Annual Financial Report

FIDELITY SPECIAL VALUES PLC Annual Financial Report, Proxy Form and Additional Disclosures to the Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 August 2009 Further to the voluntary disclosure of the Company's annual results for the year ended 31 August 2009 by way of a preliminary announcement dated 4 November 2009, in accordance with the Disclosure and Transparency Rules ("the Rules") 4.1.3 and 6.3.5(2) this announcement contains the text of the preliminary announcement dated 4 November 2009 together with the additional text in compliance with the Rules. The Company's annual report and financial statements for the year ended 31 August 2009 together with the accompanying proxy form have been filed with the UK Listing Authority Document Disclosure team and will shortly be available for inspection at the UK Listing Authority's Document Viewing Facility which is situated at: Financial Services Authority 25 The North Colonnade Canary Wharf London E14 5HS Tel: 020 7676 1000 (Documents will usually be available for inspection within six normal business hours of this notice being given). The annual report and financial statements will shortly be available on the Company's website at Christopher Pirnie, FIL Investments International, Company Secretary - 01737 837929 13 November 2009 Chairman's Statement Changed Times: Fifteen Years since Launch On 17 November 1994 Fidelity Special Values was launched in a time of somewhat turbulent stock markets so that investment trust investors would have a vehicle which would invest alongside Fidelity Special Situations, a unit trust (as it was then) managed by Anthony Bolton - already a rising star in the world of portfolio management. The price at the time of the launch was £1 per share but the new shareholders also received a warrant to acquire another share for every five they bought - at the same price. By the time that Anthony bowed out as the portfolio manager - on 31 December 2007 - £100 invested had become worth £549 - a return of circa 13¾% per annum over those 13 plus years. I am happy to report that further progress has been made since then with Sanjeev Shah taking on Anthony's portfolio management role, much like the proverbial duck to water. Back in 1994 the world's economy was emerging from a financial crisis (not unlike today's but of much less severity); it was enjoying the economic benefits of Thatcherism and Reaganism, including good growth, low inflation and sound national finances, of the baby boomers consumer spending and of the emergence of global capitalism following the fall of the Berlin Wall. The stock market barometer was set "very fair" and indeed it turned out that its reading was entirely accurate. Between our launch and the end of 1999 the FTSE All-Share Index rose by 109% to 3,242. It seems however to be human nature that people get carried away in good times; fuelled with easy money, excessive debt creation, insatiable greed and incompetent government, it all turned into an out-of-control boom followed by the inevitable bust: the financial crisis, with which we are now all too familiar, erupted. The Investment Policy The point of reminding ourselves of the economic and financial course of events (above) is that, between the launch of the Company and now, things have changed enormously; no longer can it be said that the stock market barometer is "set fair" - certainly not for Great Britain at least. Your Board of Directors, as is the duty of an investment trust board, has undertaken a thorough review of the investment policy to consider whether, in the light of different circumstances, it should be changed in order to give us a better chance of earning really good returns - if possible to match those that have been earned in the past fifteen years. We know that it is a big ask - to use a modern idiom - but it has always been our goal to strive for excellence, most particularly in the returns that we earn for our shareholders. At both our annual away day and at another specially convened meeting, working with Cenkos (our investment banker) and with Fidelity, the Board of Directors considered different possible future investment policies. After much thought, discussion and debate we concluded that the option which suit shareholders the best and should be capable of producing the excellent returns we aim to earn because: * the vast majority of our shareholders have invested in the shares of Fidelity Special Values in part because of its exposure to the UK stock market; * the UK stock market itself is dominated by companies whose sales and profits are earned largely overseas; * we have considerable confidence that, in Sanjeev Shah, we have a talented portfolio manager, capable of earning good returns from stocks and shares quoted on the London Stock Exchange; furthermore his style of investment is suited to investment in derivatives (see below); * and finally we believe that Fidelity's skills in the area of derivatives gives us the chance to put that icing on the cake which will allow us to reproduce those excellent returns that we have earned in the past. And so it is that our investment policy remains that of investment in mispriced conventional stocks and shares (the main body of the portfolio) with two additional but much smaller components - investment outside the UK where there may be more attractive investments within a particular mispriced sector (for instance our holding in Carnival, the American cruise liner company) and investment in derivatives, both of which form a much smaller