Final Results

FIDELITY CHINA SPECIAL SITUATIONS PLC Preliminary Announcement of Results For the year ended 31 March 2012 Chairman's Statement RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2012 I present the second Annual Report of Fidelity China Special Situations PLC. PERFORMANCE REVIEW During the year ended 31 March 2012 the net asset value of the Company fell by 18.5%, under-performing the MSCI China benchmark index by 6.0%. The Company's share price fell by 26.4% (all figures on a total return basis). This is clearly a disappointing outcome for shareholders. The exposure to small and medium cap stocks was the largest detractor from performance as these experienced an unprecedented level of volatility during the year under review. The Company's decision to use bank borrowings to increase exposure to the market while valuations remain attractive detracted further from relative performance. Both of these factors are expected to enhance the performance of the Company relative to the market in more favourable conditions. For much of the year under review, there was an intense debate between those predicting a "hard landing" for the Chinese economy and those expecting a more benign outcome. Investors focused on forecasts for an overall slowing of GDP growth in China, despite the fact that expected growth this year is in line with the Chinese Government's five-year plan and comfortably higher than the growth rates forecast for the developed economies. The Company, advised by the Portfolio Manager, believes the Chinese Government will take the necessary measures to ensure a stable growth environment, especially in light of the transition of leadership scheduled for late 2012. Compared to its Western counterparts, the Chinese Government has more freedom to use the tools at its disposal to manage inflation, interest rates, local government and bank debt, credit expansion, exchange rates, and the property market and we expect it to continue to use these tools to effect the desired "soft landing" for the economy. Nevertheless the market impact of such measures will continue to be influenced by shifts in global risk appetite, especially with regard to the ongoing debt crisis in Europe. The Board's annual due diligence trip to China confirmed its continuing confidence in the long-term prospects for the Chinese economy and in the Company's ability to generate attractive returns to its shareholders over the long-term. I would encourage you to read some of the stock examples detailed in the Manager's Report. PORTFOLIO MANAGER The Board is pleased that Anthony Bolton has decided to extend his minimum tenure to at least April 2014. DISCOUNT AND PREMIUM The Board believes it is in the best interests of shareholders and of liquidity if the share price of the Company tracks closely the underlying Net Asset Value, which is published each business day. The Board has the ability to issue shares at a premium to NAV and to buy shares back at a discount to NAV for cancellation. During the year, in furtherance of this policy, the Board authorised the issue of 6,250,000 Ordinary Shares at a premium to NAV and repurchased at a discount and cancelled 2,900,000 Ordinary Shares. The Board is seeking shareholder consent to continue these powers, at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting. GEARING On 17 February 2012, the Company entered into a revolving facility agreement with Scotiabank Europe PLC for US$150,000,000, which has been fully drawn down. The US$100,000,000 revolving facility with JP Morgan Chase Bank has been repaid in full. The Company also uses derivatives to achieve further gearing by the use of Contracts for Difference on a number of the holdings in the Company's portfolio, totalling a further £39,329,000 as at 31 March 2012 (2011: £ 38,127,000). REGULATORY CHANGES FOR INVESTMENT COMPANIES Regulatory changes continue to present a challenge for all boards of UK listed companies. For UK investment companies, the two key items are the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive ("AIFMD") and the Retail Distribution Review ("RDR"). It is widely acknowledged that the AIFMD will add to the complexity of the governance framework for investment companies and substantially increase operational costs. However, the AIC, FIL and others in the investment trust industry, continue to lobby regulators on the draft proposals, in an effort to make the proposed regulations less onerous. With the advent of RDR, Companies will no longer be able to pay commission on new assets from adviser intermediaries. This may also mean independent financial advisers will take a fresh look at the investment trust sector. THE BOARD The Board is pleased to welcome Elisabeth Scott as a new member of the Board as of 1 November 2011. Ms Scott has extensive investment experience, particularly in Hong Kong, where she was Managing Director and Country Head of Schroder Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited. The Board wishes to thank Gary Shaughnessy for his valuable contribution following his decision to resign from the Board on 26 March 2012, having left employment with FIL. On 21 May 2012, the Board announced the appointment of