Interim Results
INVESCO Perpetual UK Smaller Companies Investment Trust plc
Unaudited Preliminary Announcement of Interim Results
Chairman's Statement
I am pleased to be in a position to report better news for shareholders. During
the period under review we have witnessed a substantial improvement in market
levels. During the first six months of the Company's year to 31 July 2003, the
net asset value including both capital and revenue ('NAV') and share price
increased by 34.1% and 33.6% respectively. This is an encouraging performance,
which is ahead of our benchmark index, the extended Hoare Govett Smaller
Companies Index (capital gains excluding investment trusts), which rose by
31.7%. The discount of share price to NAV rose only very slightly, from 16.0%
to 16.3%, which remains in line with our peer group.
The recovery in markets has taken place against an improvement in investor
sentiment since the low point in the market in March 2003, when uncertainty
about the impending war in Iraq and other geopolitical risks dampened investor
and stock market sentiment. Since the quick resolution of the initial
hostilities in Iraq, markets worldwide have recovered and, perhaps
unexpectedly, smaller companies in the UK have outperformed their larger
counterparts by a significant margin. By way of comparison, the FT Actuaries
All-Share Index increased by 18.8% in the period.
Despite this improvement in sentiment, it would be rash to expect too much of a
post-war bounce in economic activity, as the world economy, including the
smaller companies universe, still faces many of the underlying problems it
faced before the Iraq conflict began: high levels of corporate and household
indebtedness, excess capacity in manufacturing and slowing retail sales,
together with a negligible employment growth rate. These indicators suggest
that the UK economy will be slowing down towards the end of 2003.
Your manager continues to maintain a cautious approach towards investing at
these levels, and it is for this reason that the gearing of the Company remains
on the low side. However, he has built a diversified portfolio focusing on
quality franchises with stable revenue sources, which is capable of exploiting
any improvements in what may become a more testing stockmarket environment in
the second half of the Company's year.
Jamie Berry
24 September 2003
Manager's Report
Investment Review
During the six months under review there has been a substantial improvement in
investor sentiment. From the lows in March, the FT All-Share Index had risen
28% by the end of July. The reasons behind this turnaround range from the very
oversold position of markets in March, the quick resolution of the Iraq war,
continued declines in interest rates and some evidence of economic recovery in
the US. However the UK economy is only growing slowly, so it remains to be seen
how sustainable this rally will be.
The change in investor sentiment has, however, been most marked in small and
mid-sized companies. From the lows in March, smaller companies, as measured by
the Hoare Govett Smaller Companies Index, had risen 38% by the end of July and
have made further progress since. As a result, the sector has materially
outperformed the main market. This relative performance reflects increased
corporate activity and lower valuations and has benefited from a move towards
greater portfolio diversification by institutions.
The overall performance of the Company has been satisfactory and ahead of the
benchmark index. Gearing levels have been, and remain, modest; this is
consistent with our relatively cautious view of the UK's economic prospects as
well as our views on the risk and reward balance prevailing earlier in the
Investment Strategy
We continue to believe that the UK economy will produce slow growth, at best.
The underlying problem is the continuous growth in the economy over the last
twelve years. Despite well publicised problems in certain industries such as
financial services and technology, there has been no proper recession.
Recessions, while painful, are useful in correcting excesses and repositioning
the economy for future growth. Today the UK economy has a number of excesses,
examples of which are inflated house prices and the high level of consumer
Consumer expenditure accounts for close to 70% of total GDP. In recent years
consumers have spent at a greater rate than their incomes, making up the
difference by lower savings and higher debt. Consumer debt is at record levels
and as a percentage of incomes at a much higher level than before the last
recession. Consumer spending growth, therefore, seems more likely to slow
rather than increase.
Government expenditure accounts for about 20% of GDP. To support public
services, government spending has increased rapidly, this year rising by close
to 9%. However, government revenue from tax receipts is running below
expectations, resulting in a projected budget deficit of around 3% of GDP which
would put the UK at odds with the stability pact and Brussels, if we were part
of the Euro. Government spending growth, therefore, also seems more likely to
slow rather than increase.
With about 90% of the economy set to decelerate, it seems almost inevitable
that overall economic growth will disappoint. Slow growth will probably result
in pressure on corporate profits as there will be little volume growth to
offset cost increases. Almost uniquely amongst western economies, the UK has
experienced falling unemployment over the last year. This is now manifesting
itself in higher public sector wages and increased union militancy. However,
companies also face the rising costs of general insurance, national insurance,
pensions and raw materials. Companies must either cut costs, raise prices or
face falls in profits. The outcome is likely to be some combination of these
Against this background we continue to prefer to run a broadly diversified
portfolio, with an emphasis on quality companies with strong financial
characteristics and with stable revenue sources. We also recognise that
dividend income is likely to be a higher proportion of the total return
available from equities. In sectoral terms, the main changes in the portfolio
have been a reduction in insurance and general industries, funding an increase
in the oil & gas, healthcare, transport and utilities sectors.
Current Prospects
The UK stockmarket, and especially smaller companies, have enjoyed a strong
rally over the last six months as investors have rediscovered an appetite for
risk. Inevitably, there will be a correction at some stage, particularly if the
growth in the economy and corporate profits remain lacklustre, as we expect.
However, continuing low interest rates should mitigate the effects somewhat.