commitment and help to put the icing on the cake to which I referred earlier. Investing in Derivatives Although we have written at length in the past about investment in mispriced stocks and shares both here in the UK and, to a much smaller extent, outside the UK, we have not articulated our approach to investing in derivatives before; so I thought it worthwhile to say something about it. It is important to understand that it is but a small component of the portfolio and, more importantly, it is just another way of investing in mispriced stocks. The investment style that Sanjeev uses in order to achieve the appreciation of capital that is our corporate objective - in other words positive returns - is the identification of mispriced stocks. He has identified those areas in which he looks for such opportunities - undervalued corporate assets, for instance - at the same time as identifying a catalyst which might correct the mispricing. It is a style involving shorter-term return objectives, the share price appreciation coming from a revaluation of the shares within a relatively short period of time - typically a year or so; the turnover of the portfolio during the past year, for instance, was 98%. The point of highlighting his approach to investing is that it is one that is very compatible with that of making successful investments in derivatives, themselves investments of a shorter-term nature. Investors with much longer time scales often find making successful shorter-term derivative investments difficult. To repeat what I said earlier, it is our view that Sanjeev, with his investment style, is well suited to make derivative investments and thereby carrying out the investment policy. It is important to understand why the Board believes that investment in derivatives makes sense for Fidelity Special Values. Such investments give us the chance to add value to our investment returns without changing the investment policy. They allow us: * to gear the returns that we make, being alternative to straight borrowing; * to take advantage of the revaluation of mispriced stocks - both up and down; * it allows us to protect the portfolio if we become concerned about stock market levels generally. Gearing, investment in mispriced stocks and protecting the portfolio are all things we do in the normal course of managing the portfolio, have done in the past and will continue to do so in the future. It should be emphasised that investment is not made in any derivatives other than those that are relevant to and directly enhance the Company's investment policy. Investment in derivatives is not new to the portfolio but we have been increasing our commitment in recent years, most noticeably in the last two years. We have strict guidelines on what can be invested in and how much - just as we do for investment in conventional stocks and shares. Finally I am happy to report that these investments have been adding value to the returns we make for shareholders - having added circa £11 million to the net asset value over the last year and circa £8½ million in the previous financial year - very worthwhile returns we believe. The Year's Results: NAV: 587.5p + 4.5%; Share price: 550.0p + 14.2%; Benchmark: - 12.1%; Dividend: 9.0p This past year has proved to be quite extraordinary. It started off with - arguably the worst financial crisis in 80 years. Stock markets crashed as sectors all over the world had to be rescued by their respective governments; during the first half of our financial year the British stock market lost approximately one third of its value, as indeed did Fidelity Special Values' net assets. However governments and central bankers worked overtime on plans to rescue their banks and thence their economies by - in effect - getting their tax payers to underwrite the creditworthiness of the banks and by pumping "squillions" of dollars, pounds, euros, yen etc into the global financial system. For now at least economies have been stabilised and global stock markets have rebounded - in huge relief that the worst is over, for the moment at least. The British stock market rose by circa 30% over the course of our second half. The chart below illustrates the tale of two halves. (Please note that the chart is not included in this announcement but will appear in the Chairman's statement in the Annual Report for 31 August 2009) The real story for shareholders is that our own net asset value recovered quite magnificently - rising by no less than 56½% in the six month period, leaving the net asset value 4½% ahead of where it was a year ago. Given that interest on a bank account earned most depositors next to nothing, the rise in the net asset value is certainly worthwhile; given that our benchmark declined by circa 12% it can be said that Sanjeev Shah did a fabulous job of managing the portfolio in very difficult circumstances and in his first full year at the portfolio management helm. Well done Sanjeev. Better still news is that the share price staged an even better recovery. At the end of last year it stood at 481½p, selling at a discount of circa 14¼% to the underlying net asset value. As the year wore on, as the markets began to recover their poise and importantly as Sanjeev became better known to both shareholders and to investors generally, the market began to recognise the excellence of the returns being earned; investors started to buy, many thereby becoming new shareholders and the discount started to narrow. By the end of the year the share price had risen to 550p and the discount had narrowed to circa 