Andrew Wells, who is FIL's Global Chief Investment Officer, Fixed Income and Investment Solutions Group, and a member of FIL's Global Operating Committee. Elisabeth Scott and Andrew Wells will be subject to election at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting and all other Directors will be subject to re-election at that time, in accordance with corporate governance requirements for FTSE 250 companies. A biography of each Director is included on page 17 of the Annual Report. DIVIDEND As the Company's objective is to achieve long-term capital growth, the Board does not expect that dividends will constitute a material element of any return to shareholders. However, in order to continue to qualify as an investment trust, the Company is required under Section 1159 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010 not to retain more than 15% of the income it derives from shares and securities. The Board recommends a final dividend of 0.75 pence per Ordinary Share to be approved by shareholders at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting. The dividend will be payable on 3 August 2012 to shareholders on the register on 20 July 2012 (ex dividend date 18 July 2012). Shareholders may choose to reinvest their dividends to purchase more shares in the Company. Details of the Dividend Reinvestment Plan are set out on page 64 of the Annual Report. THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - 24 JULY 2012 The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at the Merchant Taylors' Hall, 30 Threadneedle Street, London EC2R 8JB, on Tuesday 24 July 2012 at 11.00am. The Board is looking forward to having the opportunity to speak to shareholders. The Portfolio Manager, Anthony Bolton, will also be attending in order to give his yearly presentation and to meet shareholders. John Owen CMG MBE DL Chairman 11 June 2012 Manager's Report Anthony Bolton has more than 30 years' experience of managing equity funds and began investing in Chinese equities in 2004. He previously acted as portfolio manager for a number of Fidelity funds, including Fidelity Special Situations Fund, which he managed from 1979 until 2007. He also managed the portfolios of two listed investment trusts, Fidelity Special Values PLC (from 1994 to 2007) and Fidelity European Values PLC (from 1991 to 2001). It is now just over two years since the launch of Fidelity China Special Situations PLC and I admit I am not where I had hoped to be. The value of the fund's net assets (NAV) has fallen by 20.0% since launch and the share price by 26.3% (as at 11 June 2012). There has been a recovery in the second half of the reporting year, with the NAV up 14.6%, but the share price is up by only 7% over that period but markets have again been difficult in the last couple of months. As outlined in the interim financial report, the fund has suffered from its ability to employ bank borrowings, which has magnified the impact of market movements, and from a relatively high exposure to more volatile medium and smaller companies in an environment where for much of the last 18 months their performance has been disappointing. A chart showing the share price and NAV against the performance figures of the Hong Kong-listed Chinese mid and small cap indices, which I believe are better short-term benchmarks is on page 5 of the Annual Report. I hope these figures will help explain the performance of the Company, although I must stress that if I did not believe my strategy could out-perform the broader MSCI China Index in the medium to long-term, I would not be pursuing it. To recap, there are four main planks to my investment strategy: 1. To be exposed mainly to the consumption and service sectors which depend on the domestic economy in China. After two years here I feel even more strongly about the attractions of these areas. Not a week goes by without statements from Chinese politicians and leaders or evidence from our company meetings that support this stance. The fact that April was China's national consumption promotion month says it all. 2. I am focusing on private medium and small-sized businesses rather than the large state owned enterprises. These are the entrepreneur-run businesses on which I believe China's long-term prospects are based. Yes, they can be more risky but the good ones have the potential to be much more rewarding. 3. I am trying to find business models with which I am familiar from my experience of investing in the UK and continental Europe. These are the models that I know work. If well run, they should be able to do well for the next 5-10 years as they are normally at an early stage of their development in China. 