Final Results

Feedback plc Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 March 2003 Chairman's Statement I am pleased to report that the improving trend in the fortunes of the Group continued to the end of the year. Turnover has now increased in each of the past four six month periods despite some difficult trading conditions in key overseas markets. The Group made a profit before tax of £178,500 from turnover of £10,557,700, which was up 19 % on the previous year. Export business continues to account for over half the Group's turnover with equipment sales in over 60 countries. Of particular note was the performance of TekniCAL which became a wholly owned subsidiary towards the end of the previous financial year. It has substantially increased turnover and reported a healthy profit for the year. Feedback Instruments Limited Despite some very sensitive political problems, the Company traded well in areas where one might have expected difficulties. The Middle East made a very good contribution to the year and political uncertainties notwithstanding, should continue in a positive vein. The rebuilding of the educational infrastructure in Iraq may well present major opportunities for us as, historically, Iraq was one of our best markets prior to the first Gulf War in 1991. The Company secured good business in Central and South America, reflecting the commitment made by the Company over the last few years to this region. Prospects for the future in these markets remain very encouraging. The Far East, excluding China, achieved budgeted levels of business and prospects remain promising. China was expected to contribute significantly but business was delayed due to budgetary problems. The Company is expecting substantial business in the coming year. In the UK our marketing and sales commitment continued and although business during the year was marginally below expectations, prospects for the coming year are encouraging. The strategy of marketing complete laboratory solutions is beginning to show results. Much of the UK, Middle East and Far East business was for integrated mixed technology laboratories, where the management of the facilities via intranet and internet based systems is achieved through the Company's Discovery Manager system. TekniCAL Limited In the year under review the Company continued to make good progress by securing additional business in its key UK Further Education market together with follow on sales from existing customers. A significant proportion of sales are now on an annual licence basis thereby generating a future revenue stream for the Company. During the year the Company commenced wholesale supply of product through strategic partners to address eLearning within the School Sector. The product is a modified Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) and the Company offers, through this VLE, educational content to support Key Stage learning. The Company was successful in securing business from several regional NHS authorities. Products supplied included the VLE, standard educational content and bespoke course material specifically designed to meet the needs of the NHS and delivered through their intranet. The Company continued to invest heavily in development and within the last quarter brought a range of new products to market. Of particular note is a Virtual Learning Support Centre (VLSC), which integrates the VLE into a number of support technologies including call centre telephony. The first installed system is now operative in a large private training provider. A further group of new products has also been released to support the production and storage of eLearning content by existing customers. The market for intranet and internet based Virtual Learning continues to grow with many new market sectors now embracing eLearning technology. The Company individually and through partnerships is well positioned to take advantage of these growth opportunities. Feedback Incorporated The Company had an excellent first half-year. This encouraging performance continued into the second half of the year but there was a marked slowdown in the last quarter caused by uncertainties in State budgets and concerns over the situation in Iraq. Of particular encouragement was the continued and increasing level of sales achieved through representatives. The strategy of working more closely with active representatives over recent years is now producing real benefits. New products from Feedback Instruments continue to be well accepted. In particular the range of enhanced Power and Machines equipment has been installed in a number of prestigious establishments throughout the country. Further products, from outside suppliers, complementary to our range have been introduced. This increases turnover and enhances the Company's profile. Feedback Data Limited This Company, with its German subsidiary, operated close to breakeven on turnover similar to the previous year. The Company is due to release a new data capture terminal during the coming year. This product has been a substantial development and incorporates many innovative facilities together with internet-based communication technologies. Initial exposure of the prototype device has been well received. The Company continues to develop new hardware and software products to create direct sales opportunities outside its traditional data capture terminal market where products are typically sold through Value Added Resellers. Solutions for staff scheduling and for food temperature monitoring have seen significant interest from the care home and leisure sectors, which has highlighted opportunities for additional modules in these markets. These new product developments will enable the Company to augment its profile in its traditional markets and to develop new business in other areas. Current Trading and Future Prospects Trading in the first quarter of the current year has been below expectations. Prospects for the full year depend, as always, on securing the anticipated level of business. Feedback Instruments, through its restructured sales organisation, has identified, and is confident of winning, a number of large contracts in overseas markets. Continued product development, combined with the launch of a number of new products, means that we are well placed to support an improvement in the Group's fortunes. Dividend Your Board is not recommending that a dividend be paid on the ordinary shares (2002:nil). Directors