Smaller companies have substantially outperformed the main market in the six
months under review and may suffer some correction. The valuation argument has
weakened as the sector is now only on a small discount to the market, although
it should be remembered that smaller companies were rated at a premium to the
market from 1980 to 1987. However, the positives, in the form of corporate
activity and the portfolio shift by institutions, are still in place. We remain
confident of the longer-term prospects for smaller companies, given their
greater flexibility to handle the challenging economic circumstances we see
Richard Smith
Investment Manager - Smaller Companies team
INVESCO Asset Management Limited
24 September 2003
Statement of Total Return
(Incorporating the Revenue Account)
Six months to 31 July 2003
Revenue Capital Total
£'000 £'000 £'000
(Losses)/gains on investments - - (2,419) (2,419)
- unrealised - 20,001 20,001
UK dividends 1,126 - 1,126
Interest and underwriting 3 - 3
Gross return 1,129 17,582 18,711
Investment management fee (356) - (356)
Other expenses (104) - (104)
Net return before finance costs
669 17,582 18,251
Interest payable and similar (61) - (61)
Return on ordinary activities 608 17,582 18,190
before and after taxation
Dividends in respect of equity - - -
Transfer to reserves 608 17,582 18,190
Basic return per ordinary share 4.4p 126.2p 130.6p
- note 1
The revenue column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the
Company. All revenue and capital
items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. No operations
were acquired or discontinued
in the period.
Statement of Total Return
(Incorporating the Revenue Account)
Year to
31 January
Six months to 31 July 2002 2003
(Unaudited) (Audited)
Revenue Capital Total Total
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Losses on investments - - (3,847) (3,847) (13,526)
- unrealised - (7,992) (7,992) (8,102)
UK dividends 1,265 - 1,265 2,223
Interest and underwriting 10 - 10 24
Gross return 1,275 (11,839) (10,564) (19,381)
Investment management fee (419) - (419) (810)
Other expenses (85) - (85) (212)
Net return before finance 771 (11,839) (11,068) (20,403)
costs and taxation
Interest payable and similar (274) - (274) (424)
Return on ordinary 497 (11,839) (11,342) (20,827)
activities before and after
Dividends in respect of - - - (766)
equity shares
Transfer to/(from) reserves 497 (11,839) (11,342) (21,593)
Basic return per ordinary 3.6p (84.8)p (81.2)p (149.3)p
share - note 1
Balance Sheet
At At At
31 July 31 31 July
2003 2003 2002
(Unaudited) (Audited) (Unaudited)
£'000 £'000 £'000
Fixed Assets
Investments 75,781 56,752 72,591
Current assets
Amounts due from 155 556 236
Prepayments and accrued 237 143 241
392 699 477
Creditors: amounts
falling due within one
Bank overdraft and (4,184) (2,631) (9,194)
short-term loans
Amounts due to brokers (338) (595) (126)
Accruals and deferred (112) (110) (148)
Proposed dividends - (766) -
(4,634) (4,102) (9,468)
Net current liabilities (4,242) (3,403) (8,991)
Total assets less current 71,539 53,349 63,600
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 13,933 13,933 13,933
Share premium account 21,244 21,244 21,244
Capital redemption 95 95 95
Other reserves:
Capital reserve - 23,881 26,300 35,979
Capital reserve - 10,570 (9,431) (9,321)
Revenue reserve 1,816 1,208 1,670
Equity Shareholders' 71,539 53,349 63,600
Net asset value per
ordinary share - note 2
Basic 513.4p 382.9p 456.5p
Cash Flow Statement
Six months Year to Six months
to 31 July 31 to 31 July
2003 2003 2002
(Unaudited) (Audited) (Unaudited)
£'000 £'000 £'000
Cash inflow/(outflow) 578 541 (7)
from operating activities
Returns on investments
and servicing of finance (62) (451) (267)
Capital expenditure and
financial investment
Purchase of investments (14,372) (28,135) (9,679)
Sale of investments 13,069 36,423 11,768
Equity dividends paid (766) (906) (906)
Shares purchased for - (324) (324)
(Decrease)/increase in (1,553) 7,148 585
Net debt at beginning of (2,631) (9,779) (9,779)
the period
Net debt at end of period (4,184) (2,631) (9,194)
Reconciliation of Movement in Shareholder's Funds
Six months Year to Six months
to 31 July 31 to 31 July
2003 2003 2002
(Unaudited) (Audited) (Unaudited)
£'000 £'000 £'000
Revenue return for the 608 35 497
Capital return for the 17,582 (21,628) (11,839)
Shares purchased for - (324) (324)
Net movement in 18,190 (21,917) (11,666)
Shareholder's funds
Opening Shareholder's 53,349 75,266 75,266
Closing Shareholder's 71,539 53,349 63,600
INVESCO Perpetual UK Smaller Companies Investment Trust plc
Notes to the Interim Announcement
1. The revenue return per ordinary share is based on the net revenue return on
ordinary activities after taxation and on 13,933,206 (31 July 2002: 13,957,184,
31 January 2003: 13,945,288) ordinary shares, being the weighted average number
of ordinary shares in issue in the period.
The capital return per ordinary share is based on the net capital return on
ordinary activities after taxation and on 13,933,206 (31 July 2002: 13,957,184,
31 January 2003: 13,945,288) ordinary shares being the weighted average number
of ordinary shares in issue in the period.
2. The basic net asset value per ordinary share of £1 is calculated on net
assets of £71,539,000; (31 July 2002: £63,600,000, 31 January 2003: £
53,349,000) and on 13,933,206 (31 July 2002: 13,933,206, 31 January 2003:
13,933,206) shares in issue.
3. It is the intention of the Directors to conduct the affairs of the Company
so that it satisfies the conditions for approval as an investment trust company
set out in section 842 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988.
4. The foregoing information at 31 January 2003 is an abridged version of the
Company's full Accounts which carry an unqualified Auditor's report and have
been filed with the Registrar of Companies.
By order of the Board
INVESCO Asset Management Limited
24 September 2003