Annual Financial Report

FIDELITY ASIAN VALUES PLC ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT, PROXY FORM AND ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURES TO THE PRELIMINARY RESULTS FOR THE YEAR TO 31 July 2010 Further to the voluntary disclosure of the Company's annual results for the year ended 31 July 2010 by way of a preliminary announcement dated 23 September 2010, in accordance with the Disclosure and Transparency Rules ("the Rules") 4.1.3 and 6.3.5(2) this announcement contains the text of the preliminary announcement dated 23 September 2010 together with the additional text in compliance with the Rules. The Company's annual report and financial statements for the year ended 31 July 2010 together with the accompanying proxy form have been submitted to the UK Listing Authority, and will shortly be available for inspection on the National Storage Mechanism (NSM): (Documents will usually be available for inspection within two business days of this notice being given) The annual report and financial statements will shortly be available on the Company's website at Rebecca Tyerman, FIL Investments International, Company Secretary - 01737 837 758 14 October 2010 Chairman's Statement PERFORMANCE The year under review has been positive for the Company. The undiluted net asset value increased by 27.8%, compared to the performance of the MSCI All Countries (Combined) Far East ex Japan Index which returned 19.8% over the same period. (All figures in sterling terms and on a total return basis). At the time of writing, the Company's ordinary share price is 189.25p. SUBSCRIPTION SHARE ISSUE During the year, a General meeting of the Company was held on 4 March 2010 and a resolution was passed authorising a Bonus Issue of one subscription share for every five ordinary shares held by qualifying shareholders. Each subscription share gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to subscribe for one ordinary share at the end of each month from the end of May 2010 until the end of May 2013 inclusive. Each subscription share may be exercised only once. The exercise price is 191.00 pence per share based on the Company's NAV at 5.00 pm on 4 March 2010, plus a 1% premium to such NAV, rounded up to the nearest whole penny. A total of 12,188,212 subscription shares were allotted to the qualifying shareholders and dealings commenced in these shares on 8 March 2010. A total of 36,342 ordinary shares have been allotted following the exercise of the rights attached to these subscription shares at the end of each month from May to July 2010. ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION At the General Meeting of the Company held on 4 March 2010 shareholders approved the adoption of new Articles of Association of the Company, required largely to reflect the implementation of the Companies Act 2006 and the rights attaching to the subscription shares. GEARING The Company entered into a 364 day revolving credit facility with ING Bank N.V. on 3 February 2010 for an amount of up to US$15 million. This followed the repayment of the Lloyds TSB Bank PLC loan of US$11 million on 25 September 2009. The Company announced on 12 April 2010 that US$9 million had been drawn down. The Board continues to review the gearing position on a regular basis and believes the ability to gear will add value over the long term. As at 31 July 2010 gross gearing was 4.9% of shareholders' funds and net gearing (after deducting cash held) was 3.8%. The current net gearing parameters set by the Board are between 0% and 10%. DIRECTORATE AND GOVERNANCE During the year, Sir Robin McLaren and Sir Victor Garland both retired from the Board. It is with great sadness that I record the recent death of Sir Robin who retired from the Board following the 2009 Annual General Meeting. Sir Robin's extensive Far Eastern experience contributed greatly to the Company and he will be missed both professionally and personally. Sir Victor retired from the Board on 3 June 2010. A Director of the Company since launch, Sir Victor served as Chairman of the Board from 2000 to 2010. The Board wishes to thank him for his committed stewardship of the Company whilst Chairman and important contribution to the Company's business during his 15 years of service. His colleagues wish him well in his retirement. To ensure the Board continues to strengthen its skills and experience, two new non-executive Directors of the Company were appointed with effect from 1 January 2010. Mrs Kate Bolsover and Mr Philip Smiley both have extensive experience in the financial services industry and the Far East. In accordance with the Company's Articles of Association, Kate Bolsover and Philip Smiley will seek formal appointment to the Board at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting. Following Sir Victor's retirement, I was appointed as Chairman of the Board with effect from 3 June 2010. Kate Bolsover was, in turn, appointed Chairman of the Audit Committee and William Knight was appointed Senior Independent Director on 3 June 2010, both roles having previously been held by me. In accordance with the Listing Rules, Kathryn Matthews, following an evaluation of her performance by her fellow Directors and on their recommendation, will seek re-election at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting. Kathryn Matthews retired from her executive responsibilities at Fidelity in October 2009 and seeks annual re-election due to her recent employment relationship with the Manager. Both William Knight and I are subject to retirement by rotation and we will both also be seeking re-election at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting. The Directors have a wide range of appropriate skills and experience to make up a balanced Board for your Company. The Board continues to monitor corporate governance issues, reviewing and updating processes as appropriate. DIVIDEND In accordance with the Company's objective for long term capital growth, the Board has agreed that there will be no dividend paid for the year ended 31 July 2010. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The 2010 Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 29 November 2010 at Fidelity's Cannon Street office commencing at 11.00 am. All shareholders and Fidelity Savings Plan and ISA Scheme investors are invited to attend. The Portfolio Manager will be making a presentation on the year under review and immediate prospects for the Company. OUTLOOK Relative to the rest of the world, Asia remains a region with potential for sustainable earnings growth. The region continues to attract investors thanks to its substantial stimulus measures introduced in 2009 and healthy financial systems. Central banks continue to maintain a vigilant stance against inflation with precautionary tightening measures in place. Further capital raisings could trigger market volatility; however stocks with quality earnings should perform well. Earnings to date have been encouraging and investment performance is expected to remain strong as prospects improve. Mr Hugh Bolland Chairman 22 September 2010 Enquiries: Chris Davies - Head of Investment Trusts, FIL Investments International - 01737 837 723 Anne Read - Corporate Communications, FIL Investments International - 0207 961 4409 Rebecca Tyerman - Assistant Company Secretary, FIL Investments International - 01737 837 758 MANAGER'S REVIEW MARKETS Stock markets in Far East ex Japan rose over the twelve month review period, underpinned by growing confidence about the prospects of a sustainable global economic recovery. Credit markets began to thaw and the outlook for Asia and the world economy improved. At the same time, positive earnings from a number of regional companies led to an upward revision in forecasts. Indonesia and Thailand equity markets were among the best performing in the region, favoured for their robust domestic activity. Indonesia generated positive returns, helped by a ratings upgrade by Moody's and growth in consumer demand. Thai equities were resilient after the government overcame some of its political problems. Malaysian stocks rose as Chinese investment funds were allowed to flow into its capital market. However, Chinese equities underperformed average regional returns, as a strong recovery raised concerns about monetary tightening. Investors were also wary of a slow down in lending growth and increased share supply on account of several initial public offers. Meanwhile, fears about a default on debt obligations by Dubai briefly impacted share prices. The persistent debt crisis in Europe, mixed economic data from the US and China's steps to curb speculative activity in the property market also dampened investor sentiment in Asia. However, information technology companies in South Korea and Taiwan benefited from restocking demand. The surge in consumer confidence and continued fiscal incentives were supportive of companies related to consumer and household spending. Investors favoured sectors whose earnings are directly linked to strong economic growth. Consequently, while all sectors posted double digit returns, telecommunications stocks lagged due to the defensive nature of their earnings. Manufacturing data, including China's Purchasing Managers' Index, pointed to an upbeat momentum. Improved consumer confidence, a result of increased employment, translated into higher retail sales across the region, even as inflation edged higher albeit from low levels. China boosted the reserve requirement for banks, while interest rates were increased in Taiwan, Korea, Malaysia and India. PORTFOLIO REVIEW The Company's exposure to internet related businesses has had a significant positive influence on relative returns. The Manager favours this sector due to rapidly increasing internet penetration and consumerism in China. Over the period, a non-benchmark position in Chinese-language online search engine Baidu was the single largest contributor. The company benefited from growing market share, partly due to Google's exit from the Chinese market and increased advertising revenue. Similarly, the overweight position in online social networking company Tencent Holdings benefited Company returns due to solid earnings given the increased monetisation of services, new games for children and a loyal user base. Both stocks were also favoured for their new deals to develop middleware applications for 3G mobile phones. In addition, the new acquisition of Korea based internet and television shopping firm CJ O Shopping boosted the position, supported by improving consumer confidence. Within the consumer sector, strong profits and good brand recognition led to improved performance by ladies' footwear manufacturer in China, Belle International. Hong Kong listed global merchandise trader Li & Fung, which is the largest supplier to Walmart and Tesco, proved rewarding due to new contracts at the company. Korean cosmetics company AmorePacific Corporation, Indonesia based tobacco company Gudang Garam and noodle producer Indofood Sukses Makmur were also favoured for their resilient businesses. In addition, selected positions in the materials sector such as nonbenchmark exposure to Lock&Lock and Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa made impressive gains. Whilst all sectors contributed to relative returns over the period, performance in the energy sector lagged. Stock selection in demand driven technology hardware and consumer apparel companies also succumbed to valuation concerns after