4. I am trying to buy shares in these companies on reasonable or, if possible, cheap valuations. At the time of writing, I believe that there are many bargains available among the smaller stocks. I particularly like stocks that look cheap against their international peers or where the sum of the parts is much greater than the valuation of the whole. In the next section of my report I describe a number of companies the fund holds, all of which fit these criteria. I have picked fourteen companies from a selection of sectors I like and I hope these examples will give a better understanding of the types of business I am focusing on. Let me start with a few words about the macro situation in China. As the Chairman has already mentioned, for most of the last year or so the debate has continued between those who expect a "soft" landing for the Chinese economy and those who expect a "hard" one, albeit that the definitions of what constitutes a "hard" landing differ. The consensus expects GDP growth of 8-8.5% this year, with many thinking that the second quarter will be the trough. I have to say that I am not as optimistic as this. When I look at economic growth from a bottom-up perspective, I get to a somewhat lower figure (although it's possible that we may never see lower numbers published). Yes, consumption will remain strong, but fixed asset investment, particularly residential property, and exports are likely to see significant reductions in their growth rates. I am not in the "hard" landing camp (which generally expects growth of 5% or less) but I am below the consensus. This does not make me negative about the outlook for Chinese equities, for which the key measure is growth 6-12 months hence rather than growth now, but it does make me even keener to be in the areas that are doing best. I continue to believe that the biggest medium-term challenges for China are social and political as it shifts from being a poor society to a wealthier one, as the middle classes' aspirations grow, as it changes from a rural to an urban economy and from a closed to a more open society and as it shifts out of low-value exports into higher-value manufacturing as well as domestic consumption and services. As I have argued in previous reports, I think the financial challenges that worry some of the most vocal China bears are generally surmountable - China has the financial resources and resolve to address them. Let me give you a quick update on some of these. Inflation has fallen back sharply in recent months as I thought it would and many now expect it to fall further to 3% or lower later this year. Although the short-term outlook for prices is good, the high wage increases expected over the next few years in China mean the structural level in the medium-term is likely to be higher, at say 5-7%. In my view this is not an alarming rate but something that will need to be monitored closely. The bad debts of the local government financing vehicles have, as expected, been pushed into the future. I continue to feel the authorities have enough financial fire power at the centre to manage these. Also, this problem is well understood today by regulators and investors. I remain cautious on the outlook for Chinese residential property developers and the Company holds none of these (although it does hold shares in several Hong Kong-based developers). Despite the fact that the stocks have recovered strongly from their lows and many argue that the worst is over, I am not so sure about this. Also, unlike in 2009, I think the recovery, if it has started, will be a slow one. With the exception of support for property purchases by first time buyers, I expect the Chinese authorities to keep their current property controls in place for some time. I maintain my view that the current backcloth of falling inflation and a slow loosening of monetary policy should be a favourable one for the stock market. I often get asked about the quality of corporate governance in China, including the quality of management and of published financial data. I strongly believe that the best companies are as good as any in the West but the worst can be much worse and there are more of these in China. The very worst are scams or frauds as we have seen from some high-profile examples over the last year or two. This is why I have put an increasing effort into our due-diligence process, both internally but also externally, using several specialised firms in this area. I am sure we will not spot every problem but I hope we can spot most. I recently did a five-day trip to Hong Kong and China with half a dozen leading UK financial journalists. We met about 18 companies, mainly companies the Company holds, and the journalists appeared to be impressed by the quality of the managements they saw and this was reflected in their generally positive coverage. I continue to see Hong Kong as a major beneficiary of the trends in China. The population is about 7 million people but 42 million people visited Hong Kong last year, including 28 million mainlanders - a number that is likely to continue to grow. The Company has exposure to Hong Kong-based banks, small property companies, hotel companies, the largest telephone company and the leading TV company that is expanding its involvement in the mainland. To date the road has been hard but my enthusiasm for this amazing country remains unabated. Every time I visit mainland China my conviction about it increases and I return more impressed about the investment opportunities there. I strongly believe that China is not the house of cards some have suggested and it is not about to collapse. Of course, like most places it is not risk-free. One of the regional risks I have written about before is