Result of AGM
FirstGroup plc
(the "Company")
Results of Annual General Meeting on 8 July 2010
The Board of FirstGroup plc announces that, at the Annual General Meeting held
earlier today, Resolutions 1 to 16 were duly passed by the Company's
shareholders on a poll. The results of the poll are shown below.
No. of % of No. of % of No. of
Votes Vote Votes Vote Votes
1. To receive the Annual 306,424,625 99.69 953,646 0.31 118,828
Report and Financial
2. To approve the 293,100,991 96.32 11,190,186 3.68 3,205,921
Remuneration Report
3. To declare a final 307,281,986 99.99 16,765 0.01 198,348
4. To re-elect Martin 296,278,875 96.39 11,089,683 3.61 128,541
Gilbert as a Director
5. To re-elect Sir Moir 300,225,426 97.67 7,177,262 2.33 94,411
Lockhead as a Director
6. To re-elect Audrey 304,540,141 99.08 2,825,513 0.92 131,445
Baxter as a Director
7. To re-elect John 304,584,236 99.09 2,787,525 0.91 125,338
Sievwright as a
8. To elect Jeff Carr as 300,101,246 97.85 6,579,498 2.15 816,355
a Director
9. To re-appoint Deloitte 296,575,833 99.38 1,857,250 0.62 9,064,015
LLP as independent
10. To authorise the 298,919,854 99.56 1,332,209 0.44 7,245,036
Directors to determine
the remuneration of
the independent
11. To authorise the 246,616,971 83.27 49,534,653 16.73 11,344,675
Directors to allot
12. To authorise the 302,441,951 98.45 4,773,234 1.55 281,914
Directors to disapply
pre-emption rights
13. To permit the Company 307,058,310 99.90 314,062 0.10 124,700
to purchase its own
14. To authorise the 302,895,817 98.60 4,285,422 1.40 315,860
Company to make
political donations
and incur political
15. To adopt new articles 304,553,484 99.79 641,738 0.21 2,301,876
of association
16. To authorise the 293,842,467 95.79 12,910,291 4.21 744,341
calling of general
meetings of the
Company by notice of
14 clear days
Votes "For" and "Against" are expressed as a percentage of votes received.
A "Vote withheld" is not a vote in law and is not counted in the calculation of
the votes "For" and "Against" a resolution.
The current issued share capital of FirstGroup plc is 481,091,718 ordinary
shares of 5 pence per share (excluding treasury shares).