Annual Information Update

The Income & Growth VCT plc Annual Information Update 23 December 2010 In accordance with Prospectus Rule 5.2, the following information has been published or made available to the public in the period from 1 October 2009 to 22 December 2010. Announcements listed as published on the London Stock Exchange have been published via a Regulatory Information Service and can be found on Copies of documents filed with Companies House can be obtained from Companies House or, if you are a registered user, through Companies House Direct at Some of the information referred to below was provided as at a specific date and may now be out of date. LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE Date Description 2 October 2009 Transaction in the Company's Own Shares - 35,000 Ordinary Shares of 1p at 48.35 pence per share on 30 September 2009. 2 October 2009 Total Voting Rights - Ordinary Shares: 34,824,397; S Ordinary Shares: 11,806,467; Total: 46,630,864. 3 November 2009 Annual Information Update 19 November 2009 Statement re Realisation of investment in PastaKing Holdings Limited 16 December 2009 Annual Financial Report - Year ended 30 September 2009 22 December 2009 Transaction in the Company's Own Shares - 203,770 Ordinary Shares of 1p at 47.52 pence per share on 21 December 2009. 31 December 2009 Total Voting Rights - Ordinary Shares: 34,620,627; S Ordinary Shares: 11,806,467; Total: 46,427,094. 28 January 2010 Transaction in the Company's Own Shares - 132,508 Ordinary Shares of 1p at 46.78 pence per share on 28 January 2010. 1 February 2010 Total Voting Rights - Ordinary Shares: 34,488,119; S Ordinary Shares: 11,806,467; Total: 46,294,586. 16 February 2010 Interim Management Statement - Quarter ended 31 December 2009. 2 March 2010 Transaction in the Company's Own Shares - 33,659 Ordinary Shares of 1p at 45.27 pence per share on 26 February 2010. 2 March 2010 Circular re proposals to merge the Company's share classes. 3 March 2010 Result of AGM held on 3 March 2010. 4 March 2010 Blocklisting - Interim Review. 4 March 2010 AGM Statement - Result of Class Meetings held on 4 March 2010. 18 March 2010 Issue of Equity - Issue of 112,768 new Ordinary Shares of 1p each at a price of 76.00 pence and 6,674 new S Ordinary Shares of 1p each at a price of 94.5 pence on 18 March 2010 in respect of the Company's Dividend Investment Scheme. 22 March 2010 Director/PDMR Shareholding - Director's holdings following allotments on 18 March 2010: Colin Hook: 0.0014% Ordinary Shares of 1p and 0.0009 S Ordinary Shares of 1p; Christopher Moore: 0.0028% Ordinary Shares of 1p and 0.0012% S Ordinary Shares of 1p; Helen Sinclair: 0.0005% S Ordinary Shares of 1p. 29 March 2010 Statement re Share Merger. 31 March 2010 Transaction in the Company's Own Shares - 78,742 Ordinary Shares of 1p at 63.75 pence per share on 31 March 2010. 30 April 2010 Total Voting Rights - 37,929,970. 27 May 2010 Half-yearly Report - 31 March 2010. 02 June 2010 Transaction in the Company's Own Shares - 70,950 Ordinary Shares of 1p at 70.4 pence per share on 1 June 2010. 04 June 2010 Transaction in the Company's Own Shares - 99,682 Ordinary Shares of 1p at 73.0 pence per share on 3 June 2010. 09 June 2010 Transaction in the Company's Own Shares - 157,819 Ordinary Shares of 1p at 73.0 pence per share on 9 June 2010. 21 June 2010 Document Viewing Facility - re Half-Yearly Report for the six months ended 31 March 2010. 23 June 2010 Company Secretary Change from Matrix-Securities Limited to Matrix Private Equity Partners LLP. 24 June 2010 Transaction in the Company's Own Shares - 147,884 Ordinary Shares of 1p at 73.0 pence per share on 24 June 2010. 30 June 2010 Total Voting Rights - 37,453,635. 21 July 2010 Transaction in the Company's Own Shares - 103,388 Ordinary Shares of 1p at 75.0 pence per share on 21 July 2010. 