North Korea. Here the situation has deteriorated again after a period of improvement. I still believe world equity markets offer attractive returns over the next few years, even more so since the last ten years or so have been so disappointing. Specifically on Chinese stocks, valuations are still near their ten-year lows and sentiment has again become very negative. Sentiment regarding the "A" share market remains especially depressed despite a new policy in China designed to help it recover - a significant policy change. I continue to believe that those who stick the course in China will be amply rewarded. I am very pleased that we have recently been able to announce that my tenure in managing the portfolio is extended for at least one further year to April 2014. As referenced earlier in my report, I list below fourteen companies from a selection of sectors, all of which I like, and I hope they will give you a greater understanding of the types of businesses I focus on. REXLot (Market capitalisation: £460m) (Portfolio weighting: 3.1%) There is only one legalised form of gambling in China - the two state-owned lotteries, namely the Welfare Lottery and the Sports Lottery. These raise money by selling a range of products such as scratch cards, computer-generated tickets, bets on single-match sports games and on video lottery terminals. Interestingly the total size of the two lotteries in terms of take is about US$35bn, a bit larger than the size of the total take in Macau and this figure is growing at about 30% a year. Exciting new products are being brought in that will allow tickets to be sold via mobile phones and the internet. Because of the involvement of the state the area is not without risks. REXLot is one of the largest service providers to the lottery sector and is actively involved in developing the newer products. It is growing at about 20% a year, but only sells at about 8 times this year's estimated earnings. AsiaInfo-Linkage (£520m) (2.3%) This is a US-listed Chinese company that Fidelity's Chinese private-equity business invested in before it listed on the stock market. Its main business is providing IT services and systems for the three large telecom carriers in China. It is a similar business to the US-listed Amdocs. The stock has done poorly over the last 12 months or so until recently due to general fears about US-listed Chinese companies and some softness in its business at a time when costs have continued to rise. The growth rate is about 15% while the shares sell at about 11 times this year's estimated earnings (or only 6.6 times, stripping out the company's net cash from the market capitalisation). Amdocs is growing at about 6% and sells on a similar valuation. The company has recently been approached by Chinese private equity investors who are looking to buy out the company. CSI Properties (£205m) (1.2%) CSI is a small Hong Kong-based property developer. I was originally attracted to it because of the very cheap valuation of the shares which sold at a 75% discount to net assets, a level of discount I have only rarely come across in the West. I thought that if this could sell at a 50% discount (still a very high level) the shares could double in price. The portfolio also owns several other small Hong Kong property developers on similarly high discounts. What makes CSI different is the fact that it is run by an entrepreneur who is active in the property market and wants to see a higher share price over time. Some of the others are controlled by families, who appear to have little interest in the share price (although I believe in a better stock market environment the shares might still do well). CSI Properties shares have risen recently and now sell on a discount of 69%. I believe that in the developer market small companies can often be more attractive than larger ones as they are more geared to successful property deals, provided they are well-financed as CSI is. Hutchison China MediTech (£230m) (1.2%) I have spent some time trying to find Chinese companies developing Western-type small molecule drugs in China. My searches led me to this company (and an "A" listed company I also hold in the portfolio). It is a 71% subsidiary of a large Hong Kong-listed conglomerate, Hutchison Whampoa Group, and is, somewhat surprisingly, listed in the UK on the AIM market. It has three main businesses: a drug-discovery business which has some very interesting drugs in the pipeline, including one the company has recently joint-ventured with AstraZeneca on very attractive terms, and a later-stage drug aimed at colitis (which the company estimates has the potential to have US$1bn in sales). The company also has a healthcare division growing at about 20% a year selling traditional Chinese medicines in China. This is a partnership with local pharmaceutical state-owned enterprises which themselves are poor at marketing. The company also owns a smaller consumer business selling food and beverages, beauty care and baby care products. The valuation of the shares can be justified by the latter two businesses alone while the drug discovery business, which could be very valuable if it finds a winner, is thrown in effectively for free. 3SBio (£180m) (1.5%) Sadly, one of the fastest-growing diseases in China is diabetes. This is due to the changing nature of the Chinese diet as the country becomes better off and the fact that, in general, Chinese people are not particularly focused on healthy eating. Diabetes is the most common cause of kidney failure for which the usual treatment is kidney dialysis. A large number of people who need kidney dialysis go untreated in China due to a lack of dialysis centres, although this is slowly changing. To benefit from these favourable industry dynamics, I used to own United Laboratories in the portfolio, a company that had developed an analogue insulin product, but I sold this holding as I became less sure about the prospects for its traditional antibiotic business. 