Final Results

Holders Technology plc Providers of PCB materials, LED components and lighting solutions. Audited results for the year ended 30 November 2011 Holders Technology plc ("Holders Technology" or "the Group") announces its audited results for the year ended 30 November 2011. Holders Technology's Printed Circuit Board ("PCB") divisions overall had strong growth in the first half, then contraction in the second half. The lighting and LED businesses grew throughout the year, albeit from a lower base. Holders Technology recorded the following results: * Revenue for the year grew 20% to £19.6m (2010: £16.3m) * LED revenue grew 317% to £3.2m * Gross profit of £4.5m (2010: £4.2m) * Operating profit of £0.4m (2010: £0.5m profit) * Proposed final dividend of 3.25p (2010: 3.25p) Chairman's statement In my statement accompanying the half year results for the year ending 30th November 2011 I was able to say that the strong growth which we had seen in our PCB business in the preceding year had continued, particularly in our German operations. This position changed very significantly in the second half of the year adversely impacting our PCB operations in mainland Europe. The positive points regarding our PCB operations were that we continued to see the benefits of our extended and renewed product range which enabled us to reduce the tendency for margins to come under severe pressure during times of turnover decline. In periods of great economic uncertainty it is inevitable that reductions in end user demand will be magnified by a tendency for our customers, their suppliers, to de-stock, this was the case in the second half of the year. We do not believe that we have lost ground to competitors in the PCB markets which we serve. The growth in total turnover which the Group saw in the year to 30th November 2011 was due to the LED sector of the Group's business. Our UK LED activities, being more established, made the greatest contribution to this growth but in the closing months of the year our European operations, benefiting from the infrastructure investment we have made, began to make significant progress. The year overall was a financially testing one for the Group. The strong turnover growth achieved in our new LED business required significant investment in stock and other working capital but our traditional financial strength enabled us to accommodate these requirements despite profitability being constrained. It was encouraging that, in addition to extending our LED infrastructure to serve the European market, we were also successful in expanding the range of products we are able to offer. This enhanced range was augmented by a number of customised modules tailored to selected product markets. Our ability to utilise assembly services from our other various facilities materially assisted in this process. The strategy we have pursued in the PCB market of seeking to offer a comprehensive service covering both high volume commodity products and more specialist niche products, has enabled us successfully to weather the cyclical swings in that business. While applying the same general principles to our LED activities we will also heighten our concentration on providing complete lighting solutions to selected industrial and commercial segments of the market. As in previous years I would like to record the Board's thanks to all of our employees who have responded well to the challenges which the last year gave rise to; we value their support. The year saw Paul Geraghty join the Board as Financial Director. I am pleased to be able to report that Jim Shawyer, who held that post for eleven years, has agreed to continue as a consultant to the Group. The current problems in the Euro area coupled with an uncertain UK economy and the volatility of exchange rates makes the task of predicting the outcome for the current year particularly difficult. The opening months of the current financial year have seen a marked decline in our PCB business but, as a Group, we have the benefit of considerable experience in weathering downturns in the PCB industry by balancing the need to preserve revenues whilst strictly controlling costs and this we are continuing to do. In contrast to the PCB market, the LED market continues to experience rapid growth. To ensure that we have the capability to serve our defined areas of this market we will, in the current year, continue to make significant further investments designed to ensure we are able to build a secure platform for sustained growth in future years. In summary, we foresee the current year as one of both significant challenge and great opportunity. R W Weinreich Chairman and Chief Executive 13 February 2012 Consolidated income statement for the year ended 30 November 2011 Total Total Note 2011 2010 £'000 £'000 Continuing operations Revenue 19,636 16,314 Cost of sales (15,127) (12,116) Gross profit 4,509 4,198 Distribution costs (404) (390) Administrative expenses (3,828) (3,273) Impairment of goodwill 2 - (57) Acquisition costs 2 - (26) Other operating income/ 98 39 (expenses) Operating profit/(loss) 375 491 Finance costs (12) (1) Profit before taxation 363 490 Tax expense 3 (123) (59) Profit for the year 240 431 Profit for the year attributable to: Owners of the parent 264 507 Non-controlling interest (24) (76) Profit for the financial year 240 431 Total and continuing Basic earnings per share 5 6.70p 12.87p Diluted earnings per share 5 6.63p 12.87p Consolidated statement of comprehensive income for the year ended 30 November 2011 Group 2011 2010 £'000 £'000 Profit for the year 240 431 Reclassification adjustment related to 412 - terminated foreign operations Exchange differences on translating 60 (180) foreign operations Total comprehensive income for the 712 251 year Total comprehensive income for the year attributable to: Owners of the parent 788 305 Non-controlling interests (76) (54) 712 251 Statements of changes in equity Group Share Share Capital Translation Retained Total Non-controlling Total capital premium redemption reserve earnings attributable interest equity reserve to owners of parent £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Balance at 1 December 416 1,531 1 831 2,972 5,751 145 5,896 2009 Dividends - - - - (211) (211) - (211) Employee share-based - - - - (4) (4) - (4) payment options Transactions with - - - - (215) (215) - (215) owners Profit/(loss) for the - - - - 507 507 (76) 431 year Non-controlling interest - - - - - - - - investment Exchange differences on - - - (202) - (202) 22 (180) translating foreign operations Total comprehensive - - - (202) 507 305 (54) 251 income for the year Balance at 30 November 416 1,531 1 629 3,264 5,841 91 5,932 2010 Dividends - - - - (211) (211) - (211) Employee share-based - - - - (4) (4) - (4) payment options Transactions with - - - - (215) (215) - (215) owners Profit/(loss) for the - - - - 264 264 (24) 240 year Reclassification (412) 412 - - - adjustment related to terminated foreign operations Exchange differences on - - - 51 - 51 9 60 translating foreign operations Total comprehensive - - - (361) 676 315 (15) 300 income for the year Balance at 30 November 416 1,531 1 268 3,725 5,941 76 6,017 2011 Company Share Share Capital Retained Total capital premium redemption earnings equity reserve £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Balance at 1 December 2009 416 1,531 1 939 2,887 Loss and total comprehensive income - - - (185) (185) for the period Dividends - - - (211) (211) Share-based payment charge - - - (4) (4) Balance at 30 November 2010 416 1,531 1 539 2,487 Profit and total comprehensive income - - - 404 404 for the period Dividends - - - (211) (211) Share-based payment charge - - - (4) (4) Balance at 30 November 2011 416 1,531 1 728 2,676 Balance sheets at 30 November 2011 Company number: 1730535 Group Company 2011 2010 2011 2010 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Assets Non-current assets Goodwill 318 318 - - Property, plant and equipment 576 582 29 3 Investments in subsidiaries - - 2,780 3,622 Investment in joint venture - - 15 15 Investments in associates - - - - Deferred tax assets 66 73 - - 960 973 2,824 3,640 Current assets Inventories 3,834 3,826 - - Trade and other receivables 2,951 2,721 676 423 Current tax assets 95 56 - - Cash and cash equivalents 67 888 15 63 6,947 7,491 691 486 Liabilities Current liabilities Trade and other payables (1,591) (2,182) (766) (1,562) Borrowings (26) (52) (6) - Current tax liabilities (35) (55) (33) (32) (1,652) (2,289) (805) (1,594) Net current assets 5,295 5,202 (114) (1,108) Non-current liabilities Borrowings - (4) - - Retirement benefit liability (167) (192) - - Contingent consideration (29) (45) (29) (45) Deferred tax liabilities (28) (2) (5) - (224) (243) (34) (45) 6,017 5,932 2,676 2,487 Shareholders' equity Share capital 416 416 416 416 Share premium account 1,531 1,531 1,531 1,531 Capital redemption reserve 1 1 1 1 Retained earnings 3,725 3,264 728 539 Cumulative translation 268 629 - - adjustment reserve Equity attributable to the 5,941 5,841 2,676 2,487 shareholders of the parent Non-controlling interest 76 91 - - 6,017 5,932 2,676 2,487 Cash flow statements for the year ended 30 November 2011 Group Company 2011 2010 2011 2010 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Cash flows from operating activities Operating profit/(loss) 375 491 (158) (117) Share-based payment credit (4) (4) (4) (4) Depreciation 144 152 3 1 Impairment of goodwill - 57 - - Impairment of fixes assets 20 - - - Currency translation 40 (137) - - (Gain)/ Loss on sale of (16) 16 - - property, plant and equipment (Increase)/decrease in (8) (1,870) - - inventories (Increase)/decrease in trade and (257) (274) (253) 