Interim Management Statement

City Merchants High Yield Trust Limited Interim Management Statement for the Three Months ended 30 September 2014 Objective of the Company The investment objective of City Merchants High Yield Trust Limited (the `Company') is to seek to obtain both high income and capital growth from investment, predominantly in high-yielding fixed-interest securities. The Company seeks to provide a high level of dividend income relative to prevailing interest rates through investment in fixed-interest securities, various equity-like securities within fixed-income markets and equity-linked securities such as convertible bonds and in direct equities that have a high income yield. It seeks also to enhance total returns through capital appreciation generated by investments which have equity-related characteristics. Material Events The Company became an AIF, or Alternative Investment Fund, under the EU Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive on 22 July 2014. The Company has appointed Invesco Fund Managers Limited as its AIFM, or Alternative Investment Fund Manager, and BNY Mellon Trust & Depositary (UK) Limited as its depositary, both effective from 22 July 2014. The portfolio managers responsible for the portfolios on a day to day basis have not changed and nor has the custodian, The Bank of New York Mellon. However, they now operate under delegated authority from the contracted AIFM and depositary. In the three months to 30 September 2014 the Company issued 1,275,000 ordinary shares at an average price of 188.56p. The Company has issued a further 200,000 ordinary shares, at an average price of 186.54p since 30 September 2014. Dividends The Company paid a second interim dividend of 2.5 pence per ordinary share on 22 August 2014 in respect of the period ending 31 December 2014. The Company has declared a third interim dividend, in respect of the year ending 31 December 2014, of 2.5 pence per ordinary share, which will be paid on 21 November 2014 to shareholders on the register on 24 October 2014. The Board continues to target total dividends of 10 pence for the current year. Market Background Bond market returns over the quarter were driven by interest rate expectations, further deterioration of the European economy and wider geopolitical concerns. Persistent low inflation and low economic growth in the Eurozone made investors more cautious and, as a result, demand for higher quality credits increased. Measures taken by the European Central Bank (ECB) and expectations of further policy actions intensified this bias toward quality. So far, the ECB has cut its policy rates, announced a program to purchase private sector bonds and provided cheap loans to banks to lend on to corporates. To date, these measures have not been effective and market expectations have increased that full blown quantitative easing will be required. This expectation has pushed government bond yields lower. As a consequence, higher quality corporate bonds with a higher sensitivity to interest rate change outperformed those of lower credit quality. In contrast to Europe, positive economic growth in the US and UK has raised interest rate expectations; however, geopolitical uncertainty in the Middle East and Ukraine, as well as the situation in Europe, has helped suppress bond yields in both countries. Alongside the macro concerns, there was a reminder of company specific risk with two high profile companies blowing up. Portuguese group Banco Espirito Santo was forced to restructure in July and Phones 4U collapsed in September. Both companies' difficulties led to an increase in the level of market volatility. According to data from Merrill Lynch, on a sterling hedged basis, European currency high yield bonds had a total return in the quarter of -0.7%. There was however considerable variance within the sector: CCC and below rated bonds returned -6.4% whilst BB rated returned +0.5%. Meanwhile, Euro investment grade corporate bonds returned 1.9% and sterling investment grade returned 2.8%. Gilts returned 3.9%. The aggregate yield of the European currency high yield market rose to 4.82%. Portfolio Strategy & Outlook Over the 3 months to 30 September 2014 the NAV total return for the company was -0.9%. However, whilst parts of the high yield sector experienced significant drops in demand, particularly during late July/early August, the City Merchants High Yield Trust continued to trade at a premium to its NAV throughout the period. High yield bond yields remain low by historical standards but they are relatively high compared to core government bond yields. This is particularly the case in Europe where Bund yields are negative out to 3 years. We believe we can