6 ½%. These results are the sort of results that earn the attribute of excellent, being what we aim to earn for shareholders. It is worth observing that the discount narrowed during the year - despite the fact that we bought back very few shares and indeed we were able to issue some shares at a premium to the underlying net asset value - for a net addition to the number of shares of circa 150,000. The fact is that all the buying back of shares will not protect the discount of poorly performing investment trusts, whereas buybacks are not normally necessary if the returns being earned are good. While we will buy back shares if there is advantage to long-term shareholders to do so - the increase in the net asset value - it should not be necessary to do so if we are doing a good job. The tables on page 17 in the annual report illustrate where last year's returns came from. Most particularly they illustrate the tremendous contribution made by Sanjeev's stock picking. Rather strangely two of the three best returns came from holdings in bank shares (the Royal Bank of Scotland + 8½p and Standard Chartered +5½p) and likewise two of the worst returns (HBOS -19p and Barclays -6p). Dividend The level of income earned during the year fell from £13.8 million to £10.4 million. This was because the portfolio did not generate as much income - in part because it was a different portfolio, in part as we did not receive a VAT repayment this year and in part because stocks suffered from dividend cuts. As I have mentioned many times in the past, the objective of Fidelity Special Values is to generate positive returns for shareholders, so that the income generated will be a function of the portfolio and its yield during the course of the year. Nevertheless enough was earned to be able to recommend a dividend of 9p per share to shareholders, itself the second highest ever paid. While I have used statistics which refer to the change in the net asset value only, the dividend paid to shareholders makes a contribution to the overall returns that shareholders receive. Over the longer term it probably won't be that significant when compared with that of the capital return but in any given year it can make a meaningful difference. It certainly did last year when we paid a dividend of 17p per share while losing money on our capital account. This year the 9p dividend is in addition to an increase in the share price of 68½p - so it is still very welcome. Year Share Price Dividend Total Gain/Loss Return 2008 -18.7% +2.9% -15.8% 2009 +14.2% +1.9% +16.1% *NB Simple return (dividends not reinvested) Statistics elsewhere refer to the "total return", which assume that shareholders reinvest their dividends back into the Company's shares at the time that they are received. Some shareholders do, others do not. The Long term Returns (over five years): NAV: + 71.8% Share price: + 58.0% Benchmark: + 13.8% I have tried to emphasise in my statement each year that Fidelity Special Values is in business to make money for shareholders over the longer term. That means making positive returns - money that can be spent. But because the nature of stock markets is volatile and because the reinvestment of corporate profits takes time to bear fruit, I have stressed that we regard "long term" as being at least five years. So I thought I would look at the five year record that the Company has produced since its inception - both the net asset value and the share price (plus the dividends received). The chart below illustrates that record and I think it is fair to say that - given that in most cases the five year returns are over 10% per annum (above the horizontal bold line) for most of the Company's life - the long term objectives have been achieved and that we can pat our Manager, Fidelity, on the back and say "well done". These long term returns are indeed excellent and on behalf of shareholders - thank you, Fidelity. (Please note that the chart is not included in this announcement but will appear in the Chairman's statement in the Annual Report for 31 August 2009) I would like also to commend those at Fidelity for their hard work and excellent administration, not least of all compiling this annual report. Again thank you. The Annual General Meeting: Wednesday 16 December at 11.30 am The Annual General Meeting will be held at Fidelity's offices at 25 Cannon Street (St Paul's or Mansion House tube stations) on Wednesday 16 December 2009 at 11.30am. It is the most important meeting that we, the Directors of your Company, have each year and we do urge as many of you as possible come and join us for the occasion. Sanjeev Shah will be making his annual presentation to shareholders, highlighting the achievements of the year past and the prospects for the year to come. The meeting provides shareholders with the opportunity to ask questions, make comments and recommendations; most importantly it gives the Board of Directors the chance to meet you and get to know your own views and concerns. At the launch of the Company in 1994 five Directors were appointed to the Board. Three of those Directors still serve the Company and - without speaking for myself - I can say that their length of service, as well as their own performance as Directors, has made an important contribution to the successful governance of the Company over the fifteen years. We have been addressing the task of renewing and refreshing the Board over the last few years - with the appointments of Nicky McCabe, Lynn Ruddick and Ben Thomson in recent times. Very sadly Sir Richard Brooke