Blocklisting - Interim Review

BLOCK LISTING SIX MONTHLY RETURN INFORMATION PROVIDED ON THIS FORM MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED ELECTRONICALLY. To: The FSA Date: 11 September 2007 AVS No: Name of applicant: Fidelity Special Values PLC Name of scheme: Fidelity ISA Period of return: From: 10 March 2007 To: 10 September 2007 Balance under scheme from previous return: 178,393 ordinary 25p shares The amount by which the block scheme has been increased, if the scheme has been increased since the date of the last return: n/a Number of securities issued/allotted under scheme during period: n/a Balance under scheme not yet issued/allotted at end of period: 178,393 ordinary 25p shares Number and class of securities originally listed and the date of admission: 550,000 ordinary 25p shares on 10 March 2004 Ref: RA/Fidelity Special Val/00017 Total number of securities in issue at the end of the period: 59,640,810 ordinary 25p shares Name of contact: Mrs Tracey A Cousins Address of contact: Beech Gate, Millfield Lane, Lower Kingswood, Tadworth, Surrey KT20 6RP Telephone number of contact: 01737 836 883 SIGNED BY _Tracey Cousins, For and on behalf of Fidelity Investments International [DEL:Director:DEL][DEL:/:DEL]company secretary[DEL:/suitably experienced:DEL] [DEL:employee:DEL][DEL:/duly authorised:DEL] officer, for and on behalf of Fidelity Special Values PLC Name of applicant If you knowingly or recklessly give false or misleading information you may be liable to prosecution.
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