Half-yearly Report

City Merchants High Yield Trust Limited Half-Yearly Financial Report Announcement For the Six Months to 30 June 2013 KEY FACTS City Merchants High Yield Trust Limited is a Jersey incorporated investment company listed on the London Stock Exchange. The Company was incorporated on 19 December 2011 and commenced trading on 2 April 2012 following the scheme of reconstruction and voluntary winding up of City Merchants High Yield Trust plc (CMHYT plc) on 30 March 2012, as detailed in the prospectus dated 23 February 2012. Objective of the Company The Company's investment objective is to seek to obtain both high income and capital growth from investment, predominantly in high-yielding fixed-interest securities. The Company seeks to provide a high level of dividend income relative to prevailing interest rates through investment in fixed-interest securities, various equity-like securities within fixed-income markets and equity-linked securities such as convertible bonds and in direct equities that have a high income yield. It also seeks to enhance total returns through capital appreciation generated by investments which have equity-related characteristics. Share Capital and Structure As at 30 June 2013, the Company's stated share capital consisted of 72,786,327 ordinary shares of no par value. Gearing is provided by a one-year multicurrency revolving credit facility of £ 20 million. At 30 June 2013, the Company was not geared. Performance Statistics The performance statistics for the year to 31 December 2012 combine the performance of CMHYT plc from 1 January to 30 March 2012 which is unaudited and the performance of this (its successor) company, from then until 31 December 2012. FOR SIX MONTHS TO FOR YEAR TO 30 JUN 2013 31 DEC 2012 Total Return Total Return NAV % in period 5.4% 24.5% FTSE All-Share Index* 8.5% 12.3% FTSE Government Securities - All Stocks Index* -3.1% 2.7% Capital Return Net asset value per share 2.5% 17.7% FTSE All-Share Index* 6.3% 8.2% FTSE Government Securities - All Stocks Index* -4.8% -0.9% Movement in mid-market price per share -0.9% 11.9% Dividend for the period 5p 10p *Source: Thomson Reuters Datastream Period End Information AT 30 JUN 2013 AT 31 DEC 2012 % CHANGE Net asset value per share 175.60p 171.29p +2.5 Mid-market price per share 163.00p 164.50p -0.9 Discount per share 7.2% 4.0% Gearing Gross gearing nil nil Net cash 3.6% 4.1% . INTERIM MANAGEMENT REPORT INCORPORATING THE CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT Chairman's Statement I am pleased to report that the Company has continued to operate satisfactorily through the first half of 2013. In the six months to 30 June 2013, the total NAV return was +5.4% which compares favourably with the average return of -0.35% from the funds in the Investment Management Association Sterling Strategic Bond sector. The Manager's Investment Report, which follows, provides some background on how this was achieved and how the portfolio is positioned. I commented in the last annual report on the level of discount between the Company's share price and the NAV. The volatility in the market has continued and this has caused the discount to reach disappointing levels at times. The Board continues to keep the discount under review. The Company continues to produce an attractive level of income for shareholders and the first and second quarterly interim dividends for this year, each of 2.5p, are in line with our target of matching last year's total dividends of 10p. The Board believes the portfolio remains well-positioned to continue to provide opportunities for modest growth while producing an attractive level of income for shareholders. Clive Nicholson Chairman 20 August 2013 . Manager's Investment Report Market Background The first half of 2013 has been positive for high yield bonds, although returns have been more modest than in 2012 and have been driven by income more than capital return. An environment of low core