still find opportunities, most notably in banks and other financials, where we think aggregate yields continue to offer value. In our view, ongoing structural reform and the implementation of new, more conservative banking sector regulations should remain supportive of legacy subordinated bank debt. We also see areas of value in hybrid debt securities. We feel the excess yield available in return for the subordination risk on these securities can be attractive, typically a 1-2% pick up in yield over equivalent senior bonds. Our investments here are focused on issuers with strong balance sheets, mainly in utility, telecom and insurance names. Our outlook is relatively defensive, with a bias toward higher quality credits. We have taken the opportunity of recent weakness in the sector to add some selective exposure to higher quality high yield names. For example, we added a new issue by Pizza Express and in the secondary market added exposure to clothing manufacturer Takko. In line with our overall defensive stance we are not using the loan facility and are maintaining a significant cash level. In more volatile markets this positions us, as a provider of liquidity, to be able to drive hard bargains. Paul Read, Paul Causer, Rhys Davies Portfolio Managers 15 October 2014 Performance - Total Return 3 Months 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years Share Price -0.8% 18.0% 46.6% 70.0% Net Asset Value -0.9% 8.6% 48.1% 72.7% Source: Thomson Reuters Datastream Share Price and Discount As at 30 September For the Three Months Ended 2014 30 September 2014 High Low Average Ordinary Shares mid-market 186.50 191.00 183.00 187.69 price (pence) (Premium)/Discount (1.8)% Source: Thomson Reuters Datastream Assets and Gearing 30 September 2014 Total Gross Assets (£m) 145.0 of which cash (£m) 6.3 Borrowings (£m) - Total Shareholders' Funds (£m) 145.0 Cum Income Net Asset Value (pence) 183.2 Net Cash 4.4% `Gross Gearing' reflects the amount of gross borrowings by the Company and takes no account of any cash balances. It is based on gross borrowings as a percentage of shareholders' funds. `Net Cash' reflects the net exposure to cash and cash equivalents expressed as a percentage of shareholders' funds after any offset against its gearing. . Bond Rating 30 September 2014 A- 0.8% BBB+ 9.4% BBB 5.1% BBB- 1.9% BB+ 14.0% BB 7.2% BB- 9.6% B+ 14.2% B 10.5% B- 3.9% CCC+ 3.0% CCC 0.1% NR (including equity) 20.3% 100.0% . Top Ten Holdings Ranking Top Ten Holdings % of Now Portfolio 1 Lloyds Banking 7.875% Perpetual, 7% Var Perpetual 5.2% Group 2 Aviva 6.125% Perpetual, 8.875% Preference 3.9% 3 Société Genérale 8.875% FRN Perpetual, 8.25% Perpetual, 3.7% 7.875% FRN Perpetual 4 Premier Farnell 89.2p Convertible Preference 3.0% 5 General Motors Wts 10 Jul 2019, Wts 10 Jul 2016 3.0% 6 Credit Agricole 7.589% FRN Perpetual, 8.125% Perpetual, 2.8% 7.5% Var Perpetual 7 Standard Chartered 9.5% FRN Perpetual, 5.7% 26 Mar 2044, 2.5% 5.125% 06 Jun 2034Perpetual 8 Telefonica Europe 6.75% Perpetual, 5.875 Perpetual 2.5% 9 Iron Mountain 6.75% 15 Oct 2018, 8.125 15 Sep 2022 2.5% 10 Intesa Sanpaolo 8.375% FRN Perpetual 2.2% . Changes to Share Capital Ordinary Shares of no par value Issued As at 30 June 2014 77,861,327 Ordinary shares bought back 0 Ordinary shares issued 1,275,000 As at 30 September 2014 79,136,327 The Company has issued a further 200,000 ordinary shares since 30 September 2014. The Company has authority to buy back shares and to issue new shares (disapplying pre-emption rights), in each case within specified limits. The Company expects to renew these authorities each year. . Price and Performance The Company's Ordinary shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange and the price is published in the Financial Times under `Investment Companies' and in the Daily Telegraph under `Investment Trusts'. The Company's net asset value is calculated daily and can be viewed on the London Stock Exchange website at Further information can be obtained from Invesco Perpetual as follows: Free Investor Helpline: 0800 085 8677 (available Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 6.00pm) Internet address: The information provided in this statement should not be considered as a financial promotion or recommendation. Issued for and on behalf of City Merchants High Yield Trust Limited Contact: Hilary Jones R&H Fund Services (Jersey) Limited Telephone: 01534 825323 15 October 2014 Registered Office Ordnance House, 31 Pier Road, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 8PW Registered in Jersey No 109714 In accordance with the Companies (Jersey) Law 1991 Regulated by the Jersey Financial Services Commission
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