feels that it is time for him to step down and he will not be seeking re-election at the forthcoming AGM. He is a wonderfully wise person and, with his great knowledge and experience of the financial world generally and of investment trusts particularly, he has made an important contribution to the success of the Company during his tenure as a Director. A huge thank you is also due to him. We are in the process of appointing at least one more Director to the Board. During the course of next year, I will step down as a Director of the Company and indeed as Chairman of the Board of Directors; the Directors - other than myself - will decide on who it is that will succeed me. I have been greatly honoured to serve as both a Director and as Chairman and indeed most fortunate to have been associated with some wonderful people - my fellow Directors and many people at Fidelity, including the talented and successful Anthony Bolton. Part of working with great people is that the work is fun and the last fifteen years - despite one or two downs to go with the many ups - it has been; successful governance is team work and should be fun; if not, it is unlikely to be successful. While I can claim little individual credit for the great long term success of Fidelity Special Values, being part of the team that made it has made it wonderfully worthwhile. Corporate Governance There seems to be a never-ending stream of new corporate governance guidelines and rules and regulations that boards have to deal with each year. This year there are additional requirements emanating from the European Union's Disclosure and Transparency Rules Requirements (" the DTR") Much of it is not about the principles and practice of good governance but rather information about facts and statistics pertaining to the year in question which have always formed part of the Directors' Report. We have continued to provide that information in the Directors' Report but, at the end of the Corporate Governance Statement, we have cross referenced that information which the DTR requires. I would like to make an important point about corporate governance and the statements that are traditionally made about compliance - namely concerning a board's determination to apply the highest of governance standards. Compliance with guidelines and rules and regulations does not of itself result in high standards of governance; it merely sets a minimum base. It is the success or otherwise of the leadership of a board in directing and guiding management in the pursuit of the goals of the business that ultimately sets the standards of the best governance. An old quote, attributed to anonymous, says it all: Management is about doing things right. Leadership is about doing the right things. As a board of directors, we have always tried to do the right things and I would like to think that the success of Fidelity Special Values over the years is in a small part due to that. Outlook and Prospects: Difficult to tell I am not going to dwell at length on the prospects for the British stock market or for that of Fidelity Special Values because - in all truth - it is very difficult to make any sort of forecast with a great deal of certainty. While in the past there has always been some sense of unanimity about what lies ahead, I detect that opinions are quite divided. It is difficult to believe that the most severe financial crisis in almost 80 years is suddenly over in a matter of months and that there are not going to be some longer term consequences of the mess we found ourselves in. The history of banking crises does not suggest that it will. However the banking system has now been put under the care of the tax payers - whether he or she likes it or not. Huge quantities of money have been thrown into the financial system and into the economy in an effort to avert a depression. The cost of avoiding the necessary changes that a crisis usually brings about means the major causes of the catastrophe - regulatory incompetence, insatiable greed and living beyond our means appear to me to be alive and well. Still the likelihood is that in time we will adopt better ways - perhaps a change of government will see to that - and that a healthier financial system will emerge, that we will start to save more as a nation and that our individual ambitions will be satisfied a little less avariciously. We do eventually learn from our mistakes. The reason for buying shares in an investment trust company is that the professional management brought to bear on the management of the portfolio and the guidance and governance of a board of directors will earn shareholders a proper return that they might not otherwise be able to do for themselves. It seems to me that between the Board of Directors and Fidelity - there is an excellent team which should be capable of earning those excellent returns I have been referring to in this statement. The much longer term prospects would therefore seem bright. Alex Hammond-Chambers Chairman 3 November 2009 Manager's Review UK MARKET REVIEW • GDP growth deteriorated over the year, culminating in negative growth of 5.5% annualised in the 2nd quarter of 2009. • Inflation subsided in conjunction with the economic slowdown, with August CPI reaching 1.6%. • The Bank of England cut the base rate several times to reach 0.5% in March 2009, the lowest ever rate. • The UK market fell very sharply in the first half of the financial year before recovering strongly from early March 2009. The UK stock market declined 8.2% over the year as the full impact of the