government and investment grade yields has continued to drive demand for the asset class and extended its strong recent performance relative to the wider bond market. However, high yield has not been immune to the influence of higher core yields as markets have adapted to changing expectations for US monetary policy. Returns towards the end of this period were relatively weak and the market was negatively affected by an increase in investor risk-aversion. In public comments in May and June, Federal Reserve (Fed) Chairman Bernanke indicated that the Fed is considering when to begin tapering its level of asset purchases (quantitative easing (QE)). If the economy performs in line with the Fed's forecasts, the answer could be "later this year". Any process to end QE would be gradual and open to reassessment, and the Fed interest rate is set to remain at its current low level for several quarters. However, the market has taken this guidance as a hawkish change and Treasury, Gilt and Bund yields have all moved significantly higher from near-record low levels reached in early May. Economic data over recent weeks has been analysed in the context of whether it exceeds or falls short of Fed expectations. US economic indicators have been broadly positive. Non-farm payrolls rose by 195,000 in June, with the data for some earlier months being revised higher. Due to an increase in entrants to the workforce, the unemployment rate remains at 7.6%, unchanged from March, but it is expected to fall in coming months. The Fed has suggested that an unemployment rate of 7% could prompt the end of QE. With the focus on the Fed, the markets paid relatively little attention to the Bank of England (BoE) and the European Central Bank's (ECB) recent meetings. But both have taken a step towards offering forward guidance on interest rates, with the ECB expecting no rises for "an extended period" and the BoE saying that recent market rate rises were "not warranted by . . . the domestic economy". Economic indicators for Europe continue to predict only modest, if not negative, growth. According to data from Merrill Lynch, the total return for European high yield bonds in the first half of 2013 was 7.2% (in sterling terms). Part of this rise reflects sterling weakness relative to the euro. In local currency terms, the return was 2.2%. The aggregate yield for the sector rose 19bps to 5.96%. By comparison, sterling investment grade bonds returned -1.2% and Gilts returned -3.3%. Within investment grade, financials outperformed, returning -0.2% compared to -1.8% for non-financials. Sterling Tier 1 subordinated bank debt had a positive return of 2.3%. Appetite for high yield credit risk has been bolstered by an ongoing low level of defaults. According to Moody's, the trailing 12-month default rate for European speculative grade bonds was 3.4% at the end of the second quarter, down from 3.6% at the same point in 2012. Partly this low rate reflects the relatively easy terms on which corporations have been able to finance themselves or refinance existing debt. Issuance has been high, with Barclays estimating a total of £40.2 billion in European high yield across currencies in the first half of 2013, up 64% on the same point last year. Unlike the investment grade market, there has been only a low level of redemptions offsetting this supply. Portfolio Strategy The NAV of the Company ended June 2013 at 175.60p, up from 171.29p at the close of 2012. The Company paid a total dividend of 5p over the period. The total return NAV % for the period was +5.4%. The main themes of the portfolio have remained in place over this period. The portfolio is positioned relatively defensively. The Company's cash position is 3.6% and the borrowing facility is currently undrawn. The portfolio has only a small exposure to the lower credit quality categories, with less than 3% in CCC+ and CCC. We hold a core of high yield corporate bonds which is dominated by seasoned issuers