and Staff I would like to refer to the Board changes which have occurred since my last Report. I am very pleased that Tom Charlton has joined the Board as a non-executive Director. He has already made a valuable contribution and brought a new perspective to bear. Roger Barnett retired as Group Managing Director at the end of December after 35 years of service. During that time, he developed a great knowledge and experience of all aspects of our Group. However, his outstanding contribution has been to guide and 'hold together' our Company over recent years when so many others in similar situations have failed. We shall miss him very much and wish him well in his retirement. At the same time we are pleased that David Sawyer is our new Group Managing Director and welcome him back to the U.K. after his successful spell in looking after our U.S. business. We wish him every success. In addition to Roger and David, we owe the Directors, both on the Main and Subsidiary Boards and all our staff our thanks. They have worked hard and loyally in achieving the better results shown by this year's accounts. D H Harding Chairman 14th July 2003 FEEDBACK PLC CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Year ended 31 March 2003 Total Total 2003 2002 £000 £000 Turnover: Group and share of joint venture 10,557.7 8,908.2 Less: Share of joint venture's turnover - (146.2) GROUP TURNOVER 10,557.7 8,762.0 Cost of Sales (5,111.6) (4,771.6) Gross profit 5,446.1 3,990.4 Other operating expenses (5,231.2) (4,297.9) Operating profit /(loss) 214.9 (307.5) Share of operating (loss) of joint venture - (301.9) Profit /(loss) on ordinary activities before interest 214.9 (609.4) and tax Net interest (payable) / receivable (36.4) 16.4 PROFIT / (LOSS) ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION 178.5 (593.0) Tax on profit / (loss) on ordinary activities (39.7) 5.2 PROFIT / (LOSS) ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES AFTER TAXATION 138.8 (587.8) Dividends (non-equity) (98.6) (97.7) RETAINED PROFIT / (LOSS) 40.2 (685.5) EARNINGS / (LOSS) PER SHARE (pence) Basic 0.34 p (5.7) p Diluted 0.34 p (5.7) p FEEDBACK PLC CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET at 31 March 2003 2003 2002 £000 £000 Fixed Assets Intangible assets 656.7 695.2 Tangible assets 619.5 607.7 1276.2 1,302.9 Current assets Stocks 1,356.6 1,810.3 Debtors 4,349.8 3,305.5 Cash at bank and in hand 360.7 365.3 6,067.1 5,481.1 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year Borrowings (132.3) (264.6) Other creditors (2,879.4) (2,319.7) (3011.7) (2,584.3) Net current assets 3,055.4 2,896.8 Total assets less current liabilities 4,331.6 4,199.7 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year Borrowings (249.9) (338.6) 4,081.7 3,861.1 CAPITAL AND RESERVES Called up share capital 2,055.2 2,055.2 Share premium accounts 367.3 24.8 Revaluation account 369.4 268.8 Capital reserve 299.9 299.9 Other reserve - 342.5 Profit and loss account 989.9 869.9 Total reserves 2,026.5 1,805.9 4,081.7 3,861.1 Included within shareholders' funds is an amount of £789,626 (2002 - £777,447) in respect of non-equity interests. FEEDBACK PLC CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT Year ended 31 March 2003 2003 2002 £000 £000 Net cash inflow / (outflow) from operating activities 412.5 (204.0) Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest received 0.4 19.0 Interest paid (36.8) (2.6) Non equity dividends paid (86.3) (86.6) Net cash outflow from returns on investments and (122.7) (70.2) servicing of finance 289.8 (274.2) Corporation tax recovered 0.0 17.5 Capital expenditure and financial investment Purchase of tangible fixed assets (83.7) (90.1) Sales of tangible fixed assets 10.3 17.9 Net cash outflow from capital expenditure and (73.4) (72.2) financial investment Acquisitions and disposals Purchase of subsidiary undertaking - (135.0) Net overdraft acquired with subsidiary - (165.0) Net cash outflow from acquisitions and disposals - (300.0) Net cash inflow / (outflow) before management of 216.4 (628.9) liquid resources and financing Management of liquid resources Treasury deposit - 450.0 Financing New bank loan advanced - 250.0 Repayments of bank and other loans (67.0) (30.0) Capital element of finance leases and rental payments (9.2) 17.8 Net cash (outflow) / inflow from financing (76.2) 237.8 Increase in cash in the year 140.2 58.9 FEEDBACK PLC CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES Year ended 31 March 2003 Group Group 2003 2002 £000 £000 Profit / (loss) for the financial year - parent and subsidiaries 138.8 (285.9) - joint venture - (301.9) Unrealised surplus on revaluation of land and buildings 100.5 - Total gains / (losses) for the year before currency 239.3 (587.8) adjustments Currency translation differences on foreign currency net 67.6 192.1 investments Total recognised gains / (losses) for the year 306.9 (395.7) Notes 1. Earnings per share Basic earnings per share for the year ended 31 March 2003 is based on the Group profit on ordinary activities after taxation and preference dividends of £ 40,200 (2002 - loss of £685,500) attributed to 11,920,181 Ordinary Shares, being the weighted average number of shares in issue throughout the year (2002 - 11,902,989). The diluted earnings per share is calculated allowing for both the full conversion of the Preference Shares and the full exercise of outstanding share options. However, in accordance with Financial Reporting Standard 14, as neither of these conversions have a dilutive effect the earnings per share figure remains unaltered. The Other Reserve, which is non-distributable, arises on the conversion of Preference Shares into Ordinary Shares and has now been transferred to the Share Premium Account. The financial information for the year ended 31 March 2002 is extracted from the Group's financial statements to that date which received an unqualified auditor's report and have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The financial information for the year ended 31 March 2003 is extracted from the Group's financial statements to that date which received an unqualified audit report and will be filed with the Registrar of Companies. The Report and Accounts will be posted to shareholders in due course and the Annual General Meeting will be held at 11.00 a.m. on 29 August 2003. Enquiries: Mr David Sawyer Group Managing Director Feedback plc Tel. 01892 653322


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