Final Results

FIDELITY EUROPEAN VALUES PLC Preliminary Announcement of Unaudited Results For the year ended 31 December 2004 Performance - Continental European equities enjoyed another year of positive returns during 2004. The first half of the year was somewhat mixed, but during the latter part of the year, equities rallied to close the year higher. During the review period, the net asset value ('NAV') per share of the Company returned 25.9%, strongly outperforming the benchmark FTSE World Europe (ex UK) Index, which returned 13.2%. The strong relative outperformance was primarily due to successful stock selection by the Investment Manager, but also due to the portfolio's gearing, which had a positive impact on the total return of the NAV. The shares ended the year trading at a discount of 5.8% to the underlying net asset value per share. (All figures are in sterling and are on a total return basis. Please note that past performance is not a guide to future returns. The value of investments can go down as well as up, and may be affected by exchange rate fluctuations.) Gearing - As stated previously the Board is responsible for the level of gearing in the Company and reviews it on a regular basis. The level of gearing fell slightly during the year as a result of the increase in net assets. It is estimated that gearing enhanced the net asset value by almost 3%. We believe that gearing will continue to benefit shareholders in the long term. The Company's level of net gearing is now 11.4% and the Board will ensure that in normal circumstances net gearing is below 20%. Dividend - Your Board has decided to recommend a final dividend of 1.75 pence per share for the year ending 31 December 2004 (2003: nil - an interim dividend of 1.50 pence per share was paid). The dividend will be payable on 23 May 2005 to shareholders on the register at close of business on 18 March 2005 (ex-dividend date 16 March 2005). Your Board believes very strongly that total return (income and capital) is the key performance indicator. As mentioned in my previous statements, we will not therefore restrict the Investment Manager even if this leads to lower dividends in future. Directorate - Mr Simon Duckworth retires by rotation and, being eligible, has offered himself for re-election. Mr Duckworth is a valuable Board member, with a proven track record in private and public service. Mr Simon Fraser continues to serve as a Director of the Company and I believe that there is value in having a senior member of the Company's Manager who assumes the responsibility of being a Director of the Company. As mentioned in last year's annual report, Mr Fraser is now subject to annual re-election under the Listing Rules due to his employment relationship with the Manager. All of the other Directors are totally independent and this provides an appropriate balance. Due to my tenure on the Board exceeding nine years I am now subject to annual re-election going forward and I offer myself for such re-election. My fellow Directors have met in my absence for the purpose of considering my eligibility for re-election. They considered that my experience, my independence of mind and the manner in which I have filled the role of Chairman over the last 3 years has been beneficial to the Company. They confirmed that they wish me to continue as Chairman and they are recommending that I be re-elected as a Director at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting. The Board has considered the proposal for the re-election of each of the above-named Directors and recommends to shareholders that they vote in favour of the proposals. Continuation Vote - In accordance with the Articles of Association of the Company, an ordinary resolution that the Company continue as an investment trust for a further two years will be proposed at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting. In view of the Company's outstanding performance record (an increase of 774.2% since launch compared to an increase in the benchmark index of 257.9%, and over two years, an increase of 74.0% compared to an increase in the benchmark index of 46.1%) your Board recommends that shareholders vote in favour of the resolution. There will be a further continuation vote at the Annual General Meeting in 2007. Directors' remuneration - In recent years there has been a considerable increase in the workload and in the risks of being a non-executive director. The Board has taken note of this fact and of the recent review of Directors' fees undertaken by the AITC. As a result fees have been increased with effect from 1 January 2005 to £22,000 (previously: £18,500) per annum for the Chairman, £18,000 (previously: £15,000) per annum for the Chairman of the Audit Committee and £16,000 (previously: £13,500) per annum for Directors. Whilst total fees payable are within the overall limit set by the Company's Articles of Association, a resolution will be proposed at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting to increase this limit to £150,000. This will provide scope for further increases in future years. Annual General Meeting - The Annual General Meeting of the Company is due to take place on 19 May 2005 at midday at Fidelity's offices at 25 Cannon Street. Full details of the meeting are given in the Company's annual report and I look forward to meeting you then. Outlook - The macro-economic outlook for Europe remains mixed. As a region, the European economy continues to grow at a slow pace and inflationary pressures are muted. There does not appear to be much risk of a rise in interest rates, at least in the near term. However, there is an expectation of continued reforms initiated by