owns 0.23 per cent. of D-Pharm with a carrying value of £0.1 million. Charitable Donations During the year, Eurovestech issued 500,000 shares to five charitable organisations. From its flotation in 2000, and including the three new donations outlined below, Eurovestech has created and gifted 8.5 million shares to 76 charitable organisations. These have a current stock market value of over £1.4 million. We hope this will encourage other companies to support charities in a similar way. Eurovestech is now donating 100,000 shares each to Teens Unite Fighting Cancer, to ShareGift, the share donation charity, and to the Anthony Nolan Bone Marrow Trust. Application has been made for these shares to be admitted to AIM and it is expected that dealings will commence on 30 September 2008. Richard Bernstein, Chief Executive of the Company, has paid the £3,000 nominal value of the shares to facilitate their issue. Share Buybacks/Incentive Arrangements The board remains very conscious of the level of the share price relative to Eurovestech's assets and the prospects of its portfolio companies. At our 2007 annual general meeting, shareholders approved a resolution enabling the Company to buy back shares through market purchases, subject to its having sufficient distributable reserves. As I have stated, we now intend to seek High Court approval to cancel the share premium account, which will create sufficient distributable reserves to enable buybacks. Following the initial announcement on 3 March 2008, the Company announced on 5 September 2008 that it has entered into conditional employee incentive arrangements with Richard Bernstein and Jean-Michel Petit, the Company's two executive directors. These arrangements are conditional on shareholder approval, which will be sought at our 2008 annual general meeting. Details of these arrangements are included in a circular to shareholders being sent with the Report and Accounts. Prospects We believe that general business conditions in our markets may remain testing in the year ahead. There are few signs yet that the turbulence caused by the credit crunch is abating. In this situation, our executive team will remain focused on delivering the undoubted potential of our portfolio and realising gains in cases where companies have reached the appropriate stage. Our companies have strong proprietary technology and operate in markets that should continue to grow even when underlying economic conditions are challenging. We have experience of stormy weather and know that, while sometimes uncomfortable, it can bring highly rewarding opportunities. With a strong balance sheet and strong cash resources, we are well placed to take advantage of such opportunities for the benefit of our shareholders. Richard Grogan Chairman FURTHER ENQUIRIES Eurovestech plc Richard Bernstein Tel: 020 7491 0770 Chief Executive John East & Partners Limited Simon Clements Tel: 020 7628 2200 AUDITED CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2008 Notes Year to Year to 31 March 31 March 2008 2007 £'000 £'000 Continuing operations Revenue 19,642 15,868 Investment income 160 74 Net (losses) / gains on financial assets (422) 6,372 at fair value Operating expenses (20,542) (16,867) Operating (loss) / profit (1,162) 5,447 Finance income 207 297 Finance costs (166) (88) (Loss) / Profit before tax (1,121) 5,656 Income tax expense 2 (348) (510) (Loss) / Profit for the year (1,469) 5,146 Attributable to: Equity holders of the company (2,561) 4,490 Minority interest 1,092 656 (1,469) 5,146 Earnings per share 3 Basic earnings per share (pence per (0.46) 1.64 share) Diluted earnings per share (pence per (0.46) 1.62 share) AUDITED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF RECOGNISED INCOME AND EXPENSE FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2008 Year to Year to 31 March 31 March 2008 2007 £'000 £'000 (Loss) / Profit for the financial year (1,469) 5,146 Foreign exchange movements 764 218 Total income and expense recognised in the year (705) 5,364 Attributable to: Equity holders of the company (2,602) 4,502 Minority interest 1,897 862 (705) 5,364 AUDITED CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31 MARCH 2008 Notes 31 March 31 March 2008 2007 £'000 £'000 Assets Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment 729 536 Goodwill 2,076 2,076 Other intangible assets 3,386 1,386 Financial assets at fair value through 6,991 4,104 profit or loss Deferred tax asset 1,372 759 14,554 8,861 Current assets Trade and other receivables 7,946 4,957 Financial assets at fair value through 3,840 9,701 profit or loss Cash and cash equivalents 4 6,995 5,117 18,781 19,775 Liabilities Current liabilities Trade and other payables 7,817 8,995 Income tax liabilities 469 440 Borrowings 260 - 8,546 9,435 Net current assets 10,235 10,340 Non-current liabilities Borrowings 115 - Deferred tax liability 309 - Provisions 1,945 1,201 2,369 1,201 Net assets 22,420 18,000 Equity Capital and reserves attributable to the equity holders of the Company Issued capital 3,436 3,156 Share premium 18,680 13,855 Other reserve 291 407 Retained earnings (5,296) (2,828) 17,111 14,590 Minority interest 5,309 3,410 Total equity 22,420 18,000 AUDITED CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2008 Notes Year to Year to 31 March 31 March 2008 2007 £'000 £'000 Cash flows from operating activities (Loss) / Profit for the period before (1,121) 5,656 taxation Adjustments for: Net finance cost (41) (209) Depreciation of property, plant and 347 170 equipment