Result of AGM
FirstGroup plc
Results of Annual General Meeting, 12 July 2007 - Proxy Results
The Board of FirstGroup plc announces that, at the Annual General Meeting held
earlier today, Resolutions 1 to 14 were duly passed and Resolution 15 was not
passed by FirstGroup's shareholders on a poll. The results of the poll are
shown below.
No. of % of No. of % of No. of
Votes Vote Votes Vote Votes
1. To receive the Annual 269,749,277 99.91% 247,435 0.09% 119,001
Report & Financial
2. To approve the 267,345,633 99.61% 1,050,740 0.39% 1,719,340
Remuneration Report
3. To declare a final 270,027,532 99.99% 17,131 0.01% 71,050
4. To re-elect Moir 267,166,866 98.95% 2,837,877 1.05% 110,970
Lockhead as a Director
5. To re-elect John 268,324,781 99.38% 1,665,839 0.62% 125,093
Sievwright as a
6. To re-elect Dean Finch 268,552,352 99.46% 1,444,929 0.54% 118,432
as a Director
7. To re-elect David 268,843,019 99.58% 1,145,473 0.42% 127,221
Leeder as a Director
8. To elect Audrey Baxter 268,599,833 99.49% 1,377,904 0.51% 137,976
as a Director
9. To re-appoint Deloitte 264,604,659 99.09% 2,439,092 0.91% 3,071,962
& Touche LLP as
independent auditors
10. To authorise the 267,516,385 99.14% 2,319,369 0.86% 279,959
Directors to determine
the remuneration of
the independent
11. To authorise the 268,832,266 99.59% 1,096,203 0.41% 187,244
Directors to allot
relevant securities
12. To authorise the 269,459,381 99.91% 244,338 0.09% 411,994
Directors to disapply
pre-emption rights
13. To permit the Company 269,679,769 99.93% 180,855 0.07% 255,089
to purchase its own
14. To authorise the 267,261,466 99.07% 2,511,629 0.93% 342,618
Company to make
political donations
and incur political
15. Shareholder Resolution 8,719,541 3.45% 243,721,740 96.55% 17,674,432
The current issued share capital of FirstGroup plc is 434,993,051 ordinary
shares of 5 pence per share (excluding treasury shares).