that we believe are default-remote. A little over 20% of the portfolio is invested in banks, predominantly the subordinated debt of large, systemically important European and US names. The prices of many of these bonds have risen significantly over the last year but we believe that this is largely justified by the fall in risk as banks have bolstered their capital structures and the banking system has received further support. We think they still offer value. We feel that subordination risk is also being relatively well-rewarded in other sectors. We hold approximately 20% of the portfolio in hybrid instruments, diversified across insurance, telecom, utilities and resources names. Many of these instruments are issued by investment grade names. We also hold 10% of the portfolio in convertible bonds. We think these offer attractive income as well as giving the portfolio some sensitivity to the equity market. Outlook Our view coming into this year was that the high yield bond market was relatively fully-valued, following the strong market rally of 2011-12. Notwithstanding the recent weakness we have seen in the market, we consider that valuations remain high. Some new issues in recent months have come to the market with very low coupons by historic standards. There is also evidence of higher leverage amongst issuers and of a greater proportion of issuance being for purposes that are not supportive of creditors, such as dividend payments and corporate transactions. However, the ongoing low level of default reflects the market's relatively robust corporate fundamentals. We may see attractive buying opportunities if the market suffers further volatility. As is clear from central bank guidance, interest rates are unlikely to rise significantly for several quarters to come. This puts a continuing premium on the levels of income that high yield bonds, and portfolios like ours, can produce. Invesco Asset Management Limited Manager Paul Read Paul Causer Portfolio Managers 20 August 2013 . Related Parties and Transactions with the Manager Invesco Asset Management Limited (IAML), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Invesco Limited, acts as Manager to the Company. Details of IAML's services and fee arrangements are disclosed in the 2012 annual financial report, which is available on the Manager's website at www.invescoperpetual.co.uk/ investmenttrusts. Principal Risks and Uncertainties The principal risk factors relating to the Company can be summarised as follows: - Investment Objective - the success of the Company depends on the Investment Manager's ability to achieve the Company's investment objective. There is no guarantee that the Company's investment objective will be achieved or will provide the returns sought by the Company. - Market Risk - global markets have been experiencing volatility, disruption and instability. Material changes affecting global capital markets may have a negative effect on the Company's business, financial condition and results of operations. - Investment Risk - the poor performance of any individual portfolio investment has a negative effect on the value of the portfolio and consequently the Net Asset Value (NAV) per share. - High-Yield Fixed-Interest Securities - these are subject to credit, interest rate, liquidity and duration risks, and the majority of the portfolio consists of non-investment grade securities. - Foreign Exchange Risk - the movement of exchange rates may have unfavourable or favourable impact on returns as the majority of the assets are non-sterling. - Gearing - performance maybe geared by means of a bank credit facility. Whilst gearing will be used with the aim of enhancing returns on the portfolio when the value of the Company's assets is rising, it will have the opposite effect when the value is falling. There is no guarantee that any credit facility would be renewable at maturity on terms acceptable to the Company. - Derivatives - the Company may