valuations rose significantly. Stocks, specifically holdings in LCD panel manufacturer AU Optronics, fell despite rising demand. A number of positions were added from the travel and tourism industry; in particular, Korea based Hotel Shilla, a Samsung Group affiliate with a strong revenue potential. The Company also invested in Malaysia listed casino operator Genting in view of greater recognition of the strong operational performance of Resorts World Singapore, also owned by the Genting Group. Selected names were added in the industrials sector, while maintaining the underweight position at the aggregate level. An investment was made in Sarin Technologies, which is engaged in the development and manufacture of precision technology products for processing diamonds and gems. Shares were purchased in Hong Kong listed commodity trader Noble Group and gold producer Zhaojin Mining Industry in China. However, holdings in financials became increasingly underweight. Holdings in Hong Kong based property developer Sun Hung Kai Properties and Cheung Kong were also sold off due to limited upside opportunities. Some of the proceeds were used to buy a stake in China Overseas Land and Investment which exhibits strong execution capability and has access to a large land bank in China. It also has the highest earnings visibility among its peers. OUTLOOK FOR THE REGION Asia has not yet felt any significant impact from fiscal austerity nor the strains on Eurozone banking systems. The region remains attractive due to its generally healthy financial systems and solid fundamentals. Domestic demand remains robust, supported by low debt and high savings, all of which are likely to support a multi-year growth cycle. Regional equities are likely to remain volatile in the near term as the region is not completely immune from a potential Eurozone or global downturn. Inflation could squeeze the profit margins of firms that are unable to pass on rising costs. Far East ex Japan markets could, however, outperform their global counterparts on the strength of their superior corporate performance and superior economic fundamentals. Companies with strong balance sheets and healthy valuations are favoured, notably in selected stocks in economies that are growing at a rapid pace, where we are beginning to see more attractive valuations emerge. Overall, the Manager remains cautiously optimistic given the strong market rise last year and stimulus withdrawal. FIL Investments International 22 September 2010 PRINCIPAL RISKS AND UNCERTAINTIES The Board confirms that there is an ongoing process for identifying, evaluating and managing or monitoring the principal risks which fall under the general headings of strategic, operational and management. This process is regularly reviewed by the Board in accordance with the Financial Reporting Council's document Internal Control: Revised Guidance for Directors on the Combined Code. An internal controls report, which includes a risk matrix and the assessment of risks applicable to the Company, is prepared by the Manager and considered by the Audit Committee. Risks are identified, introduced and graded and this process, together with the policies and procedures for the mitigation of risks, is updated and the report is reviewed twice a year. The Board reviews and agrees policies, which have remained unchanged since the beginning of the accounting period, for managing risks and summaries of these are set out below. Market risks The Company's assets consist mainly of listed securities and the principal risks are therefore market related such as market recessions, interest rate movements, deflation/inflation, terrorism and protectionism. Risks to which the Company is exposed and which form part of the market risks category are included in Note 17 to the financial statements on pages 44 to 49 together with summaries of the policies for managing these risks. These comprise: market price risk (made up of other price risk, interest rate risk and foreign currency risk); liquidity risk; counterparty risk and credit risk. The Company has a 364 day revolving credit facility in place with ING Bank N.V. The extent to which any loan facilities are retained or renewed is always kept under the most careful scrutiny. The impact of limited finance from counterparties including suppliers has not impacted the Company to date, however there are alternative suppliers available in the market place should the need arise. The Company relies on a number of main service providers, namely the Manager, Registrar and Custodian. The Manager is a member of a privately owned group of companies on which a regular report is provided to the Board. The Manager, Registrar and Custodian are subject to regular audits by Fidelity's internal audit team and the counterparties' own internal controls reports are received by the Board and any concerns investigated. Performance risks The achievement of the Company's performance objective relative to the market involves risk. Strategy, asset allocation and stock selection might lead to under performance of the benchmark Index and target. Monitoring of these risks is carried out by the Board which, at each Board meeting, considers the asset allocation of the portfolio and the risks associated with particular countries and industry sectors within the parameters of the investment objective. The Portfolio Manager is responsible for actively managing the portfolio selected in accordance with the asset allocation parameters and seeks to ensure that individual stocks meet an acceptable risk-reward profile. The NAV of the Company is published each working day. Income - dividends risks The Company's objective of long term capital growth relies less on income to support dividends than