Final Results

FIDELITY ASIAN VALUES PLC Preliminary Announcement of Unaudited Results For the year ended 31 July 2006 Please note that past performance is not a guide to future returns. The value of investments can go down as well as up and may be affected by exchange rate fluctuations. Chairman's Statement Performance and Markets The year under review has been positive for the Company. The undiluted net asset value increased by 11.7%, compared to the performance of the MSCI All Countries (Combined) Far East ex Japan Index which returned 9.2% in sterling terms over the same period. The share price rose by 11.8% and the discount to diluted net asset value narrowed to 7.3%. In the comparatively short term covered by the year under review mixed returns were delivered by Asian region stock markets but all, other than Taiwan, finished in positive territory in sterling terms. The correction in the final quarter of the Company's year was expected by investors in the region given the pressures from sustained high oil prices and rising interest rates globally. The broad based sell down took place across several emerging markets but one of the hardest hit, Korea, enjoyed an early equity rebound helped by consumer spending, gradual diversification in exports and increased competitiveness. Among individual markets, China was one of the strongest performers rising over 27% in sterling terms. Global investors were encouraged by the continuing programme of reform measures including regulatory changes intended to decrease government holdings in traded companies and move to a more market friendly environment. Similarly, transparency and corporate governance continued to improve. Of the smaller markets Indonesia posted the strongest returns rising over 20% in sterling terms. In the Thai market political uncertainties and continued inflationary concerns dampened consumer and investor sentiment, although export growth has remained robust. Singapore and Malaysia performance was unexciting. Gearing The Board keeps the level of gearing within the Company under close control. At 31 July 2006 gross gearing was 9.7% of shareholders' funds and net gearing (after deducting cash held including the Company's investment in Fidelity Institutional Cash Fund) was 8.0%. At today's date gross gearing stands at 9.1% and net gearing at 7.6%. Continuation Vote A continuation vote is required in any year if the average discount has exceeded 15% of the net asset value over a defined twelve month period. This year, because the Company has been operating for ten years, the Articles of Association require that a continuation vote be taken. Accordingly, an ordinary resolution proposing that the Company continue as an investment trust for five years until the conclusion of the annual general meeting in 2011, or any earlier date if so required under the Articles will be put to the Annual General Meeting to be held in 2006. Outlook Asia is a region of significant economic growth, this being demonstrated particularly by China. The region has proved resilient with concerns over rising oil and commodity prices not dampening export growth. There are of course uncertainties arising from the geopolitical background and the trend of global interest rates but the consensus is that growth in developing Asian economies will continue to remain robust. The rising number of globally competitive companies strengthens the region's position as a global export leader. Domestically driven consumption demand is also increasingly important, and not only in China. In addition, equity valuations remain attractive when compared to the majority of global peers and could provide support to the markets in an environment of more muted corporate earnings growth. Against this background the Board is in no doubt that the Asia Pacific region will continue to offer attractive long term investment opportunities. Annual General Meeting This year's AGM is scheduled for 23 November 2006 at Fidelity's Cannon Street office commencing at 11.00 am. All shareholders, ISA, PEP and Share Plan investors are invited to attend. The investment manager will be making a presentation on the year under review and immediate prospects for the Company. Sir Victor Garland Chairman 21 September 2006 Dividend The Company does not declare a dividend for the year ended 31 July 2006. Enquiries: Stephen Westwood, Head of Investment Trusts, Fidelity Investments International - 020 7961 4477 Graham Symonds, Company Secretary, Fidelity Investments International - 01737 837 345 Issued by Fidelity Investments International. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. CB28451 FIDELITY ASIAN VALUES PLC Income Statement - unaudited - for the year ended 31 July (1) 2006 2005 revenue capital total revenue capital total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Gains on investments - 10,253 10,253 - 28,065 28,065 Income - UK dividends - - - 28 - 28 - Overseas dividends 2,385 - 2,385 2,757 - 2,757 - Overseas interest 19 - 19 253 - 253 - Deposit interest 42 - 42 41 - 41 Investment management fee (1,125) - (1,125) (900) - (900) Other expenses (457) - (457) (391) - (391) Exchange gains/(losses) 12 (208) (196) (10) (85) (95) Exchange gains/(losses) - 597 597 - (89) (89) on loans Net return before finance 876 10,642 11,518 1,778 27,891 29,669 costs and taxation Interest payable (637) - (637) (924) - (924) Loan redemption costs - - - - (168) (168) Net return on ordinary 239 10,642 10,881 854 27,723 28,577 activities before taxation Taxation on return on (299) - (299) (308) - (308) ordinary activities* Net (loss)/return on (60) 10,642 10,582 546 27,723 28,269 ordinary activities after tax for the year Net (loss)/return per ordinary share (2) Basicand diluted (0.06p) 11.38p 11.32p 0.58p 29.65p 30.23p A Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses has not been prepared as there are no gains and losses other than those reported in this Income Statement. The total column of the Income Statement is the profit and loss account of the Company. All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the year. * This relates to overseas taxation only.FIDELITY ASIAN VALUES PLC Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds - unaudited - for the year ended 31 July (3) called share capital other warrant capital capital revenue total up premium redemption reserve reserve reserve reserve reserve equity share account reserve realised unrealised capital £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Opening 23,376 7 2,330 59,282 7,369 (35,263) 5,468 (2,134) 60,435 shareholders' funds: 1 August 2004 Net recognised - - - - - 9,718 18,005 - 27,723 gains for the year Revenue after - - - - - - - 546 546 taxation Closing 23,376 7 2,330 59,282 7,369 (25,545) 23,473 (1,588) 88,704 shareholders' funds: 31 July 2005 Effect of - - - - - - (215) - (215) changing prices from middle market to bid at 1 August 2005 Net recognised - - - - - 16,435 (5,793) - 10,642 gains/(losses) for the year Revenue loss - - - - - - - (60) (60) after taxation Exercise of 1 5 - 2 (2) - - - 6 warrants Closing 23,377 12 2,330 59,284 7,367 (9,110) 17,465 (1,648) 99,077 shareholders' funds: 31 July 2006 FIDELITY ASIAN VALUES PLC Balance Sheet - unaudited - as at 31 July 2006 2005 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Investments held at fair value through profit or 107,538 97,779 loss Current assets Debtors 4,111 2,325 Cash at bank 1,313 919 5,424 3,244 Creditors - amounts falling due within one year Fixed rate unsecured loan (9,655) - Other creditors (4,230) (2,067) (13,885) (2,067) Net current (liabilities)/assets (8,461) 1,177 Total assets less current liabilities 99,077 98,956 Creditors - amounts falling due after more than one year Fixed rate unsecured loan - (10,252) Total net assets 99,077 88,704 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 23,377 23,376 Share premium account 12 7 Capital redemption reserve 2,330 2,330 Other reserve 59,284 59,282 Warrant reserve 7,367 7,369 Capital reserve - realised (9,110) (25,545) Capital reserve - unrealised 17,465 23,473 Revenue reserve (1,648) (1,588) Total equity shareholders' funds 99,077 88,704 Net asset value per ordinary share: Basic 105.95p 94.86p Diluted 104.88p 94.86p FIDELITY ASIAN VALUES PLC Cash Flow Statement - unaudited- for the year ended 31 July 2006 2005 £'000 £'000 Operating activities Investment income received 2,310 2,123 Interest received 56 294 Investment management fee paid (1,445) (848) Directors' fees paid (79) (51) Other cash payments (288) (338) Net cash inflow from operating activities 554 1,180 Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest paid (641) (966) Loan redemption costs - (168) Net cash outflow from returns on investments and (641) (1,134) servicing of finance Financial investment Purchase of investments (90,518) (73,315) Disposal of investments 91,013 75,555 Net cash inflowfrom financial investment 495 2,240 Net cash inflowbefore financing 408 2,286 Financing Exercise of warrants 6 - 6.28% fixed rate unsecured loan part repaid - (7,457) Net cash inflow/(outflow)from financing 6 (7,457) Increase/(decrease)in cash 414 (5,171) 1. The Statement of Total Return is now called the Income Statement and the total column, as opposed to the revenue column, is now the profit and loss account of the Company. 2. (Losses)/returns per ordinary share are based on the net revenue loss on ordinary activities after taxation of £60,000 (2005: return £546,000) and the capital return in the year of £10,642,000 (2005: £27,723,000) and on 93,509,538 ordinary shares (2005: 93,505,653) being the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year. The basic and fully diluted returns have been calculated according to the provisions of FRS22. Since the effect of the warrants outstanding on the first day of the accounting period is not dilutive, they have not been included in the diluted return. 3. A new primary statement, the Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds, has been introduced. The issue of ordinary shares from the exercise of warrants is reported through this statement. The above statements have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies as set out in annual financial statements to 31 July 2006. The figures for the year to 31 July 2005 have been extracted from the financial statements for the year ended 31 July 2005 which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and on which the Auditors gave an unqualified report. The annual report and financial statements will be posted to shareholders as soon as is practicable and in any event no later than 24 October 2006.
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