enter into derivative transactions for efficient portfolio management. Derivative instruments can be highly volatile and expose investors to a high risk of loss. - Dividends - the ability of the Company to pay dividends quarterly is dependent on the level and timing of receipt of income on its investments. - Regulatory and Tax Related - whilst compliance with rules and regulations is closely monitored, breaches could affect returns to shareholders. Changes to regulation or to the Company's tax status or tax treatment might adversely affect the Company. - Resources: Reliance on Third Party Providers - failure by any service provider to carry out its obligations in accordance with the terms of its appointment could have a materially detrimental impact on the effective operation of the Company and on the ability of the Company to pursue its investment policy successfully. - Ordinary Shares - the shares may trade at a discount to NAV and shareholders may be unable to realise their investments through the secondary market at NAV. The existence of a liquid market in the shares cannot be guaranteed. In the view of the Board, these principal risks and uncertainties are as applicable to the remaining six months of the financial period as they were to the period under review. Going Concern The financial statements are prepared on a going concern basis. The Directors consider that going concern is the appropriate basis as they have a reasonable expectation that the Company has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. In reaching this conclusion, the Directors have taken into account the Company's investment objective, its risk management policies, the diversified nature of its investment portfolio, the borrowing facility which can be used to meet short-term funding requirements, the liquidity of most of its investments which could be used to repay any borrowings in the event that the facility could not be renewed or replaced and the ability of the Company to meet all of its liabilities and ongoing expenses. . BOND RATING ANALYSIS Standard and Poor's Ratings, investments grade is BBB- and above The definitions of these ratings are set out on page 18 of the 2012 annual financial report. RATING 30 JUN 2013 31 DEC 2012 % OF CUMULATIVE % OF CUMULATIVE PORTFOLIO TOTAL % PORTFOLIO TOTAL % Investment Grade: A- 1.9 1.9 3.0 3.0 BBB+ 5.7 7.6 3.9 6.9 BBB 8.0 15.6 7.7 14.6 BBB- 8.0 23.6 9.3 23.9 Non-investment Grade: BB+ 9.3 32.9 5.7 29.6 BB 9.5 42.4 12.7 42.3 BB- 6.4 48.8 10.5 52.8 B+ 10.3 59.1 11.4 64.2 B 7.6 66.7 4.0 68.2 B- 3.5 70.2 3.3 71.5 CCC+ 1.5 71.7 1.5 73.0 CCC 1.0 72.7 0.8 73.8 NR (including equity and warrant) 27.3 100.0 26.2 100.0 100.0 100.0 . THIRTY LARGEST INVESTMENTS AT 30 JUNE 2013 MOODY/S&P COUNTRY OF MARKET VALUE % OF ISSUER/ISSUE RATING SECTOR INCORPORATION £'000 PORTFOLIO LBG Capital Financials UK 7.975% 15 Sep 2024 B1/BB 3,777 6.385% 12 May 2020 Ba3/BB+ 1,267 9% 15 Dec 2019 Ba3/BB+ 1,075 6.439% 23 May 2020 B1/BB 847 16.125% 10 Dec 2024 Ba3/BB+ 142 7,108 5.84 General Motors Consumer USA Goods Wts 10 Jul 2019 Equity 4,910 Wts 10 Jul 2016 Equity 492 5,402 4.44 Aviva Financials UK 6.125% Perpetual Baa1/BBB 3,453 8.875% Preference NR/NR 1,300 4,753 3.91 Société Genérale Financials France 8.875% FRN Ba2/BBB- 4,159 3.42 Perpetual Premier Farnell Industrials UK 89.2p Convertible NR/NR 4,011 3.30   Preference Intesa Sanpaolo Financials Italy 8.375% FRN Ba2/BB+ 2,778 2.28 Perpetual Abengoa Industrials Spain 6.25% Cnv 17 Jan NR/NR 862 2019 8.5% 31 Mar 2016 B2/B 849 6.875% Cnv 24 Jul NR/NR 598 2014 4.5% Cnv 03 Feb NR/NR 309 2017 2,618 2.15 Credit Agricole Financials France 7.589% FRN Ba2/BBB- 2,066 Perpetual 8.125% FRN Ba2/BBB- 505 Perpetual 2,571 2.11 Unitymedia Kabel Consumer Germany Services 9.625% 01 Dec 2019 B3/B- 1,879 5.625% 15 Apr 2023 Ba3/B+ 659 2,538 2.09 Balfour Beatty Industrials UK 10.75p Convertible NR/NR 2,139 1.76 Preference Catlin Insurance Financials USA 7.249% FRN NR/BBB+ 2,118 1.74 Perpetual