investment trust companies with a more income oriented target. Nevertheless, generating income to meet expenses and provide adequate reserves is subject to the risk that income generation from its investments fails to meet the level required. The Board monitors this risk through the receipt of detailed income reports and forecasts which are considered at each meeting. Share price risks The price of the Company's shares relative to the benchmark Index and in absolute terms, as well as its discount to NAV, are not factors the Company is able to control. Some short term influence over the discount may be exercised by the use of share repurchases at acceptable prices. The Company's ordinary share price, subscription share price, NAV and discount volatility are monitored daily by the Manager and considered by the Board at each of its meetings. Gearing risks The Company has the option to invest up to the total of its loan facility in equities. In a rising market the Company would benefit but in a falling market the impact would be detrimental. In order to manage the level of gearing the Board regularly considers this item and sets gearing limits accordingly. The Portfolio Manager follows these and may invest part of the loan facility in Fidelity Institutional Liquidity Fund plc and short term cash deposits to control the level of net gearing. Control systems risks The Company is dependent on the Manager's control systems and those of its Custodian and Registrars, both of which are monitored and managed by the Manager in the context of the Company's assets and interests on behalf of the Board. The security of the Company's assets, dealing procedures and the maintenance of investment trust status under s1158 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010, among other things, rely on the effective operation of such systems. These are regularly tested and a programme of internal audits is carried out by the Manager to maintain standards. Other risks Other risks monitored on a regular basis include loan covenants, which are subject to daily monitoring, together with the Company's cash position, and the continuation vote (at a time of poor performance). RELATED PARTIES All of the Directors are considered by the Board to be independent of management with the exception of Kathryn Matthews due to her recent relationship with the manager. No Director is under a contract of service with the Company and no contracts existed during or at the end of the financial period in which any Director was materially interested and which was significant in relation to the Company's business. There have been no other related party transactions requiring disclosure under Financial Reporting Standard ("FRS") 8. STATEMENT OF DIRECTORS' RESPONSIBILITIES The Directors are responsible for preparing the annual report and the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and regulations. Company law requires the Directors to prepare financial statements for each financial year. Under that law they have elected to prepare the financial statements in accordance with UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice. The financial statements are required by law to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company and of the profit or loss for the period. In preparing these financial statements, the Directors are required to: • select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; • make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; • state whether applicable UK Accounting Standards have been followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements; and • prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the Company will continue in business. The Directors are responsible for ensuring that adequate accounting records are kept which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Company and to enable them to ensure that its financial statements comply with the Companies Act 2006. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities. Under applicable law and regulations the Directors are also responsible for preparing a Directors' Report, including a Business Review, a Directors' Remuneration Report and a Corporate Governance Statement that comply with that law and those regulations. The Directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the corporate and financial information included on the Company's website Legislation in the UK governing the preparation and dissemination of financial statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions. We confirm that to the best of our knowledge: the financial statements, prepared in accordance with the applicable set of accounting standards, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the Company; and the Directors' Report includes a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the Company together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties it faces. Approved by the Board on 22 September 2010 and signed on its behalf by Hugh Bolland Chairman FIDELITY ASIAN VALUES PLC Income Statement for the year ended 31 July 2010 2010 2009 revenue capital total revenue capital total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Gains on investments designated - 25,432 25,432 - 9,210 9,210 at fair value through profit or loss Income - Overseas dividends 2,256 - 2,256 2,626 - 2,626 - Overseas scrip dividends 190 - 190 84 - 84 - Deposit interest - - - 55 - 55 - Interest on VAT recovered on - - - 2 - 2 investment management fee Investment management fee (1,161) - (1,161) (861) - (861) Other expenses (799) - (799) (402) - (402) Exchange gains on other net 9 181 190 153 1,972 2,125 assets Exchange losses on loan - (178) (178) - (1,409) (1,409) Net return before finance costs 495 25,435 