3SBio's main product is Erythropoietin ("EPO") which is used to help maintain red blood cell counts. All patients who go through dialysis need to take an EPO. 3SBio's EPO has a 41% share by value of the EPO market in China, nearly 3 times that of its nearest competitor. It is also developing a number of other drugs and, in the future, is looking to sell its EPO outside China. The stock is growing at about 20% a year and sells on about 14 times this year's earnings (or 8.4 times excluding cash). WuXi PharmaTech (£640m) (1.3%) WuXi, a US-listed Chinese company, is another business Fidelity knows well as its China-based private equity business was a shareholder before it listed. It is the largest contract research organisation ("CRO") in China, several times bigger than its nearest rival. As global pharmaceutical companies find the going tougher, with product patent expiries and the cost of developing new drugs escalating, they are putting more focus on cost control and a lot of the development process they used to do internally is now being outsourced to companies like WuXi. Costs in China, even with wages rising, are still considerably below those in Western economies. India, which has been very successful in other outsourcing businesses, has made little impact in the CRO area, which needs a highly-skilled scientific workforce. The largest listed CRO business in America, Covance, is growing revenues at a rate in the mid to high single digits and sells at about 17 times this year's earnings. WuXi has guided investors towards 15-20% revenue growth this year and sells on about 12 times this year's earnings (or 9.7 times excluding cash). Last year, Charles River, another US-listed CRO, tried unsuccessfully to take over WuXi and in the long run we may see further consolidation in this industry. Daphne International (£1,425m) (1.2%) Daphne is a shoe retailer with 5,600 stores in China and over half of these are in the smaller tier 4 to 6 cities. It is one of the best ways, in my view, to play the growth of consumption in these lower tier cities, which in some cases is growing faster than in the tier 1 and 2 cities. TPG, the private equity house, became a 14.5% shareholder in 2009 via the issue of convertible bonds and warrants. It revitalised the management and improved operations through areas such as supply chain management, IT systems and product focus. Today the company is growing earnings at about 20% a year and the shares sell at about 17 times this year's estimated earnings. They have performed well recently and the Company purchased stock at lower levels. Natural Beauty Bio-Technology (£240m) (1.1%) The cosmetics industry in China has excellent growth prospects as women become more affluent and take greater interest in their appearance. Unfortunately, from this Company's point of view, it is largely dominated by large multinationals such as L'Oreal and Estee Lauder. As a result I became quite excited when I came cross this small company that was historically based in the spa business. In 2010 the founding family sold half its shareholding to the private equity group Carlyle. Carlyle changed the management, bringing in experienced Chinese businessmen and women who had previously worked for large multinationals and completely revamped the store look and layout. The stores are mainly run by franchisees and Natural Beauty makes its money by selling products to them, the stores today being more focused on product sales than in the past. It is also developing a counter business in department stores. The store conversion to the new style is progressing apace, a new advertising campaign is just starting and the number of stores is growing quickly. New stores' refurbishment typically pays back in about six months. The earnings are growing at about 25% a year and the valuation is about 20 times this year's earnings (or 16.5 times excluding cash). Although not at bargain levels I think this will look attractive as returns improve. Natural Beauty aims to be the number one beauty spa business in China by 2014. This is a brand about which I expect we will hear a lot more in the future. Kingdee International Software (£365m) (0.9%) Kingdee is one of the leading software companies in China. Its origins were in packaged software products but it is also now in middleware and enterprise resource planning systems. As Chinese businesses modernise there is great demand for better systems