Interim results

EP GLOBAL OPPORTUNITIES TRUST plc PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT OF INTERIM RESULTS TO 30 JUNE 2007 HIGHLIGHTS * Net asset value per Ordinary Share increased by 3.0% to 178.0p in the 6 months to 30 June 2007. * Share price declined fractionally from 170p to 169p, ending the period at a discount to net asset value of 5.1%, compared to 1.6% at the end of 2006. * A total of 173,000 shares repurchased in period and held in treasury. A further 463,902 shares were repurchased in July. * Investment policy continues to focus on undervalued shares globally. Increasing value being found in larger companies in the developed world, especially in the US. The Directors announce the unaudited statement of results for the 6 months to 30 June 2007 as follows:- Chairman's Statement Investment Performance The net asset value per share at the end of June 2007 was 178.0p. This is 3.0 per cent above the level at the end of December 2006. It is encouraging to report a further gain in the net asset value, even if it is only a small one, after three years of excellent performance since the Trust was launched in December 2003. The share price declined fractionally over the same period, by 0.6 per cent to 169p. The discount to net asset value widened from 1.6 per cent at the end of 2006 to 5.1 per cent at mid 2007. During the six month period, we bought in 173,000 shares, as part of our policy to limit the development of any discount. We will continue to buy in shares when there is an imbalance of sellers over buyers. In July we repurchased a further 463,902 shares. Despite the increase in net assets, this is the first six month period that investment performance has lagged that of the FTSE All-World Index, which had a capital return of 6.2 per cent over the period. The UK FTSE All-Share Index gained 5.7 per cent. While the Board takes note of the performance of your Trust compared to that of stock market indices, and in particular to that of the FTSE All-World Index because of the Trust's global mandate, it is an important part of the philosophy of the Trust not to have a benchmark. The investment policy of our investment manager, Edinburgh Partners, is based on value, on seeking out undervalued shares. It is the Board's view that the best long term investment return will be achieved by a strict adherence to this policy. By not having a benchmark, our investment manager is not under pressure to follow market trends that at times result in individual sectors or geographical regions becoming highly fashionable and as a consequence becoming significantly overvalued. As a result, there will inevitably be periods when the Trust's performance will lag that of the stock market indices. For some time, we have been witnessing the steady development of a more narrowly focused stock market with the increasingly fashionable areas being the Asian markets (with the exception of Japan) and resource based companies. The shares of smaller companies have also enjoyed a prolonged period of strong relative price performance and are increasingly looking over valued, particularly when compared to many of the larger companies. It is amongst the larger companies in the developed world that our investment manager is still finding shares at attractive valuations. As a result, the Trust's portfolio is almost exclusively invested in these larger companies. Option in Edinburgh Partners Once again we have re-valued the option held over shares in Edinburgh Partners. We have increased the value from £800,000 at the end of 2006 to £900,000. In valuing the option we have in the past projected a rapid rate of growth for Edinburgh Partners. However, the Company has consistently outperformed our aggressive forecasts for the level of funds under management and now manages over £2.7 billion. While the Company has been fortunate to benefit from three and a half years of strong stock markets since its foundation, the good investment performance achieved by your Trust (which was Edinburgh Partners' first client) has also no doubt been a significant factor in the success of attracting new clients. We are still very positive on the potential for Edinburgh Partners but, because of the size of funds now under management, in valuing the option we are taking a more conservative view of the potential rate of growth. Revenue Account The revenue account shows a healthy increase over the same period last year, with earnings per share increasing from 1.70p to 1.91p per share. In previous years, the bulk of the revenue has been received in the first six months of the year. This is when the majority of UK dividend income is paid. Earnings for the full year 2006 were 2.06p per share. The rapid growth in earnings per share over the last couple of years has been primarily due to the changes made in the portfolio. As our investment manager has increasingly found better value in larger companies and those with greater yield, so the Trust's revenue has grown. Should the area of relative value change and lower yielding companies show better value, we would not hesitate to reduce our own dividend rather than allow income considerations to dictate investment policy. Outlook There are numerous reasons to be cautious about share prices. Rising interest rates have historically been the prime cause for bull markets to end and interest rates have now been rising for some time. Inflationary pressures, particularly in the UK, have been on the increase and threaten to cause interest rates to go even higher. The weak dollar is a concern, as are the well publicised problems in the secondary mortgage market in the US. However, the shares of larger companies, especially in the US, are not overpriced. This should limit the risk to the major market indices and to our portfolio even if the excesses in other areas lead to greater turbulence in those areas. So despite the worries, as was the case this time last year, patience is likely to be rewarded. Teddy Tulloch Chairman 10 August 2007 INCOME STATEMENT for the 6 months to 30 June 2007 6 months to 6 months to to 30 June 2007 30 June 2006 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Gains on investments - 1,709 1,709 - 534 534 Income 1,161 - 1,161 1,043 - 1,043 Investment management fee (212) - (212) (202) - (202) Other expenses (140) - (140) (128) - (128) Net return before 809 