financial crisis spread to all parts of the world economy. However it was very much a year of two halves. The first half of our accounting year to 31 August 2009 was characterised by poor news flow and high uncertainty, which led to enormous volatility. The market fell by 31.3% during this period, more than any similar period in several decades. During the second half however, the first tentative signs of improvement appeared, as the actions of governments and Central Banks started to gain traction. The market rose 34.0% in the latter half. Over the year, the best performing sectors were technology stocks and general retailers, which rebounded from very low valuations. Basic materials, where the Company had little exposure, was the worst performing sector overall, as commodity prices tumbled from inflated levels. Financial services were also among the worst performing stocks, however there was a very wide dispersion, as the winners such as London Stock Exchange and Standard Chartered performed strongly, while others collapsed. Careful stock selection was essential. During the period, sterling weakened against the dollar from $1.83 to $1.38 in March before rallying to end the year at $1.63. PORTFOLIO MANAGER'S REVIEW During the 12 months to 31 August 2009, the Company's portfolio returned +9.0% (total return basis), outperforming the FTSE All-Share Index at -8.2%. Following a disappointing year to 31 August 2008 when the Company NAV fell by 9.8% (total return basis) %, it is very pleasing to report that most of that has been recouped, despite a volatile year during which the benchmark fell further. Strong stock selection in the travel and leisure sector was the biggest contributor to performance. Online gaming companies such as Sportingbet and PartyGaming prospered as a result of solid revenue growth and an improving regulatory environment. Compass Group, the outsourced catering company, rallied as new management delivered on the business plan. Despite the volatile environment, holdings in financials also added to performance. While exposure to HBOS detracted prior to their takeover by Lloyds, holdings in Credit Suisse, Standard Chartered and SEB (Sweden) rose strongly as policy action averted the crisis deepening even further. A wide selection of positions in other financial services also supported returns, such as London & Stamford Property, London Stock Exchange and Novae, the insurance company. Given the widespread concerns over the consumer, it was interesting to note that some of the best performers in the market were in retailing. Kingfisher, the DIY specialist, was up 64% as it recovered from very low valuations. Inchcape, the international auto distributor, also recovered strongly. Media stocks have been a mainstay in the Company for some time and Pearson, a leader in educational programs and testing, and British Sky Broadcasting both contributed to the rise in NAV. Technology stocks were also a strong contributor to performance, with smaller companies such as Computacenter and Intec Telecom doubling during the year. CSR, a producer of mobile phone components also rose sharply. Among stocks that performed poorly were Eurotunnel, where a reduction in traffic and financing concerns impacted, and HBOS, where the reliance on wholesale funding led to severe liquidity problems for the bank and its eventual rescue takeover by Lloyds. While I increased exposure to large companies ahead of the crisis, I have been steadily rotating into mid sized companies as the year progressed, and was overweight this segment at the year end. While there are always opportunities in large companies, the mid sized companies tend to be a more fertile hunting ground for special situations. THE USE OF DERIVATIVES The Company is able to selectively use derivatives to generate returns and these activities, which form only a small part of the portfolio, have once again delivered a positive result. The primary motive for using derivatives is to create a wider opportunity set to deliver returns from stock picking. Thus overall portfolio performance continued to be primarily explained by stock selection and market returns. I continued to use derivatives to meet specific objectives with respect to risk exposure management, return enhancement and shorting companies which I assess to be overvalued. Derivative exposures continued to be restricted to modest levels, for example at no time during the year did short or hedge exposures exceed 5% of the Company's net assets and total gross long exposures never exceeded 122%. The use of derivatives contributed a positive return. OUTLOOK While the economic news remains mixed, there are signs of improvement in the housing market and the financial system has recovered from the paralysis of 2008. The rally since March has been led by the cyclical parts of the market and not necessarily the highest quality companies. Recently I have started to reduce exposure to interest rate sensitive stocks such as retailers and housebuliders and increase exposure to areas of defensive growth such as GlaxoSmithKline and British Sky Broadcasting. I continue to believe that although the economic environment is stabilising, the medium term growth outlook is modest. Sanjeev Shah FIL Investments International 3 November 2009 PRINCIPAL RISKS AND UNCERTAINTIES AND RISK MANAGEMENT Due to the current economic climate, shareholders will have concerns about the direction of some markets. The Board confirms that there is an ongoing process for identifying, evaluating and managing the principal risks faced