particularly amongst the smaller and medium-sized companies ("SMEs"). Last year was a difficult one for the company; it let costs expand significantly at a time when there was some softness among its SME clients due to China's financial tightening. The stock performed poorly and the chief executive was replaced. This has given the opportunity for me to increase the fund's holding. The long-term growth rate should be around 25-30% while the stock is on about 15 times this year's estimated earnings. Kingdee has some similarities to the UK's Sage when I first came across it in the 1980s and 1990s. China Lodging Group (£480m) (1.0%) As the Chinese become more affluent and travel more, the hotel sector should benefit. The sector is dominated by traditional state-owned inns and small lodging houses and the chains with purpose-built product only account for 2% of the market, a much lower proportion than in the developed world. There are three US-listed companies in the budget chain area. I believe China Lodging is the most impressive and it was started by the founder of Ctrip (the leading travel internet site). Today it has 675 hotels in 100 cities consisting of three brands: 'Hanting Express' in the economy area, 'Hanting hi inn' in the budget area and 'Hanting Seasons Hotels' in the mid-scale, limited service area. The company has very ambitious plans, looking to open 2,000 hotels by 2016 and 5,000 by 2021 and it believes the rollout can be funded by net cash, new debt and cash flow. Customers are split 60% business and 40% leisure and two-thirds of bookings come from a 4.4m strong loyalty scheme membership. China Lodging is growing at about 35% a year and sells on about 35 times this year's earnings or 10 times earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation. However, earnings are being penalised by new opening costs and without these the 5% operating profit margin would be nearer 13%. SouFun (£900m) (1.2%) SouFun, a US-listed Chinese business, owns the leading residential property website in China with an estimated 40% market share. The number of unique daily users is about 2.9m. Because most property transactions today are in new properties, property developers are the biggest advertisers and information providers but, as a secondary market grows in China, estate agents will become a bigger source of revenue. The downturn in the residential property market has given a chance to buy this leader growing long-term at about 25% a year on only 11.5 times this year's estimated earnings (or 10 times excluding cash). Although I do not own any Chinese residential property developers in the portfolio at the moment, as I believe the market will be tough for a while, I am happy to hold this very attractive franchise. We could be seeing a Chinese Rightmove in development (the UK website that dominates property search). Modern Media (£90m) (0.9%) I came across this company quite by chance as I screened Chinese media businesses listed in Hong Kong. I asked my assistant to have a quick look and on the back of this we arranged a meeting. Its main business is magazines, including the leading current affairs weekly magazine in China called "Modern Weekly". Three years ago saw the launch of a women's magazine, "U+ Weekly", and this has become the most popular women's magazine in China, overtaking international titles like Marie Claire and Cosmopolitan. In 2011 Modern launched a business magazine jointly with Bloomberg. The most exciting growth area is its move into digital delivery. It has one of only seven national digital publishing licenses in China. In 2010 it acquired the Chinese media application "iWeekly" and this is now the most popular media app in China, with 6 million downloads. Modern has other interesting plans in the digital, TV (called "iTV" which was a case of déjà vu for me!) and e-commerce areas. It is growing at about 30% a year and sells on about 10 times this year's earnings. The chairman is one of the most impressive media people I have met in China. Ajisen (£765m) (0.6%) Ajisen is an example of how I hope I can transfer the techniques of buying recovery shares from the UK to China. It is a restaurant chain with 670 outlets in 118 cities in China selling a Japanese, Ramen-style menu. It has expanded strongly with a logistics-based model of central kitchens and noodle factories which keeps cooking preparation in the restaurants to a minimum. In July last year an article was published saying their soups were not fresh and prepared on the spot but made from powder (they are not actually made from powder but from paste). In a market that is very focused on food quality and ingredients, sales were adversely affected especially in Ajisen's Shanghai base. It came as a surprise to many customers that the ingredients were not fresh (despite the fact that many chains use this model). The share price collapsed from $18 to $10 and I repurchased a holding (I had held it earlier but sold out when the valuation reached a high level). Sales have since been recovering, not as fast as the company had hoped, but I take encouragement that same-store sales in Hong Kong (where they have a few units) turned positive in November and in Beijing