governments and at the corporate level. In addition, Europe looks attractive relative to other developed world regions. The region has the potential for stronger consumer spending; it has a higher savings rate, a trade and current account surplus and equity valuations appear cheap compared to the US. The enlargement of the European Union ('EU') reached several milestones in 2004 with 10 new member countries admitted in May; and 3 further countries including Turkey engaged in active discussions. The EU enlargement represents an important opportunity with the inclusion in the EU political union of many countries with large populations and dynamic economic development. We continue to believe that stock selection based on in-depth company analysis will be the key factor in achieving good performance over the coming year. Robert Walther 28 February 2005 Enquiries: Barbara Powley, Fidelity Investments International - 01737 836 883 Issued by Fidelity Investments International. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. CB21606 FIDELITY EUROPEAN VALUES PLC Statement of Total Return (incorporating the revenue account1) - unaudited For the year ended 31 December 2004 2004 2003 restated3 revenue capital total revenue capital total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Gains on investments - 104,793 104,793 - 115,874 115,874 Dividend income 12,465 - 12,465 11,058 - 11,058 Interest income 81 - 81 177 - 177 Investment management fee (5,882) - (5,882) (4,674) - (4,674) Other expenses (902) - (902) (942) - (942) Exchange (losses)/gains (22) (294) (316) - 490 490 Exchange losses on loans - (2) (2) - (4,974) (4,974) Repurchase of shares - - - - (926) (926) Net return before finance 5,740 104,497 110,237 5,619 110,464 116,083 costs and taxation Interest payable (3,239) - (3,239) (3,283) - (3,283) Return on ordinary activities 2,501 104,497 106,998 2,336 110,464 112,800 before taxation Taxation on return on (1,254) (315) (1,569) (1,120) - (1,120) ordinary activities Return on ordinary activities 1,247 104,182 105,429 1,216 110,464 111,680 after taxationfor the year attributable to equity shareholders Dividend (1,101) - (1,101) (941) - (941) Transfer to reserves 146 104,182 104,328 275 110,464 110,739 Return per ordinary share 1.98p 165.62p 167.60p 1.93p 175.56p 177.49p (note 2) 1. The revenue column on this statement represents the profit and loss account of the Company. 2. Returns per ordinary share are based on the net revenue return on ordinary activities after taxation of £1,247,000 (2003: £1,216,000), and the capital appreciation in the year of £104,182,000 (2003: appreciation of £110,464,000) and on 62,903,233 ordinary shares (2003: 62,918,844), being the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year. All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the year. 3. Restatement - The capital net return before finance costs and taxation for the year ended 31 December 2003 has been restated from £115,438,000 to £ 110,464,000. This restatement was agreed as exchange gains/(losses) are now included as part of the net return before finance costs rather than as a finance cost. This restatement has no impact on the Company's return on ordinary activities for the year ended 31 December 2003. FIDELITY EUROPEAN VALUES PLC Balance Sheet - unaudited as at 31 December 2004 2004 2003 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Investments 572,722 469,500 Current assets Debtors 1,690 7,234 Cash at bank 4,455 1,249 6,145 8,483 Creditors - amounts falling due within one year (3,724) (7,170) Net current assets 2,421 1,313 Total assets less current liabilities 575,143 470,813 Creditors - amounts falling due after more than one year Fixed rate unsecured loans (63,559) (63,557) Total net assets 511,584 407,256 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 15,725 15,725 Share premium account 58,615 58,615 Capital redemption reserve 100 100 Capital reserve - realised 305,447 245,461 Capital reserve - unrealised 127,785 83,589 Revenue reserve 3,912 3,766 Total equity shareholders' funds 511,584 407,256 Net asset value per ordinary share: 813.29p 647.43p FIDELITY EUROPEAN VALUES PLC Cash Flow Statement - unaudited For the year ended 31 December 2004 2004 2003 £'000 £'000 Operating activities Investment income received 10,873 9,397 Interest received 72 185 Investment management fee paid (5,601) (4,397) Directors' fees paid (52) (26) Other cash payments (874) (582) Net cash inflow from operating activities 4,418 4,577 Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest paid (3,239) (3,300) Net cash outflow from returns on investments and (3,239) (3,300) servicing of finance Taxation Overseas taxation recovered 399 194 Taxationrecovered 399 194 Financial investment Purchases of investments (382,807) (364,163) Disposals of investments 385,297 357,652 Net cash inflow/(outflow)from financial investment 2,490 (6,511) Equity dividend paid (944) (754) Net cash inflow/(outflow)before financing 3,124 (5,794) Financing Repurchase of ordinary shares - (926) Net cash outflow from financing - (926) Increase/(decrease)in cash 3,124 (6,720) The above statements have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies as set out in the most recently published set of annual financial statements. The figures for the year to 31 December 2003 have been extracted from the accounts for the year ended 31 December 2003 which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and on which the Auditors gave an unqualified report. The annual report and accounts will be posted to shareholders as soon as is practicable and in any event no later than 19 April 2005.
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