by the Company. The Board, with the assistance of the Manager, has developed a risk matrix which, as part of the internal control process, identifies the operational risks that the Company faces. The matrix has identified strategic, marketing, investment management, statutory and administrative and operational and support function risks. The Board reviews and agrees policies, which have remained broadly unchanged since the beginning of the accounting period, for managing these risks. The process is regularly reviewed by the Board in accordance with the FRC's "Internal Control: Revised Guidance for Directors on the Combined Code". Risks are identified, introduced and graded in this process, together with the policies and procedures for the mitigation of risks, and are updated and reviewed twice a year in the form of a comprehensive internal controls report considered by the Audit Committee. The key risks identified within this matrix are: External risks Market risk The Company's assets consist mainly of listed securities and the principal risks are therefore market related such as market recessions, interest rate movements, deflation/inflation, terrorism and protectionism. Risks to which the Company is exposed and which form part of the market risks category are included in Note 20 to the financial statements on pages 51 to 56 of the annual report together with summaries of the policies for managing these risks. These comprise: market price risk; foreign currency risk; interest rate risk; liquidity risk; counterparty risk and credit risk. The Company has a fixed term, fixed rate loan facility in place which is due for repayment at the beginning of next year. The extent to which any loan facilities will be retained or renewed will be kept under the most careful scrutiny. At the present time, cash is being held against the loan to reduce the level of net gearing. In addition a day to day overdraft facility can be used if required. The impact of limited finance from counterparties including suppliers has not impacted the Company to date, however there are alternative suppliers available in the market place should the need arise. The Company relies on a number of main counterparties, namely the Manager, Registrar, Custodian and Auditor. The Manager is the member of a privately owned group of companies on which a regular report is provided to the Board. The Manager, Registrar and Custodian are subject to regular audits by Fidelity's internal controls team and the counterparties' own internal controls reports are received by the Board and any concerns investigated Share price risk Although it is usually the case that the longer a share is owned the less the risk of losing money, share prices are volatile and for the short term shareholder, likely to want to sell in the near future, volatility is a risk. The Board does not regard volatility as a significant risk for the long term shareholder. Discount risk The Board cannot control the discount at which the Company's share price trades to net asset value. However, it can influence this through its share buyback policy and through creating demand for shares through good performance and an active investor relations programme. Internal risks Investment management The Board relies on the Manager's skills and judgement to make investment decisions based on research and analysis of individual stocks and sectors. The Board reviews the performance of the asset value of the portfolio against the Company's benchmark and competitors and the outlook for the market with the Manager at each Board meeting. The emphasis is on long term investment performance and the Board accepts that by targeting long term results the Company risks volatility in the shorter term. Governance, operational, financial, compliance, administration etc While it is believed that the likelihood of poor governance, compliance and operational administration by other third party service providers is low, the financial consequences could be serious, including the associated reputational damage to the Company. Your Board is responsible for the Company's system of internal control and for reviewing its effectiveness. Details of this process are provided in the Corporate Governance Statement within the annual report. Financial and financial instrument risks The financial instrument risks faced by the Company are shown in Note 20 to the financial statements on pages 51 to 56 of the annual report. Other risks monitored on a regular basis include loan covenants, which are subject to daily monitoring, together with the Company's cash position, and the continuation vote (at a time of poor performance). Environmental, employee, social and community matters The Company is an investment trust which is managed by FIL Investments International. The Company has no Employees and all of its Directors are non-executive, the Company's day to day activities being carried out by third parties. There are therefore no disclosures to be made in respect of employees. The Board fully endorses Fidelity's strong procedures which are involved in the making of its investments. The Company's financial reports are printed by a company which has won awards for its environmental awareness and further details of this may be found on the back cover of its report. Financial reports and other publicly available documentation are also available on the Company's website Details about Fidelity's own community involvement may be found on its website Related Party Transactions No Director is under a contract of service with