Result of AGM

FirstGroup plc

(the “Company”)

Results of Annual General Meeting on 19 July 2016

The Board of FirstGroup plc announces that, at the Annual General Meeting held earlier today, Resolutions 1 to 19 were duly passed by the Company’s shareholders on a poll.  The results of the poll are shown below.

No. of
% of Vote No. of Votes % of Vote No. of
No. of  Votes
1. To receive the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2016 909,766,866 99.95 426,644 0.05 910,193,510 36,481,689
2. To approve the Directors’ Annual Report on Remuneration 799,235,216 96.53 28,761,378 3.47 827,996,594 118,668,660
3. To elect Matthew Gregory as a Director 944,305,319 99.80 1,935,749 0.20 946,241,068 415,817
4. To re-elect Mick Barker as a Director 944,161,641 99.77 2,166,038 0.23 946,327,679 334,536
5. To re-elect Warwick Brady as a Director 944,514,813 99.81 1,762,401 0.19 946,277,214 382,427
6. To re-elect Drummond Hall as a Director 944,330,405 99.79 1,974,153 0.21 946,304,558 354,515
7. To re-elect Wolfhart Hauser as a Director 924,123,475 98.50 14,082,313 1.50 938,205,788 8,456,485
8. To re-elect Tim O’Toole as a Director 943,675,821 99.72 2,693,794 0.28 946,369,615 292,996
9. To re-elect Brian Wallace as a Director 939,847,858 99.32 6,472,307 0.68 946,320,165 342,108
10. To re-elect Imelda Walsh as a Director 943,512,418 99.70 2,844,191 0.30 946,356,609 303,656
11. To re-elect Jim Winestock as a Director 944,422,351 99.80 1,876,758 0.20 946,299,109 343,157
12. To re-appoint Deloitte LLP as auditors 926,533,449 98.77 11,580,912 1.23 938,114,361 8,539,506
13. To authorise the Directors to determine the remuneration of the auditors 945,636,036 99.91 814,864 0.09 946,450,900 204,666
14. To authorise the Directors to allot shares 934,880,473 98.78 11,570,492 1.22 946,450,965 214,998
15. To authorise the Directors to dis-apply pre-emption rights 778,124,190 92.73 60,998,207 7.27 839,122,397 107,536,018
16. To authorise the Directors to make market purchases of the Company’s shares 935,086,028 98.80 11,371,239 1.20 946,457,267 209,439
17. To authorise the Company to make political donations and incur political expenditure 822,888,429 86.95 123,453,455 13.05 946,341,884 326,052
18. To approve the rules of the FirstGroup plc 2016 Sharesave Plan 943,806,605 99.73 2,595,984 0.27 946,402,589 264,455
19. To authorise the calling of general meetings on 14 clear days’ notice 891,352,135 94.17 55,169,221 5.83 946,521,356 145,349

Votes “For” and “Against” are expressed as a percentage of votes received.

A “Vote withheld” is not a vote in law and is not counted in the calculation of the votes “For” and “Against” a resolution.

The current issued share capital of FirstGroup plc is 1,204,988,509 ordinary shares of 5 pence per share. 77.32% of voting capital was instructed.

In accordance with the Listing Rule 9.6.2, copies of all resolutions other than resolutions concerning ordinary business passed at today’s Annual General Meeting will be submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at:


FirstGroup (FGP)
UK 100