CEMEX Consumer Goods 4.875% Cnv 15 Mar NR/NR Mexico 1,508 2015 9.25% 12 May 2020 NR/B Spain 599 2,107 1.73 REA Finance Consumer Netherlands Goods 9.5% 31 Dec 2017 NR/NR 2,080 1.71 SSE Utilities UK 5.453% Perpetual Baa2/BBB 2,048 1.68 MOODY/S&P COUNTRY OF MARKET VALUE % OF ISSUER/ISSUE RATING SECTOR INCORPORATION £'000 PORTFOLIO Barclays Financials UK 9.25% Perpetual Ba1/BBB 1,061 6.625% 30 Mar 2022 Baa3/BBB+ 960 2,021 1.66 Citigroup Financials USA 6.829% FRN 28 Jun Ba2/BB 1,937 2067 US common stock Equity 63 2,000 1.64 Enterprise Inns Consumer UK Goods 6.5% 06 Dec 2018 NR/BB- 1,954 1.61 (SNR) Santos Finance Oil and Gas Australia 8.25% FRN 22 Sep NR/BBB 1,946 1.60 2070 Obrascon Huarte Industrials Spain Lain 8.75% 15 Mar 2018 Ba2/NR 1,838 1.51 Origin Energy Oil and Gas Australia 7.875% 16 Jun 2071 Ba1/BB+ 1,767 1.45 RWE Utilities Germany 4.625% FRN Baa3/BBB- 1,748 1.44 Perpetual Equiniti Newco 2 Support UK Services 7.125% 15 Dec 2018 B3/NR 1,154 FRN 15 Dec 2018 B3/NR 550 1,704 1.40 Iron Mountain Support USA Services 6.75% 15 Oct 2018 B1/B+ 1,520 1.25 AXA Financials France 5.25% FRN 16 Apr A3/BBB 873 2040 6.379% FRN Baa1/BBB- 640 Perpetual 1,513 1.24 Standard Life Financials UK 6.75% Perpetual A3/A- 1,057 5.5% 04 Dec 2042 Baa2/BBB 347 1,404 1.15 Campofrio Food Consumer Spain Goods 8.25% 31 Oct 2016 B1/B+ 1,344 1.10 UniCredit Financials Luxembourg International Bank 8.125% FRN Ba2/BB+ 865 Perpetual 8.5925% FRN Ba2/BB+ 476 Perpetual 1,341 1.10 Wind Acquisition Consumer Luxembourg Finance Services 7.375% 15 Feb 2018 Ba3/BB- 668 11.75% 15 Jul 2017 B3/B 666 1,334 1.10 US Treasury Government USA 0% 01 Aug 2013 NR/NR 1,315 1.08 Suez Environnement Utilities France 4.82% FRN Perpetual Baa2/NR 1,311 1.08 72,490 59.57 Other investments 49,195 40.43 Total investments 121,685 100.00 . CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY Trading commenced on 2 April 2012 STATED CAPITAL REVENUE CAPITAL RESERVE RESERVE TOTAL £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 2013 At 31 December 2012 113,410 9,336 1,929 124,675 Total comprehensive income for the - 2,970 3,807 6,777 period Dividends paid - note 4 - - (3,640) (3,640) At 30 June 2013 113,410 12,306 2,096 127,812 FOR THE PERIOD 19 DECEMBER 2011 TO 30 JUNE 2012 At 19 December 2011 - - - - Issue of new shares 113,930 - - 113,930 Issue costs (520) - - (520) Total comprehensive income for the - (4,868) 2,073 (2,795) period At 30 June 2012 113,410 (4,868) 2,073 110,615 FOR THE PERIOD 19 DECEMBER 2011 TO 31 DECEMBER 2012 At 19 December 2011 - - - - Issue of new shares 113,930 - - 113,930 Issue costs (520) - - (520) Total comprehensive income for the - 9,336 5,640 14,976 period Dividends paid - note 4 - - (3,711) (3,711) At 31 December 2012 113,410 9,336 1,929 124,675 . CONDENSED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME Trading commenced on 2 April 2012 FOR THE SIX FOR THE PERIOD FOR THE PERIOD MONTHS TO 19 DEC 2011 19 DEC 2011 30 JUN 2013 TO 30 JUN 2012 TO 31 DEC 2012 REVENUE CAPITAL TOTAL REVENUE CAPITAL TOTAL TOTAL £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Profit/(loss) on - 5,034 5,034 - (6,069) (6,069) 8,370 investments at fair value Exchange - (51) (51) - 5 5 123 differences (Loss)/profit on - (1,835) (1,835) - 1,274 1,274 1,088 derivative financial instruments - currency hedges Income UK dividends 301 - 301 291 - 291 453 UK investment 1,508 - 1,508 767 - 767 2,286 income - interest Overseas 2,525 - 2,525 1,255 - 1,255 3,669 investment income - interest Overseas 4 - 4 - - - 2 dividends Deposit interest 1 - 1 4 - 4 12 4,339 3,148 7,487 2,317 (4,790) (2,473) 16,003 Investment (312) (168) (480) (138) (75) (213) (666) management fee - note 2 Other expenses (172) (1) (173) (97) (1) (98) (286) Profit/(loss) 3,855 2,979 6,834 2,082 (4,866) (2,784) 15,051 before finance costs and taxation Finance costs (16) (9) (25) (5) (2) (7) (33) Profit/(loss) 3,839 2,970 6,809 2,077 (4,868) (2,791) 15,018 before tax Taxation (32) - (32) (4) - (4) (42) Profit/(loss) 