the Company and no contracts existed during or at the end of the financial period in which any Director was materially interested and which was significant in relation to the Company's business, except as disclosed in relation to Ms McCabe's interests in the Management Agreement. There have been no other related party transactions requiring disclosure under Financial Reporting Standard ("FRS") 8. Directors' Responsibility Statement The Directors are responsible for preparing the annual report and the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and regulations. Company law requires the Directors to prepare financial statements for each financial year. Under that law they have elected to prepare the financial statements in accordance with UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice. The financial statements are required by law to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company and of the profit or loss for the period. In preparing these financial statements, the Directors are required to: • select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; • make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; • state whether applicable UK Accounting Standards have been followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements; and • prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the Company will continue in business. The Directors are responsible for ensuring that proper accounting records are kept which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Company and to enable them to ensure that its financial statements comply with the Companies Act 2006. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities. Under applicable law and regulations the Directors are also responsible for preparing a Directors' Report, including a Business Review, a Directors' Remuneration Report and a Corporate Governance Statement that comply with that law and those regulations. The Directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the corporate and financial information included on the Company's website Visitors to the website need to be aware that legislation in the UK governing the preparation and dissemination of financial statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions. We confirm that to the best of our knowledge: the financial statements, prepared in accordance with the applicable set of accounting standards, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the Company; and the Directors' Report includes a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the Company together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties it faces. Approved by the Board on 3 November 2009 and signed on its behalf. Alex Hammond Chambers Chairman 3 November 2009 Enquiries: Enquiries: Chris Davies - Head of Investment Trusts, FIL Investments International - 01737 837 723 Anne Read - Corporate Communications, FIL Investments International - 0207 961 4409 Mr Christopher Pirnie - Company Secretary, FIL Investment International, - 01737 837929 Issued by FIL Investments International. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Income Statement for the year end 31 August 2009 2009 2008 revenue capital total revenue capital total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Gains/(losses) on - 8,423 8,423 - (55,293) (55,293) investments designated at fair value through profit and loss Gains on derivative - 10,756 10,756 - 8,486 8,486 instruments held at fair value through profit and loss Franked investment income 2,477 - 2,477 5,051 - 5,051 UK unfranked investment - - - 60 - 60 income UK scrip dividends 5,340 - 5,340 6,009 - 6,009 Overseas dividends 628 - 628 1,144 - 1,144 Overseas scrip dividends 736 - 736 275 - 275 Property income 574 - 574 197 - 197 distribution Other income - - - 38 - 38 Deposit interest 134 - 134 632 - 632 Income from Fidelity 28 - 28 352 - 352 Institutional Cash Fund plc Interest on VAT recovered 407 - 407 - - - on investment management fees(²) Underwriting commission 97 - 97 - - - Net derivative expense (375) - (375) - - - Investment management fee (2,862) - (2,862) (3,507) - (3,507) VAT on investment 6 - 6 2,300 - 2,300 management fee recovered Other expenses (513) - (513) (490) - (490) Exchange gains/(losses) on - 123 123 - (46) (46) other net assets Net return/(loss) before 6,677 19,302 25,979 12,061 (46,853) (34,792) finance costs and taxation Interest payable (1,637) - (1,637) (2,033) - (2,033) Net return/(loss) on 5,040 19,302 24,342 10,028 (46,853) (36,825) ordinary activities before taxation Taxation on return/(loss) (57) - (57) (121) - (121) on ordinary activities(¹) Net return/(loss) on 4,983 19,302 24,285 9,907 (46,853) (36,946) ordinary activities after taxation for the year Return/(loss) per ordinary 8.76p 33.92p 42.68p 17.13p (81.03p) (63.90p) share (¹) This relates to overseas taxation only. (²) This interest received on VAT on investment management fees reclaimed following the decision of the European Court of Justice in the JPMorgan Claverhouse Investment Trust case (C-365/05) A Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses has not been prepared as there are no gains and losses other than those reported in this Income Statement. The total column of the Income Statement is the profit and loss account of the Company. All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continued operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued during the year. FIDELITY SPECIAL VALUES PLC Balance Sheet for the year end 31 August 2009 2009 2008 