22 July 2010 Directorate Change - Appointment of Jonathan Cartwright with effect from 1 August 2010. 30 July 2010 Total Voting Rights - 37,350,247. 06 August 2010 Transaction in the Company's Own Shares - 92,641 Ordinary Shares of 1p at 77.95 pence per share on 4 August 2010. 10 August 2010 Interim Management Statement - Quarter ended 30 June 2010. 27 August 2010 Transaction in the Company's Own Shares - 60,692 Ordinary Shares of 1p at 78.5 pence per share on 27 August 2010. 31 August 2010 Total Voting Rights - 37,196,914. 14 September 2010 Transaction in the Company's Own Shares - 183,445 Ordinary Shares of 1p at 84.59 pence per share on 13 September 2010. 27 September 2010 Directorate Change - Resignation of Christopher Moore with effect from 24 September 2010. 30 September 2010 Transaction in the Company's Own Shares - 42,578 Ordinary Shares of 1p at 84.2 pence per share on 30 September 2010. 30 September 2010 Total Voting Rights - 36,970,891. 3 November 2010 Unaudited net asset value per share as at 30 September 2010: 99.01 pence. 4 November 2010 Dividend Declaration - Interim dividend of 2.00 pence per share payable on 22 February 2011 to shareholders on the register on 28 January 2011. Intention to propose a final dividend on 2.00 pence per share payable on 28 March 2011 to shareholders on the register on 4 March 2011. 12 November 2010 Joint announcement with Matrix Income & Growth VCT plc and Matrix Income & Growth 4 VCT plc - Offer for Subscription and Issue of Prospectus . 17 December 2010 Annual Financial Report - Year ended 30 September 2010. 23 December 2010 Transaction in the Company's Own Shares - 297,129 Ordinary Shares of 1p at 87.34 pence per share on 22 December 2010. COMPANIES HOUSE Date Ref Description 5 October 2009 AD02 SAIL Address created 5 October 2009 AD03 Register of Members moved to SAIL address 13 October 2009 AR01 Annual Return - made up to 6 September 2009 20 October 2009 CH01 Director's change of particulars /Christopher Mark Moore / 19 October 2009 20 October 2009 CH01 Director's change of particulars / Helen Rachelle Sinclair / 19 October 2009 20 October 2009 CH01 Director's change of particulars / Colin Peter Hook / 19 October 2009 24 October 2009 SH03 Return of Purchase of Own Shares - 35,500 of the Company's own ordinary shares bought back on 30 September 2009 at 48.35p per share. 21 January 2010 SH03 Return of Purchase of Own Shares - 203,770 of the Company's own ordinary shares bought back on 21 December 2009 at 47.52p per share. 10 February 2010 SH03 Return of Purchase of Own Shares - 132,508 of the Company's own shares bought back on 28 January 2010 at 46.78p per share. 22 February 2010 AD02 Sail Address changed from: One Vine Street, London W1J 0AH 22 February 2010 AD03 Register of Members moved to SAIL address 5 March 2010 RES01 Special resolution passed on 3 March 2010 approving alterations to Memorandum and Articles of Association 5 March 2010 RES10 Special resolution passed on 3 March 2010 - authority to allot shares 5 March 2010 RES11 Special resolution passed on 3 March 2010 - disapplication of pre-emption rights 5 March 2010 RES09 Special resolution passed on 3 March 2010 Authority to purchase shares other than from capital 5 March 2010 RES Special resolution passed on 3 March 2010 - Authority for general meetings other than annual general meetings to be called on not less than 14 clear days' notice 12 March 2010 MEM/ARTS Articles of Association 23 March 2010 AA Full Accounts made up to 30 September 2009 9 April 2010 SH03 Return of Purchase of Own Shares - 33,659 of the Company's own ordinary shares bought back on 26 February 2010 at 45.27p per share. 