3,807 2,970 6,777 2,073 (4,868) (2,795) 14,976 after tax Return per 5.2p 4.1p 9.3p 2.9p (6.7)p (3.8)p 20.6p ordinary share - note 5 The total column of this statement represents the Company's statement of comprehensive income, prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards. The supplementary revenue and capital columns are presented for information in accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice issued by the Association of Investment Companies. All items in the above statement derive from continuing operations and the Company has no other gains or losses. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the period. . CONDENSED BALANCE SHEET Registered in Jersey No. 109714 AT 30 JUN AT 30 JUN AT 31 DEC 2013 2012 2012 £'000 £'000 £'000 Non-current assets Investments held at fair value 121,685 102,934 117,527 through profit or loss Current assets Other receivables 2,292 2,442 2,407 Amounts due from brokers - 32 - Cash and cash equivalents 4,625 5,612 5,094 6,917 8,086 7,501 Total assets 128,602 111,020 125,028 Current liabilities Other payables (329) (346) (343) Amount due to brokers (300) - - Derivative financial instruments -  (161) (59) (10) unrealised loss on forward currency contract (790) (405) (353) Net assets 127,812 110,615 124,675 Capital and reserves Stated capital - note 7 113,410 113,410 113,410 Capital reserve 12,306 (4,868) 9,336 Revenue reserve 2,096 2,073 1,929 Shareholders' funds 127,812 110,615 124,675 Net asset value per ordinary share - 175.60p 151.97p 171.29p note 6 . CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOW Trading commenced on 2 April 2012 SIX MONTHS TO 19 DEC 2011 TO 19 DEC 2011 TO 30 JUN 2013 30 JUN 2012 1 DEC 2012 £'000 £'000 £'000 Cash flow from operating activities Profit/(loss) before tax 6,809 (2,791) 15,018 Taxation (32) (4) (42) Adjustment for: Purchases of (21,302) (4,768) (18,171) investments Sales of investments 22,478 5,261 18,542 1,176 493 371 (Profit/)losses on (5,034) 6,069 (8,370) investments Exchange differences 51 (5) (123) Loss on derivative 151 59 10 financial instruments - currency hedges Finance costs 25 7 33 Operating cash flows 3,146 3,828 6,897 before movements in working capital Decrease in receivables 115 381 416 (Decrease)/increase in (14) 263 336 payables Net cash flows from 3,247 4,472 7,649 operating activities before and after tax Cash flow from financing activities Costs paid in formation - (444) (520) of new company Cash and assets received - 1,579 1,579 from City Merchants High Yield Trust plc Finance costs paid (25) - (26) Equity dividends paid - (3,640) - (3,711) note 4 Net cash flows from (3,665) 1,135 (2,678) financing activities Net (decrease)/increase (418) 5,607 4,971 in cash and cash equivalents Exchange difference (51) 5 123 Cash and cash equivalents 5,094 - - at the beginning of the period Cash and cash equivalents 4,625 5,612 5,094 at the end of the period . NOTES TO THE INTERIM FINANCIAL RESULTS 1. Basis of Preparation a. Accounting Standards Applied The condensed financial statements have been prepared using the same accounting policies as those adopted in the 2012 annual financial report. They have been prepared on an historical cost basis, except for the measurements at fair value of investments and derivatives, and in accordance with the applicable International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and interpretations issued by the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee as adopted by the European Union. Where presentational guidance set out in the Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP): Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies and Venture Capital Trusts' is consistent with the requirements of IFRS, the Directors have sought to prepare the financial statements on a basis compliant with the recommendations of the SORP. b. Financial Results Basis The financial results of this half-yearly financial report are the financial results of the successor Jersey company only, including all related income, expense and cash flows. Income, expenses and cash flows of the predecessor company, City Merchants High Yield Trust plc, are not included in the results for the periods 19 December 2011 to 30 June 2012 and 19 December 2011 to 31 December 2012. 