25,930 1,657 9,773 11,430 and taxation Interest payable on loan (131) - (131) (444) - (444) Net return on ordinary 364 25,435 25,799 1,213 9,773 10,986 activities before taxation Taxation on return on ordinary (200) - (200) (233) - (233) activities* Net return on ordinary 164 25,435 25,599 980 9,773 10,753 activities after taxation for the year Return per ordinary share 0.27p 41.73p 42.00p 1.49p 14.85p 16.34p A Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses has not been prepared as there are no gains and losses other than those reported in this Income Statement. The total column of the Income Statement is the profit and loss account of the Company. All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the year. * this relates to overseas taxation only FIDELITY ASIAN VALUES PLC Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds for the year ended 31 July 2010 share capital other non- share premium redemption distributable other capital revenue total capital account reserve reserve reserve reserve reserve equity Notes £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Opening shareholders' 25,789 15,359 5,034 7,367 44,143 37,750 499 135,941 funds: 1 August 2008 Net recognised - - - - - 9,773 - 9,773 capital gains for the year Share premium account - (15,359) - - 15,359 - - - cancelled Capital redemption - - (13,803) - 13,803 - - - reserve cancelled Repurchase of (238) - 238 - (988) - - (988) ordinary shares Ordinary shares (10,316) - 10,316 - (52,153) - - (52,153) cancelled on completion of the Tender Offer Costs associated with - - - - (842) - - (842) the Tender Offer Loan redemption costs - - - - (83) - - (83) Net revenue after - - - - - - 980 980 taxation for the year Dividend paid to 7 - - - - - - (494) (494) shareholders Closing shareholders' 15,235 - 1,785 7,367 19,239 47,523 985 92,134 funds: 31 July 2009 Net recognised 13 - - - - - 25,435 - 25,435 capital gains for the year Bonus issue of 13 609 - - - (609) - - - subscription shares Exercise of rights 13 (2) 2 - - - - - - attached to subscription shares and conversion into ordinary shares Issue of ordinary 13 9 60 - - - - - 69 shares on exercise of rights attached to subscription shares Net revenue after 13 - - - - - - 164 164 taxation for the year Dividend paid to 7 - - - - - - (609) (609) shareholders Closing shareholders' 15,851 62 1,785 7,367 18,630 72,958 540 117,193 funds: 31 July 2010 FIDELITY ASIAN VALUES PLC Balance Sheet as at 31 July 2010 2010 2009 Notes £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Investments designated at fair value through 9 121,786 98,131 profit or loss Current assets Debtors 10 1,187 1,161 Cash at bank 1,272 425 2,459 1,586 Creditors - amounts falling due within one year Fixed rate unsecured loan 11 (5,729) (6,584) Other creditors 11 (1,323) (999) (7,052) (7,583) Net current liabilities (4,593) (5,997) Total net assets 117,193 92,134 Capital and reserves Share capital 12 15,851 15,235 Share premium account 13 62 - Capital redemption reserve 13 1,785 1,785 Other non-distributable reserve 13 7,367 7,367 Other reserve 13 18,630 19,239 Capital reserve 13 72,958 47,523 Revenue reserve 13 540 985 Total equity shareholders' funds 117,193 92,134 Net asset value per ordinary share Basic 14 192.19p 151.18p Diluted 14 191.99p n/a The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 22 September 2010 and were signed on its behalf by: Hugh Bolland, Chairman FIDELITY ASIAN VALUES PLC Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31 July 2010 2010 2009 Notes £'000 £'000 Operating activities Investment income received 2,257 2,655 Deposit interest received - 68 Investment management fee paid (1,145) (1,268) Directors' fees paid (93) (93) Other cash payments (720) (337) Net cash inflow from operating activities 15 299 1,025 Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest paid (215) (495) Net cash outflow from returns on investments and (215) (495) servicing of finance Financial investment Purchase of investments (91,819) (47,992) Disposal of investments 94,199 97,560 Net cash inflow from financial investment 2,380 49,568 Dividend paid to shareholders 7 (609) (494) Net cash inflow before use of financing 1,855 49,604 Financing Exercise of subscription share rights 52 - Repurchase of ordinary shares - (988) Ordinary shares cancelled on completion of the - (52,995) Tender Offer Loan redemption costs on completion of the Tender - (83) Offer 2.65% fixed rate unsecured credit facility drawn 16 5,857 - down 5.60% fixed rate unsecured loan repaid 16 (6,890) (3,912) Net cash outflow from financing (981) (57,978) Increase/(decrease) in cash 16 874 (8,374) The above statements have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies as set out in annual financial statements to 31 July 2010. This preliminary statement, which has been agreed with the Auditor, was approved by the Board on 22 September 2010. It is not the Company's statutory financial statements. The statutory financial statements for the financial year ended 31 July 2009 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The statutory financial statements for the financial year ended 31 July 2010 have been approved and audited but have not yet been filed. The statutory financial statements for the financial years ended 31 July 2009 and 31 July 2010 received unqualified audit reports, did not include a reference to any matters to which the auditors drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying the report and did not contain statements under section 498 (2) and (3) of the Companies Act 2006. The annual report and financial statements will be posted to shareholders as soon as is practicable and in any event no later than 28 October 2010.
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