1,709 2,518 713 534 1,247 taxation Taxation (160) - (160) (139) - (139) Net return after taxation 649 1,709 2,358 574 534 1,108 pence pence pence pence pence pence Return per Ordinary Share 1.91 5.03 6.94 1.70 1.58 3.28 * The total column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the Company. The supplementary revenue and capital return columns are prepared in accordance with guidance published by the Association of Investment Companies (AIC). All revenue and capital items derive from continuing operations. A separate Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses has not been prepared as all such gains are included in the Income Statement. * The revenue return per Ordinary Share for the 6 months to 30 June 2007 is based on the net revenue return after taxation of £649,000 and on 33,960,910 Ordinary shares being the weighted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue during the period (excluding Treasury shares). The capital return per Ordinary Share for the 6 months to 30 June 2007 is based on net capital gains of £1,709,000 and on 33,960,910 Ordinary shares, being the weighted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue during the period (excluding Treasury Shares). BALANCE SHEET as at 30 June 2007 30 June 30 June 31 December 2007 2006 2006 £'000 £'000 £'000 Non-current assets Investments at fair value through 58,433 51,757 57,574 profit or loss Current assets Debtors 210 151 139 Cash at bank and short term deposits 3,032 2,039 1,275 3,242 2,190 1,414 Creditors - amounts falling due 1,454 210 223 within one year Net current assets 1,788 1,980 1,191 Total net assets 60,221 53,737 58,765 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 340 338 340 Capital redemption reserve 1 1 1 Share premium account 17,991 17,754 17,991 Special reserve 20,506 20,506 20,506 Capital reserve - realised 17,278 8,887 13,598 - unrealised 3,619 5,635 5,590 Revenue reserve 776 616 739 Own shares held in Treasury (290) - - Total Shareholders' funds 60,221 53,737 58,765 pence pence pence Net asset value per Ordinary Share 178.0 158.8 172.8 including current period revenue (note 3) SUMMARISED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS 6 months to 30 June 6 months to 30 June 2006 2007 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Net cash inflow from 542 582 operating activities Investing activities Purchases of investments (16,401) (15,025) Sales of investments 18,664 13,635 Exchange gains/(losses) on 39 (20) settlement Net cash inflow/(outflow) 2,302 (1,410) from investing activities Net cash inflow/(outflow) 2,844 (828) before equity dividends paid and financing Equity dividends paid (612) (271) Financing Proceeds of share issues net - 659 of issue expenses Own shares purchased and held (290) - in treasury Net cash (outflow)/inflow (290) 659 from financing Increase/(decrease) in cash 1,942 (440) RECONCILIATION OF MOVEMENTS IN SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS For the 6 months ended 30 June 2007 6 months to 6 months to Year to 30 June 2007 30 June 31 December2006 2006 £'000 £'000 £'000 Opening Shareholders' funds 58,765 52,241 52,241 Net return after taxation for 2,358 1,108 5,897 the period Dividends paid (612) (271) (271) Shares issued - 4 6 Premium on issues of shares - 655 894 Share issue costs - - (2) Cost of own shares bought into (290) - - treasury Closing Shareholders' funds 60,221 53,737 58,765 Notes to this announcement: 1. Financial information This unaudited interim financial information does not constitute statutory accounts. This information has been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies used in the statutory accounts of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2006. The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2006 received an unqualified audit opinion. 2. Status of the Company It is the intention of the Directors to conduct the affairs of the Company so that they satisfy the conditions for approval as an investment trust company set out in Section 842 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988. 3. Net asset value per Ordinary share The net asset value per Ordinary Share is based on total net assets at 30 June 2007 of £60,221,000 (31 December 2006: £58,765,000, 30 June 2006: £53,737,000) and on 33,825,180 Ordinary Shares (31 December 2006: 33,998,180, 30 June 2006: 33,848,180) being the issued share capital (excluding 173,000 Ordinary Shares (31 December 2006: 0, 30 June 2006: 0) held in treasury) at that date. Net asset values calculated include current period revenue. 20 LARGEST INVESTMENTS As at 30 June 2007 Company Sector Country Valuation % of Total net assets Vodafone Mobile United Kingdom 2,819 4.7 Telecommunications Dell Technology & United States 2,474 4.1 Hardware Equipment Royal Bank of Banks United Kingdom 2,317 3.8 Scotland E.ON Utilities Germany 2,002 3.3 SABMiller Beverages United Kingdom 1,734 2.9 Telefonica Fixed Line Spain 1,725 2.9 Telecommunications Bunge Food Producers United States 1,681 2.8 Intel Technology United States 1,632 2.7 & Equipment KON-KPN Fixed Line Netherlands 1,583 2.6 Telecommunications TomTom Technology & Netherlands 1,582 2.6 Hardware Equipment Deutsche Post Industrial Germany 1,558 2.6 Transportation General General United States 1,524 2.5 Electric Industrials Lagardere Media France 1,518 2.5 American Non Life Insurance United States 1,483 2.5 International Symantec Software & United States 1,479 2.5 Computer Services Swiss Life Life Insurance Switzerland 1,475 2.5 Lloyds TSB Banks United Kingdom 1,462 2.4 ABN AMRO Banks Netherlands 1,421 2.4 Intesa Sanpaola Banks Italy 1,418 2.4 Yamaha Motor Automobiles & Japan 1,412 2.3 Parts Total - Top 20 Investments (57.0% of total net 34,299 57.0 assets) DISTRIBUTION OF INVESTMENTS As at 30 June 2007 (% of total net assets) Sector distribution as at 30 June 2007 % of total net assets Financials 32.9 Technology 13.9 Telecommunications 12.3 Consumer goods 9.6 Health care 8.4 Industrials 7.4 Consumer services 4.9 Oil & gas 4.3 Utilities 3.3 Cash and other net assets 3.0 100.0 Geographical distribution as at 30 June 2007 % of total net assets Europe 39.4 USA 29.7 UK 19.9 Japan 5.8 Asia ex Japan 2.2 Cash and other net assets 3.0 100.0 Enquiries: Sandy Nairn Kenneth Greig Edinburgh Partners Telephone: 0131 270 3800
UK 100

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