Directorate Change

i-documentsystems group plc ('IDOX') Peter Lilley appointed director of IDOX The Directors of i-documentsystems group plc ('IDOX'), the AIM quoted e-government software and information provider, are pleased to announce that the Rt. Hon. Peter Lilley MP is joining the Board as a Non-Executive Director with immediate effect. At the same time Ian Peacock, who has been a member of the Board since before the Company's IPO in 2000, has announced his intention to stand down from the Board immediately after the next Annual General Meeting. Mr Peacock's recent assumption of the Chairmanship of Mothercare plc in addition to his Chairmanship of MFI Furniture Group plc and Deputy Chairmanship of Lombard Risk Management plc has led him to review his other business commitments. Peter Bruce Lilley, 60, who is Member of Parliament for Hitchin and Harpenden, held two major Cabinet positions in the last Conservative government. His ministerial career began in 1987 when he became Economic Secretary to the Treasury after serving as Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Minister of Local Government and to the Chancellor of the Exchequer. He became Financial Secretary to the Treasury in 1989 and joined the Cabinet as Secretary of State for Trade and Industry from 1990-92, becoming Secretary of State for Social Security from 1992-97. After the change of government in 1997, Mr Lilley was Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer and subsequently, until 1999, Deputy Leader of the Conservative Party responsible for policy renewal. Prior to obtaining his first ministerial post, Mr. Lilley was a Partner at stockbroker W.Greenwell & Co. He later became a Director of Greenwell Montagu Ltd. Mr Lilley has held a number of Non-Executive appointments. In addition to his role at IDOX, he is currently a Non-Executive Director of Flemings Claverhouse Investment Trust and a Member of the Advisory Board of the School of Management at the University of Southampton. Commenting on the Board changes, and welcoming Mr Lilley as a Director, John Wisbey, Chairman of IDOX, said: 'We are delighted to have the benefit of Peter's experience of such a broad range of government in the U.K., much of which is highly relevant to the Company as it seeks to achieve an increasingly strategic role with both local and central government. This, together with his financial background, represents a major asset to the Company. I will be thanking Ian Peacock more fully for his considerable contribution to IDOX nearer the time of his departure in late January 2003, but we are pleased that he will continue to take an interest in the Company through his role at Lombard Risk, the Company's largest shareholder and former parent company'. Mr Lilley holds and has held within the preceding five years, the following directorships and partnerships: Current directorships or Past directorships or partnerships partnerships Fleming Claverhouse Investment E-Loft UK Limited (voluntary Trust Plc liquidation) Sherbourne Financial Services Limited Here is no other matter that is required to be disclosed pursuant to paragraph (f) of Schedule 2 of the AIM Rules. For further information please contact: i-documentsystems group plc John Wisbey, Chairman Tel. 020 7353 5330 Andrew Fraser , CEO Tel. 020 7427 0660 Rt.Hon Peter Lilley House of Commons Tel. 020 7219 4577 Noble & Company Alasdair Robinson Tel. 0131 225 9677 CardewChancery Jonathan Rooper/Nadja Vetter Tel. 020 7930 0777


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