9 April 2010 SH03 Return of Purchase of Own Shares - 8,371,657 of the Company's own Deferred Shares bought back on 29 March 2010 9 April 2010 RES Special resolution passed on 26 March 2010 approving the merger of `O' and `S' Share classes 9 April 2010 RES Special resolution passed on 26 March 2010 that each of the issued and unissued S Shares be redesignated as ordinary shares of 1p 9 April 2010 RES01 Special resolution passed on 26 March 2010 approving alterations to Memorandum and Articles of Association 9 April 2010 RES09 Special resolution passed on 26 March 2010 approving the purchase by the Company of all the issued Deferred Shares revised management and administration arrangements 9 April 2010 RES Special resolution passed on 26 March 2010 approving revised management and administration arrangements 9 April 2010 RES10 Special resolution passed on 26 March 2010 - authority to allot shares 9 April 2010 RES11 Special resolution passed on 26 March 2010 - disapplication of pre-emption rights 9 April 2010 RES09 Special resolution passed on 26 March 2010 Authority to purchase shares other than from capital 9 April 2010 SH08 Notice of change of designation of `O' Shares and `S' Shares to Ordinary Shares of 1p each following the merger of the share classes 19 April 2010 SH01 18 March 2010 - Statement of Capital GBP 463,803.69 5 May 2010 SH03 Return of Purchase of Own Shares - 78,742 of the Company's own ordinary shares bought back on 31 March 2010 at 63.75p per share. 4 June 2010 TM02 Resignation of Matrix-Securities Limited as Secretary 9 June 2010 CC04 Statement of Company's Objects 16 June 2010 AP04 Corporate Secretary Appointed - Matrix Private Equity Partners LLP 22 June 2010 MEM/ARTS Articles of Association 24 June 2010 SH03 Return of Purchase of Own Shares - 70,950 of the Company's own ordinary shares bought back on 1 June 2010 at 70.00p per share. 24 June 2010 SH03 Return of Purchase of Own Shares - 99,682 of the Company's own ordinary shares bought back on 3 June 2010 at 73.00p per share. 24 June 2010 SH03 Return of Purchase of Own Shares - 157,819 of the Company's own ordinary shares bought back on 9 June 2010 at 73.00p per share. 15 July 2010 SH03 Return of Purchase of Own Shares - 147,884 of the Company's own ordinary shares bought back on 24 June 2010 at 73.00p per share. 10 August 2010 SH03 Return of Purchase of Own Shares - 103,388 of the Company's own ordinary shares bought back on 21 July 2010 at 75.00p per share. 12 August 2010 AP01 Director Appointed: Mr Jonathan Harry Cartwright 2 September 2010 SH03 Return of Purchase of Own Shares - 92,641 of the Company's own ordinary shares bought back on 4 August 2010 at 78.00p per share. 13 September 2010 SH03 Return of Purchase of Own Shares - 60,692 of the Company's own ordinary shares bought back on 27 August 2010 at 79.00p per share. 21 September 2010 LATEST 21 September 2010 - Statement of Capital GBP SOC 374,536.35 21 September 2010 AR01 Annual Return - made up to 6 September 2009 - No changes 22 September 2010 SH03 Return of Purchase of Own Shares - 183,445 of the Company's own ordinary shares bought back on 13 September 2010 at 85.00p per share. 4 October 2010 TM01 Resignation of Christopher Moore as a director of the Company 14 October 2010 SH03 Return of Purchase of Own Shares - 42,578 of the Company's own ordinary shares bought back on 30 September 2010 at 84.00p per share. In accordance with the provisions of Article 27.3 of the Prospectus Directive Regulation, we confirm that to the best of our knowledge, information relating to 'Holdings in Company' and 'Directors' Shareholdings' is up to date at the date of this announcement but it is acknowledged that such disclosures may, at any time, become out of date, due to changing circumstances. Copies of information released can be obtained through the Company Secretary at the Company's Registered Office at One Vine Street, London, W1J 0AH.
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