Interim Results

FIDELITY SPECIAL VALUES PLC Preliminary Announcement of Unaudited Interim Results for the six months ended 28 February 2005 INTERIM REPORT Performance: NAV +19.9% to 410.0p per share During the first half of the current year, the net asset value of the ordinary shares increased by 19.9% to 410.0p, while the share price rose a little more, increasing by 21.3% to 422p. At the half-year end, 28 February 2005, the shares were selling at a premium of 2.9% to the underlying net asset value. The stock market - as measured by the benchmark, the FTSE All-share Index - performed consistently well, rising in each and every month and ending the period 12.7% higher. The net asset value outperformance relative to the benchmark is mainly attributable to good stock selection by the Manager and to the gearing, adding circa 16p per share (4.8%) and 13p (3.8%) respectively to the net asset value ('NAV'). NAV at 31 August 2004 341.9p Impact of: Stock market +43.4p +12.7% Stock Selection +16.3p +4.8% Gearing +13.2p +3.8% Other, including -4.8p -1.4% costs NAV at 28 February 2005 410.0p +19.9% The portfolio's performance benefited particularly from its exposure to holdings within two sectors, the Oil & Gas Sector, with the holdings in BP and BG making important contributions, and the Media & Entertainment Sector with the holdings in Yell and ITV contributing to its performance. The breadth of the stock market's rise meant that there were no sectors which particularly hurt the performance of the portfolio, although the holding in Cairn Energy suffered following some disappointing drilling news it remains as the top contributor over a 12 month period. The sector distribution of the portfolio was much the same at the end of the period as it had been at the beginning of the year - with the exposure to the Oil & Gas (19.3% of total assets) and Media & Entertainment (13.7%) sectors being the largest two. Eight of the top ten holdings in the portfolio at the year end remained in the top ten at the half year end; the holdings in Rank Organisation and MM02 gave way to holdings in Statoil, the Norwegian oil & gas company and to BT, the telecommunications company. Borrowings: £40 million (+£7m) Two of the borrowing facilities, amounting to £20 million, fell due for repayment in January 2005. Their repayment was financed with a new 5 year loan for £20 million fixed at a lower rate of 5.4% per annum and at the same time a new facility for £7 million was established on the same terms. At the end of February 2005, the total borrowings amounted to £40 million and represented 15.0% of shareholders' funds. It is the Board's policy to have gearing of between 15% and 20% in normal circumstances. Outlook: It is a little difficult to make predictions about the future course of the economy and the stock market two weeks ahead of a general election, although there does not seem to be much doubt in most commentators' minds about the outcome. The global economy continues to do well, driven largely by the economies of the United States and China. In both those cases there are some causes for concern but growth for 2005 at least seems reasonably assured. Interest rates in most of the major economies are rising - with the notable exception of the Euro Zone and Japan - which will act as a restraint on growth but hopefully not a brake. All the major economies are running public sector budget deficits which tend to act as a stimulant. The British economy is obviously affected by these influences and has certain ones of its own. It would appear that there is likely to be a further rise in taxes after the election and interest rates are higher than they have been. However the British economy still remains internationally competitive and is performing rather better than most of those in Continental Europe. The UK Stock Market has made a good recovery from the lows established in March 2003 when the FTSE All-share Index reached 1593.3; at the end of February, nearly two years later it stood at 2,495.5, 57% above the low. Corporate profits have proved to be quite robust and valuations are not unreasonable, although there are variations within the valuation spectrum. All things considered the stock market appears to be providing some good opportunities to make money. By order of the Board Fidelity Investments International 21 April 2005 Enquiries: Barbara Powley - Fidelity Investments International 01737 836883 Stephen Westwood - Fidelity Investments International 020 7961 4477 CB22349 FIDELITY SPECIAL VALUES PLC Statement of Total Return (incorporating the revenue account) of the Company for the six months ended for the year ended for the six months ended 28.02.05 31.08.04 29.02.04 unaudited audited restated (1) unaudited revenue capital total revenue capital total revenue capital total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Gains on - 43,941 43,941 - 30,404 30,404 - 32,560 32,560 investments Dividend income 2,420 - 2,420 5,362 - 5,362 1,402 - 1,402 Interest income 153 - 153 212 - 212 108 - 108 Underwriting 5 - 5 17 - 17 17 - 17 commission income Investment (1,611) - (1,611) (2,238) - (2,238) (816) - (816) management fee Other expenses (238) - (238) (434) - (434) (244) - (244) Exchange losses - (11) (11) - (43) (43) - (36) (36) Net return before 729 43,930 44,659 2,919 30,361 33,280 467 32,524 32,991 finance costs and taxation Interest payable (1,154) - (1,154) (1,965) - (1,965) (894) - (894) (Loss)/return on (425) 43,930 43,505 954 30,361 31,315 (427) 32,524 32,097 ordinary activities before taxation Taxation on 17 - 17 (68) - (68) (7) - (7) ordinary activities (Loss)/return on (408) 43,930 43,522 886 30,361 31,247 (434) 32,524 32,090 ordinary activities after taxation for the period attributable to equity shareholders Dividend (8) - (8) (890) - (890) (2) - (2) Transfer (from)/ (416) 43,930 43,514 (4) 30,361 30,357 (436) 32,524 32,088 to reserves (Loss)/return per ordinary share Basic (0.64p) 68.37p 67.73p 1.55p 52.98p 54.53p (0.96p) 72.34p 71.38p These accounts have been prepared in accordance with the AITC Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) issued in January 2003. FIDELITY SPECIAL VALUES PLC Balance Sheet 28.02.05 31.08.04 29.02.04 unaudited audited restated (1) unaudited £'000 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Investments 306,298 251,138 244,034 Current assets Debtors - amounts falling due 3,450 3,470 4,267 within one year Cash at bank 895 1,007 5,496 4,345 4,477 9,763 Creditors - amounts falling due within one year Fixed rate unsecured loans - (20,000) (20,000) Other creditors (3,287) (5,758) (6,068) (3,287) (25,758) (26,068) Net current assets/(liabilities) 1,058 (21,281) (16,305) Total assets less current 307,356 229,857 227,729 liabilities Creditors - amounts falling due after more than one year Fixed rate unsecured loans (40,000) (13,000) (13,000) Total net assets 267,356 216,857 214,729 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 16,301 15,855 15,583 Share premium account 94,462 87,923 84,336 Capital redemption reserve 404 404 404 Other reserves Other non-distributable reserve 5,152 5,152 5,152 Capital reserve - realised 96,979 82,169 70,552 Capital reserve - unrealised 53,264 24,144 37,924 Revenue reserve 794 1,210 778 Total equity shareholders' funds 267,356 216,857 214,729 Net asset value per ordinary share: Basic 410.02p 341.94p 344.50p FIDELITY SPECIAL VALUES PLC Cash Flow Statement 28.02.05 31.08.04 29.02.04 unaudited audited restated (1) unaudited £'000 £'000 £'000 Operating activities Investment income received 1,193 2,903 943 Underwriting commission 5 17 17 received Interest received 100 134 70 Investment management fee paid (1,532) (2,080) (680) Directors' fees paid (30) (64) (31) Other cash payments (136) (468) (52) Net cash (outflow)/inflow from (400) 442 267 operating activities Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest paid (1,159) (1,905) (846) Net cash outflow from returns (1,159) (1,905) (846) on investments and servicing of finance Financial investment Purchase of investments (107,810) (194,591) (97,206) Disposals of investments 96,177 175,555 85,691 Net cash outflow from financial (11,633) (19,036) (11,515) investment Equity dividend paid (896) (457) (457) Net cash outflow before (14,088) (20,956) (12,551) financing Financing Exercise of warrants - 3,309 3,309 5.655% fixed rate unsecured - 8,000 8,000 loan drawn down 5.435% fixed rate unsecured 27,000 - - loan drawn down 7.82% fixed rate unsecured loan (10,000) - - repaid 6.42% fixed rate unsecured loan (10,000) - - repaid Issue of ordinary shares 6,976 8,495 4,574 Cash element from issue of - 931 931 shares to shareholders of Govett Strategic Trust and The Derby Trust Issue costs relating to issue - (454) (454) of shares to shareholders of Govett Strategic Trust and The Derby Trust Net cash inflow from financing 13,976 20,281 16,360 (Decrease)/increase in cash (112) (675) 3,809 1. The accounting presentation of the issue of shares to shareholders in Govett Strategic Trust and The Derby Trust undertaken in the six months to 29 February 2004 has been restated to be consistent with that in the annual audited accounts for the year ended 31 August 2004. As explained in the annual audited accounts, issue costs of £454,000 previously shown as revenue expenses in the interim accounts for the six months to 29 February 2004 have been offset against share premium and the revenue return for that interim period is restated to a loss of £434,000. Cash flows associated with the issue of shares have also been restated in line with the presentation in the annual audited accounts but there is no change to the net asset value as at 29 February 2004. 2. The figures and financial information for the year ended 31 August 2004 have been extracted from the latest published accounts of the Company and do not constitute the statutory accounts for that year. Those accounts have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and included the report of the auditors, which was unqualified and did not contain a statement under either section 237(2) or 237(3) of the Companies Act 1985. 3. Copies of the interim report will be posted to shareholders as soon as practicable. Copies will also be available to the public at the Company's registered office, Beech Gate, Millfield Lane, Lower Kingswood, Tadworth, Surrey KT20 6RP.
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