earlier this year. The company admits it was slow to react to the article, particularly as it had never experienced anything like it in its history and, for example, it now has a public relations office which it did not before. The company is continuing with its rollout and plans 1,000 units by 2013. The stock should return to growth of 25% a year and currently sells at about 22 times this year's earnings (or 17.5 times excluding cash), not a cheap level but this reflects the fact that earnings are depressed by the incident. PAX Global Technology (£110m) (0.5%) Credit card use will mushroom in China over the next 5-10 years. Banks will benefit from this trend but, in my view, a better way to play this is via the growth of electronic payment systems. The penetration of these in China is about 3 per 1,000 inhabitants compared with 20-30 per 1,000 in the West. The global industry is dominated by two big listed international companies, VeriFone in the US and Ingenico in France (a company I used to follow when I was running European funds). Although a small company, PAX Global is one of the biggest in China with about 70% of its revenue arising there. Ingenico, often recommended by brokers for its emerging market exposure, is growing earnings at 10-15% a year and sells on 18 times this year's estimated earnings. PAX is growing at about 30% and sells on 8 times this year's estimated earnings (or, amazingly, only 1 times excluding cash). Provided the management continues to execute its strategy well, I believe at some stage the valuation could be materially higher. These investments have been chosen from the hundreds that our team in Hong Kong analyse on a continuing basis and are only a small proportion of the companies that I personally visit in China and in Hong Kong. Since arriving in China I have conducted over 780 company meetings, and the ones we like are then researched before the Company makes an investment. (all data as at 27th April 2012) Anthony Bolton Portfolio Manager 11 June 2012 Enquiries: For Press Enquiries, please contact Anne Read on 020 7961 4409 or 07850 549839 Income Statement for the year ended 31 March 2012 Year ended Period from 31.03.12 19.04.10 to 31.03.11 revenue capital total revenue capital total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Revenue Overseas dividends 11,145 - 11,145 8,783 - 8.783 Overseas scrip dividends 1,252 - 1,252 664 - 664 UK dividends 515 - 515 - - - Deposit interest 9 - 9 12 - 12 Income from Fidelity Institutional Liquidity Fund plc - - - 11 - 11 Dividends received on long CFDs 1,064 - 1,064 68 - 68 Interest paid on long CFDs (390) - (390) (38) - (38) Interest received on short CFDs 10 - 10 - - - Dividends paid on long CFDs (134) - (134) - - - Total revenue 13,471 - 13,471 9,500 - 9,500 (Losses)/ gains on investments designated at fair value through profit or loss - (155,156) (155,156) - 32,177 32,177 Net gains/ (losses) on derivative instruments held at fair value through profit or loss - 27,460 27,460 - (12,211) (12,211) Foreign exchange gains/ (losses) on other net assets 80 6 86 (39) (513) (552) Foreign exchange (losses)/ gains on bank loans - (1,605) (1,605) - 3,004 3,004 Total revenue and gains/ (losses) 13,551 (129,295) (115,744) 9,461 22,457 31,918 Expenses Investment management fee (4,156) (4,156) (8,312) (3,746) (3,746) (7,492) Other expenses (1,655) - (1,655) (2,435) - (2,435) Profit/(loss) before finance costs and taxation 7,740 (133,451) (125,711) 3,280 18,711 21,991 Finance costs Interest on bank loan (878) (878) (1,756) (523) (523) (1,046) Profit/(loss) before taxation 6,862 (134,329) (127,467) 2,757 18,188 20,945 Taxation(¹) (289) (237) (526) (426) - (426) Net profit/ (loss) after taxation for the year/ period 6,573 (134,566) (127,993) 2,331 18,188 20,519 Earnings/ (loss) per Ordinary Share 0.99p (20.33p) (19.34p) 0.47p 3.67p 4.14p (¹) This relates to overseas taxation only. The Company does not have any income or expense that is not included in the net profit/(loss) for the year/period. Accordingly the "Net profit/(loss) after taxation for the year/period" is also the "Total comprehensive income for the year/period" and no separate Statement of Comprehensive Income has been presented. The total column of this statement represents the Income Statement of the Company and is prepared in accordance with IFRS. The revenue and capital columns are supplementary and presented for information purposes as recommended by the Statement of Recommended Practice issued by the AIC. All of the profit/(loss) and total comprehensive income is attributable to the equity shareholders of the Company. There are no minority interests. All items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the year. The Company was incorporated on 22 January 2010 and operations commenced when its shares were listed on the London Stock Exchange on 19 April 2010. Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 31 March 2012 share capital share premium redemption other capital revenue total capital account reserve reserve reserve reserve equity £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Period from 19.04.10 to 31.03.11 Proceeds from offer for subscription and placing 4,600 455,400 - - - - 460,000 Fees and expenses of the offer for subscription and placing - (3,168) - - - - (3,168) Cancellation of share premium account* - (452,232) - 452,232 - - - Issue of Ordinary Shares 387 42,262 - - - - 42,649 Additional share listing costs - (200) - - - - (200) Proceeds from "C" Share offer and placing 1,577 164,673 - - - - 166,250 Fees and expenses of the "C" Share offer and placing - (2,087) - - - - (2,087) Net profit after taxation for the period - - - - 18,188 2,331 20,519 Equity shareholders' funds at 31 March 2011 6,564 204,648 - 452,232 18,188 2,331 683,963 Issue of Ordinary Shares 63 6,921 - - - - 6,984 Repurchase of Ordinary Shares (29) - 29 (2,323) - - (2,323) Net (loss)/ profit after taxation for the year - - - - (134,566) 6,573 (127,993) Dividend paid - - - - - (1,656) (1,656) Equity shareholders' funds at 31 March 2012 6,598 211,569 29 449,909 (116,378) 7,248 558,975 * Court approval was given on 21 April 2010 for the Company's "share premium account" to be cancelled. As a result £452,232,000 was transferred to "other reserve". The Company was incorporated on 22 January 2010 and operations commenced when its shares were listed on the London Stock Exchange on 19 April 2010. Balance Sheet as at 31 March 2012 Company No. 7133583 2012 2011 £'000 £'000 Non current assets Investments designated at fair value through profit or 629,709 720,287 loss Current assets Derivative assets held at fair value through profit or 11,582 2,729 loss Amounts held at futures clearing houses and brokers 3,922 3,280 Other receivables 9,146 7,388 Cash and cash equivalents 20,123 25,184 44,773 38,581 Current liabilities Derivative liabilities held at fair value through (3,792) (1,582) profit or loss Bank loans (93,841) (62,013) Other payables (17,874) (11,310) (115,507) (74,905) Net current liabilities (70,734) (36,324) Net assets 558,975 683,963 Equity attributable to equity shareholders Share capital 6,598 6,564 Share premium account 211,569 204,648 Capital redemption reserve 29 - Other reserve 449,909 452,232 Capital reserve (116,378) 18,188 Revenue reserve 7,248 2,331 Total equity shareholders' funds 558,975 683,963 Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share 84.72p 104.20p Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31 March 2012 Period from Year ended 19.04.10 to 31.03.12 31.03.11 £'000 £'000 Operating activities Cash inflow from investment income 11,063 7,736 Cash inflow/(outflow) from net derivative income 508 (26) Cash inflow from other income 11 21 Cash outflow from Directors' fees (146) (105) Cash outflow from other payments (9,933) (6,645) Cash outflow from the purchase of investments (613,873) (1,066,951) Cash outflow from the costs of derivatives (13,711) (16,857) Cash inflow from the sale of investments 554,516 380,884 Cash inflow from the proceeds of derivatives 34,528 3,499 Cash outflow from amounts held at futures clearing houses and brokers (642) (3,280) Net cash outflow from operating activities before servicing of finance (37,679) (701,724) Servicing of finance Cash outflow on interest on bank loans (1,594) (1,040) Net cash outflow from operating activities and servicing of finance (39,273) (702,764) Financing activities Cash inflow from the offer for subscription and placing - 460,000 Cash inflow from the issue of Ordinary Shares 6,984 42,649 Cash inflow from the "C" Share offer and placing - 166,250 Cash outflow from the costs of the offer for subscription and placing - (3,168) Cash outflow from the costs of the issue of Ordinary Shares - (200) Cash outflow from the costs of the "C" Share offer and placing - (2,087) Cash outflow from the repurchase of Ordinary Shares (1,345) - Cash inflow from bank loans 30,223 62,013 Cash outflow from dividend paid to shareholders (1,656) - Net cash inflow from financing activities 34,206 725,457 (Decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents (5,067) 22,693 Net cash and cash equivalents at the start of the year/period 25,184 - Effect of foreign exchange movements 6 2,491 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year/ period 20,123 25,184 The Company was incorporated on 22 January 2010 and operations commenced when its shares were listed on the London Stock Exchange on 19 April 2010. The above statements are prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"). This Preliminary Statement, which has been agreed with the Independent Auditor, was approved by the Board on 11 June 2012. It is not the Company's Statutory Financial Statements. The Statutory Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2012 have been approved and audited but have not yet been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The Statutory Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2012 have received an unqualified audit report do not include a reference to any matters to which the Auditor drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying the report and do not contain statements under section 498(2) and (3) of the Companies Act 2006. The Annual Report and Financial Statements will be posted to shareholders as soon as is practicable and in any event no later than 22 June 2012.
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