Half-yearly Report
Secured Property Developments plc
Unaudited financial statements for the period from
1st January 2012 to 30th June 2012
Registered number 2055395
Chairman's Statement
Rental income and gross profit have reduced due to a vacant unit at 11
Newborough Scarborough and increased administration costs.
With effect from 23rd October 2012 11 Newborough Scarborough has been relet to
Eden Mobility Limited a multiple retailer specialising in mobility scooters and
aids for the elderly and infirm. The current difficult economic conditions have
caused increased administration costs in managing rent recovery, dilapidation
claims and restructuring of leases. The Board remains interested in the
residential project at Sandbanks, Bournemouth, but to date its efforts to
finance the scheme have been thwarted by the current freeze on bank lending for
speculative development projects. The Board continues to review other
development/investment opportunities with the aim of growing Company revenue
and providing returns to shareholders.
David Duffield
Chairman 29th October 2010
Unaudited profit and loss account
for the period from 1stJanuary 2012 to 30th June 2012
2012 2012 2011 2011
£ £ £
Turnover 64,584 69,123
Cost of sales (4,250) (4,646)
______ _______
Gross profit 60,334 64,477
Administrative expenses (75,234) (34,938)
______ _______
Operating (loss)/profit (14,900) 29,539
Interest receivable 1,407 1,635
Interest payable (52,175) (51,688)
______ ______
(50,768) (50,053)
______ _______
Loss on ordinary activities before (65,668) (20,514)
Taxation - -
______ _______
Loss on ordinary activities after (65,668) (20,154)
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Loss per share (3.39)p (1.04)p
Unaudited Balance sheet
at 30thJune 2012
2012 2012 2011 2011
£ £ £ £
Fixed assets
Tangible assets 2,110,000 2,110,000
Current assets
Debtors 60,851 50,813
Cash at bank and in hand 429,705 548,331
_______ _______
490,556 600,144
Creditors: amounts falling due (86,250) (79,424)
within one year
_______ _______
Net current assets 404,306 520,720
_________ _______
Total assets less current 2,514,306 2,630,720
Creditors: amounts falling due (1,500,000) (1,500,000)
after more than one year
_______ _______
Net assets 1,014,306 1,130,720
======= =======
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 418,861 418,861
Share premium account 3,473 3,473
Revaluation reserve 661,861 661,861
Profit and loss account (69,889) 46,525
______ _______
Shareholders' funds 1,014,306 1,130,720
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