2. Management Fees Investment management fees and finance costs are allocated 35% to capital and 65% to revenue. The management fee is payable quarterly in arrears and is equal to 0.1875% of the value of the Company's total assets under management less current liabilities at the end of each relevant quarter, plus a fixed amount of £22,500 per annum. 3. Taxation The Company is subject to Jersey income tax at the rate of 0% (2012: 0%). The overseas tax charge consists of irrecoverable withholding tax. 4. Dividends Paid FOR THE PERIOD FOR THE PERIOD SIX MONTHS TO 19 DEC 2011 TO 19 DEC 2011 TO 30 JUN 2013 30 JUN 2012 31 DEC 2012 PENCE £'000 PENCE £'000 PENCE £'000 Interim in respect of 2.5 1,820 n/a n/a n/a n/a previous period First interim 2.5 1,820 - - 2.6 1,891 Second interim - - - - 2.5 1,820 5.0 3,640 - - 5.1 3,711 Special dividend paid by - - 2.4 1,747 2.4 1,747 City Merchants High Yield Trust plc 5.0 3,640 2.4 1,747 7.5 5,458 A second interim dividend of 2.5p (2012: 2.5p) has been declared and will be paid 23 August 2013 to ordinary shareholders on the register on 26 July 2013. 5. Basis of Returns FOR THE PERIOD FOR THE PERIOD SIX MONTHS TO 19 DEC 2011 TO 19 DEC 2011 TO 30 JUN 2013 30 JUN 2012 31 DEC 2012 Profit/(loss) after tax: Revenue £3,807,000 £2,073,000 £5,640,000 Capital £2,970,000 (£4,868,000) £9,336,000 Total £6,777,000 (£2,795,000) £14,976,000 Number of shares in issue during 72,786,327 72,786,327 72,786,327 the period 6. Basis of Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share AT 30 JUN AT 30 JUN AT 31 DEC 2013 2012 2012 Shareholders' funds £127,812,000 £110,615,000 £124,675,000 Number of shares in issue at the 72,786,327 72,786,327 72,786,327 period end 7. Stated Capital AT 30 JUN AT 30 JUN AT 31 DEC 2013 2012 2012 Stated capital £113,410,000 £113,410,000 £113,410,000 Allotted ordinary shares of no par 72,786,327 72,786,327 72,786,327 value 8. Status of Half-yearly Financial Report The financial information contained in this half-yearly report, which has not been reviewed or audited, does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in Article 104 of Companies (Jersey) Law 1991. The financial information for the period 19 December 2011 to 30 June 2012 and the half year ended 30 June 2013 have not been audited. The figures and financial information for the period 19 December 2011 to 31 December 2012 are extracted and abridged from the latest published accounts and do not constitute the statutory accounts for that year. By order of the Board Invesco Asset Management Limited Company Secretary 20 August 2013 . DIRECTORS' RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT in respect of the preparation of the half-yearly financial report. The Directors are responsible for preparing the financial report, using accounting policies consistent with applicable law and International Financial Reporting Standards. The Directors confirm that to the best of their knowledge: - the condensed set of financial statements contained within the financial report have been prepared in accordance with the International Accounting Standards 34 `Interim Financial Reporting'; - the interim management report includes a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.7R and DTR 4.2.8R of the FCA's Disclosure and Transparency Rules; and - the interim management report includes a fair review of the information required on related party transactions. The half-yearly financial report has not been audited or reviewed by the Company's auditor. Signed on behalf of the Board of Directors. Clive Nicholson Chairman 20 August 2013
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