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Investments designated at fair value through 355,379 331,312 profit or loss Current assets Derivative assets held at fair value through 4,186 - profit or loss Debtors 9,135 6,994 Amounts held at futures clearing houses and 843 1,573 brokers Fidelity Institutional Cash Fund plc - 9,091 Cash at bank 8,087 14,994 22,251 32,652 Creditors - amounts falling due within one year Derivative liabilities held at fair value (1,238) - through profit or loss Fixed rate unsecured loans (27,000) (8,000) Other creditors (14,874) (9,707) (43,112) (17,707) Net current (liabilities)/assets (20,861) 14,945 Total assets less current liabilities 334,518 346,257 Creditors - amounts falling due after more than one year Fixed rate unsecured loans - (27,000) Total net assets 334,518 319,257 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 14,234 14,198 Share premium account 95,767 95,058 Capital redemption reserve 2,554 2,545 Other non-distributable reserve 5,152 5,152 Capital reserve 210,488 191,309 Revenue reserve 6,323 10,995 Total equity shareholders' funds 334,518 319,257 Net asset value per ordinary share 587.50p 562.13p FIDELITY SPECIAL VALUES PLC Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds for the year ended 31 August 2009 called share capital other capital revenue total up share premium redemption non-distributable reserve reserve equity capital account reserve reserve £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Opening 14,926 95,058 1,817 5,152 254,123 5,514 376,590 shareholders' funds: 1 September 2007 Net recognised - - - - (46,853) - (46,853) capital losses for the year Repurchase of (728) - 728 - (15,961) - (15,961) ordinary shares Net revenue - - - - - 9,907 9,907 return after taxation for the year Dividend paid to - - - - - (4,426) (4,426) shareholders Closing 14,198 95,058 2,545 5,152 191,309 10,995 319,257 shareholders' funds: 31 August 2008 Net recognised - - - - 19,302 - 19,302 capital gains for the year Issue of 45 709 - - - - 754 ordinary shares Repurchase of (9) - 9 - (123) - (123) ordinary shares Net revenue - - - - - 4,983 4,983 return after taxation for the year Dividend paid to - - - - (9,655) (9,655) shareholders Closing 14,234 95,767 2,554 5,152 210,488 6,323 334,518 shareholders' funds: 31 August 2009 FIDELITY SPECIAL VALUES PLC Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31 August 2009 2009 2008 £'000 £'000 Operating activities Investment income received 4,232 5,639 Net derivative expenses paid (377) - Underwriting commission received 97 - Deposit interest received 216 947 Investment management fee paid (497) (3,704) Directors' fees paid (112) (108) Other cash payments (684) (620) Net cash inflow from operating activities 2,875 2,154 Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest paid (1,692) (2,057) Net cash outflow from returns on investments and (1,692) (2,057) servicing of finance Taxation Overseas taxation recovered 38 13 Taxation recovered 38 13 Financial investment Purchase of investments (263,308) (318,920) Disposal of investments 254,390 338,703 Net cash (outflow)/inflow from financial investment (8,918) 19,783 Derivative activities Premium received on options 3,441 - Premium paid on options (1,365) - Proceeds of derivative instruments 5,923 - Net cash inflow from derivative activities 7,999 - Dividend paid to shareholders (9,655) (4,426) Net cash (outflow)/inflow before use of liquid (9,353) 15,467 resources and financing Net cash inflow from management of liquid resources 9,091 1,251 Net cash (outflow)/inflow before financing (262) 16,718 Financing Issue of ordinary shares 754 - Repurchase of ordinary shares (124) (16,442) 5.655% fixed rate unsecured loan repaid (8,000) - 4.91% fixed rate unsecured loan repaid - (5,000) Net cash outflow from financing (7,370) (21,442) Decrease in cash (7,632) (4,724) FIDELITY SPECIAL VALUES PLC Return/(Loss) per Ordinary Share revenue 2009 total revenue 2008 total capital capital Basic 8.76p 33.92p 42.68p 17.13p (81.03p) (63.90p) Returns/(losses) per ordinary share are based on the net revenue return on ordinary activities after taxation of £4,983,000 (2008: £9,907,000), the capital return in the year of £19,302,000 (2008: capital loss £46,853,000) and the total return in the year of £24,285,000 (2008: total loss £36,946,000) and on 56,899,410 ordinary shares (2008: 57,823,165) being the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year. The above statements have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies as set out in annual financial statements to 31 August 2009. This preliminary statement, which has been agreed with the auditor, was approved by the Board on 3 November 2009. It is not the Company's statutory financial statements. The statutory financial statements for the financial year ended 31 August 2008 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The statutory financial statements for the financial year ended 31 August 2009 have been approved and audited but have not yet been filed. The statutory financial statements for the financial years ended 31 August 2008 and 31 August 2009 received unqualified audit reports, did not include a reference to any matters to which the auditor drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying the report and did not contain statements under section 498 (2) and (3) of the Companies Act 2006. The annual report and financial statements will be posted to shareholders as soon as is practicable and in any event no later than 16 November 2009.
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