Interim Management Statement

EP Global Opportunities Trust plc INTERIM MANAGEMENT STATEMENT FOR THE THREE MONTHS TO 30 SEPTEMBER 2008 The Board of EP Global Opportunities Trust plc ('the Company') announces its second Interim Management Statement as required by the UK Listing Authority's Disclosure and Transparency Rules. This Statement is in respect of the period from 1 July 2008 to 30 September 2008. OBJECTIVE The objective of EP Global Opportunities Trust plc is to provide shareholders with an attractive real long-term total return by investing globally in under valued securities. The portfolio is managed without reference to the composition of any stock market index. FINANCIAL SUMMARY 30 September 30 June % Change 2008 2008 Net asset value per 151.8p 153.5p -1.1% share (including income) Share price 135.0p 134.0p +0.7% Share price 11.1% 12.7% discount to net asset value Net assets £46.8m £49.2m REVIEW OF THE PERIOD Results The net asset value total return in the three month period to 30 September 2008 was -1.1%. In comparison the FTSE All-World Index total return was -6.4% and the FTSE All-Share Index total return was -12.2%. Share Price and Discount During the quarter to 30 September 2008 the share price increased by 1p from 134p to 135p, an increase of 0.7%. The share price discount to net asset value reduced from 12.7% to 11.1% during what was again a volatile period in equity markets, as the impact of the credit crisis and an economic slowdown continued to impact share prices. During the period the Company repurchased 1,229,000 shares which are all held in treasury. The total number of shares held in treasury at 30 September 2008 was 3,174,000 shares, representing 9.3% of the total number of shares in issue. As highlighted in the half yearly report we continue to regard the level of the discount as unsatisfactory and when appropriate, the Company will continue its policy of buying in shares at a discount to net asset value. Investment Strategy and Outlook Investors' concerns have shifted from whether or not a recession will occur to the possibility of economic depression in a large number of countries, including the US, the UK and Germany. Inflationary pressures appear to be easing as commodity prices decline. The combination of these trends, combined with the evident concerns in the financial sector, makes it likely that significant interest rate reductions will occur in the next year in the USA, Europe and the UK. The principal concern is how long and how deep the economic slowdown will be. We do not anticipate that the global economy will emerge from recession until 2010, with the extent of the downturn dependent on the financial sector and the resumption of lending at non penal interest rates. Given our concerns over the economic outlook, the Company's largest sector exposure is in healthcare, where the Company's investments have strong balance sheets and good cash flow and should display earnings resilience in the current economic climate. The second largest sector exposure is in the telecommunications sector which has not been as adversely impacted by the economic slowdown as many sectors have been and which is supported by high and reasonably secure dividend yields. The extreme volatility in financial markets has been used as an opportunity to invest in securities which we consider to have been, in our view, unduly penalised. With recent market falls we are finding sharply increasing numbers of potential investment opportunities and for this reason the cash, short term government bonds and other net assets position has reduced. We anticipate gradually moving to a fully invested position and replacing some of our more defensive telecommunication and healthcare positions with investments in other sectors that are becoming better value. Enquiries: Sandy Nairn Kenneth Greig Edinburgh Partners Limited 12 Charlotte Square Edinburgh EH2 4DJ Tel: 0131 270 3800 Registered Office of the Company: 12 Charlotte Square Edinburgh EH2 4DJ 30 October 2008
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