Amortisation of intangible assets 1,142 629 Gains on financial assets (94) (6,511) Impairment of financial assets 516 139 Loss on disposal of property, plant and (51) - equipment Movement on provision 648 600 Investment income (160) (74) Share based payments 224 409 Increase in trade and other receivables (2,989) (1,856) Decrease / Increase in trade and other (381) 2,980 payables Net cash (used in) / generated from (1,960) 1,933 operations Finance costs (70) (43) Income tax (paid) / refunded (623) 40 Net cash (used in) / generated by (2,653) 1,930 operating activities Cash flows from investing activities Finance income 207 297 Purchase of property, plant and (588) (308) equipment Purchase of intangible assets (3,143) (1,290) Dividends received 160 74 Disposal of financial assets 68,339 28,287 Purchase of financial assets (65,843) (27,990) Net cash used in investing activities (868) (930) Cash flows from financing activities Finance lease capital repayments (65) - Finance lease loan drawn down 305 - Dividends paid to minority interest (155) - Proceeds from issue of equity shares 5,011 21 Net cash generated by financing 5,096 21 activities Net increase in cash and cash 1,575 1,021 equivalents Exchange movements 168 17 Cash and cash equivalents at the start 5,117 4,079 of the year Cash and cash equivalents at the end of 4 6,860 5,117 the year NOTES TO THE PRELIMINARY RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2008 1. BASIS OF PREPARATION The consolidated financial statements are for the year ended 31 March 2008. They have been prepared in compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) and International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) interpretations as adopted by the European Union as at 31 March 2008. The consolidated financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention as modified by the revaluation of certain financial instruments and share based payments. The Group has also elected to designate all associate sized investments as at fair value through profit or loss, thereby adopting the exemption in IAS 28 `Investments in associates' for venture capital organisations. In the current year the Group has adopted International Financial Reporting Standards for the first time and has applied IFRS 1 `First time adoption of IFRS' from the transition date of 1 April 2006. The financial information set out above does not constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the years ended 31 March 2007 and 2008, but is derived from those accounts. Statutory accounts for 2007 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and those for 2008 will be delivered following the Company's Annual General Meeting. The Auditors have reported on those accounts; their reports were unqualified and did not contain statements under the Companies Act 1985, sections 237(2) or (3). 2. INCOME TAX EXPENSE 2008 2007 £000 £000 Current Tax: UK corporation tax on profits for the year 578 405 Overseas tax 74 99 Total current taxation 652 504 Deferred tax (304) 6 Taxation 348 510 The tax assessed for the year is different from the standard rate of corporation tax as applied in the respective trading domains where the Group operates. The differences are explained below: 2008 2007 £000 £000 (Loss) / Profit before tax (1,121) 5,656 (Loss) / Profit before tax multiplied by the (336) 1,697 respective standard rate of corporation tax applicable in the UK (30%) (2007: 30%) Effects of: Non-deductible expenses 222 238 Other temporary differences 550 1,002 R & D tax credits (88) (370) Partial sale of investment in subsidiary covered - (2,057) by substantial shareholder exemption Tax charge for the year 348 510 3. EARNINGS PER SHARE 2008 2007 £000 £000 (Loss) / Profit for the year attributable to (1,469) 5,146 equity shareholders Earnings per share Basic earnings per share (pence) (0.46) 1.64 Diluted earnings per share (pence) (0.46) 1.62 Shares Shares Issued ordinary shares at start of the year 315,622,801 313,522,801 Ordinary shares issued in the year 28,000,000 2,100,000 Issued ordinary shares at end of the year 343,622,801 315,622,801 Weighted average number of shares in issue for 318,952,036 314,210,198 the year. Dilutive effect of options - 4,285,826 Weighted average shares for diluted earnings per 318,952,036 318,496,024 share The diluted loss per share does not differ from the basic loss per share as the exercise of share options would have the effect of reducing the loss per share and is therefore not dilutive under the terms of IAS 33. 4. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 2008 2007 £000 £000 Cash at bank and in hand 1,576 3,720 Money market deposit 5,229 1,000 Short term bank deposits 190 397 Cash and cash equivalents 6,995 5,117 Overdrafts (135) - Cash and cash equivalents per cashflow 6,860 5,117 5. DIVIDEND No dividends were paid or proposed in respect of the year ended 31 March 2008. 6. NOTICE OF MEETING Notice of the Annual General Meeting of the Company, to be held at the offices of the Company at 29 Curzon Street, London W1J 7TL on 28 October 2008 at 11 a.m., will be posted to shareholders accompanying copies of the Report and Accounts and will shortly be available on the Company's website at 7. COPIES OF THE REPORT & ACCOUNTS Copies of the Report and Accounts will be posted to shareholders shortly, will be available from the Company's registered office 29 Curzon Street, London W1J 7TL and will be available from the Company's website
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