67 other receivables Increase/(decrease) in trade and (582) 867 (796) 1,108 other payables Movement in contingent (16) (16) consideration Investment in subsidiary fair 16 value adjustment Cash (used in)/generated from (304) (702) (1,208) 1,055 operations Corporation tax (paid)/received (155) (75) (156) 157 Net cash (used in)/generated (459) (777) (1,364) 1212 from operations Cash flows from investing activities Net borrowings acquired with - (44) - subsidiary undertaking Increase in investment in - - - (1,296) subsidiaries Proceeds from disposal of - - 1,157 67 subsidiary Purchase of property, plant and (137) (118) (29) (1) equipment Proceeds from sale of property, plant 24 (21) - - and equipment Income from investments - - 77 160 Interest received - - 6 5 Net cash (used in)/generated from (113) (141) 1,211 (1,065) investing activities Cash flows from financing activities Interest paid (12) (1) (2) - Loan repayments (27) (26) - - Finance lease principal (3) (3) - - repayments Equity dividends paid (211) (211) (211) (211) Net cash used in financing (253) (241) (213) (211) activities Net change in cash and cash (825) (1,159) (54) (64) equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at 888 2,095 63 127 start of period Effect of foreign exchange rates 4 (48) - - Cash and cash equivalents at end 67 888 9 63 of period Notes 1. Basis of preparation The Group and parent company financial statements have been prepared in accordance with EU endorsed International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) interpretations and with those parts of the Companies Act applicable to companies reporting under IFRS. All accounting standards and interpretations issued by the International Accounting Standards Board and the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee effective at the time of preparing these financial statements have been applied. 2. Exceptional items Exceptional items consist of the following: 2011 2010 £'000 £'000 Impairment of goodwill - (57) Acquisition costs - (26) - (83) The impairment of goodwill in 2010 derives from the directors' assessment of goodwill attributable to Holders' Far East operations. The acquisition costs in 2010 relate to the acquisition of JK Components Limited (since renamed Holders Components Limited) in December 2009. 3. Taxation 4. 2011 2010 £'000 £'000 Analysis of the charge in the period Current tax - Current period 91 136 - Adjustments in respect of prior periods 5 (27) 96 109 Deferred tax 27 (50) Total tax 123 59 Tax reconciliation The tax for the period is higher (2010: lower) than the standard rate of corporation tax in the UK, effectively 26.67% (2010: 28%) for the company's financial year. The differences are explained below: 2011 2010 £'000 £'000 Profit/(loss) before taxation 363 490 Profit/(loss) before taxation multiplied by 92 137 rate of corporation tax in the UK of 26.67 % (2010: 28%) Effects of: Differences between capital allowances and 6 (2) depreciation Amounts not deductible for taxation purposes 46 23 Non taxable income (42) - Adjustments in respect of prior years 5 (27) Taxation losses 11 (74) Other temporary differences 5 2 Taxation 123 59 4. The directors have proposed a final dividend of 3.25p per share payable on 22 May 2012 to shareholders on the register at close of business on 4 May 2012. The total dividend for the year, including the interim dividend of 2.1p (2010: 2.1p) per share paid on 4 October 2011, amounts to £211,000 (2010: £211,000), which is equivalent to 5.35p (2010: 5.35p) per share. 5. The basic earnings per share are based on the earnings for the financial year attributable to the equity shareholders of £264,000 (2010: £507,000) and on ordinary shares 3,939,551 (2010: 3,939,551), the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year, excluding treasury shares. Diluted earnings per share are based on 3,979,008 ordinary shares (2010: 3,939,551), being the weighted average number of ordinary shares after an adjustment of 39,457 shares (2010: nil) in relation to share options. 6. This preliminary statement, which has been approved by the Board on 13 February 2012, is not the Company's statutory accounts. The statutory accounts for each of the two years to 30 November 2010 and 30 November 2011 received audit reports, which were unqualified and did not contain statements under section 498(2) and section 498(3) of the Companies Act 2006. The 2010 accounts have been filed with the Registrar of Companies but the 2011 accounts are not yet filed. ENDS For further information, contact: Mr Rudi Weinreich, Executive Chairman, Holders Technology plc, on 020 8236 1490 Mr Paul Geraghty, Group Finance Director, Holders Technology plc, on 020 8236 1490 Mr Shane Gallwey, Director, Corporate Finance, Northland Capital Partners Ltd, on 020 7796 8823 Website
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