Holding(s) in Company

NOTIFICATION OF MAJOR INTERESTS IN SHARES 1. Identity of the issuer or the underlying issuer of existing shares to which voting rights are attached: Johnson Matthey plc 2. Reason for the notification: Other - EU Transparency Directive 3. Full name of person(s) subject to the notification obligation: Ameriprise Financial, Inc. and its group 4. Full name of shareholder(s) (if different from 3.): See additional information under 13 5. Date of the transaction (and date on which the threshold is crossed or reached if different): N/A 6. Date on which issuer notified: 23 February 2007 7. Threshold(s) that is/are crossed or reached: N/A 8. Notified details: VOTING RIGHTS ATTACHED TO SHARES: Class/type of shares (if possible using the ISIN CODE): GB0004764071 Situation previous to the triggering transaction: Number of shares: N/A Number of voting rights: N/A Resulting situation after the triggering transaction: Number of shares (direct): 640,210 Number of voting rights (direct): 640,210 Number of voting rights (indirect): 13,174,825 % of voting rights (direct): 0.290% % of voting rights (indirect): 5.978% Total voting rights: 13,815,035 shares (6.268%) 9. Chain of controlled undertakings through which the voting rights and/or the financial instruments are effectively held if applicable: Ameriprise Financial, Inc. which controls the voting rights of: Threadneedle Asset Management Holdings Ltd, which controls the voting rights of: Threadneedle Asset Management Ltd, Threadneedle International Ltd and Threadneedle Pensions Ltd PROXY VOTING: 10. Name of the proxy holder: N/A 11. Number of voting rights proxy holder will cease to hold: N/A 12. Date on which proxy holder will cease to hold voting rights: N/A 13. Additional information: Registered Owners: Bank of Ireland Nominees A/C 4239914 158,265 Bank of Ireland Nominees A/C 4270483 284,267 BNY (OCS) Nominees Ltd A/C 277650 170,243 BNY (OCS) Nominees Ltd A/C 219064 85,434 BNY (OCS) Nominees Ltd A/C 219709 157,416 BNY (OCS) Nominees Ltd A/C 219720 189,674 Littledown Nominees Ltd A/C 11121 3,250 Littledown Nominees Ltd A/C 02891 5,447,136 Littledown Nominees Ltd A/C 07198 436,970 Littledown Nominees Ltd A/C 27642 203,240 Littledown Nominees Ltd A/C 10478 9,000 Littledown Nominees Ltd A/C 35822 4,400 Littledown Nominees Ltd A/C 10489 230,039 Littledown Nominees Ltd A/C 10469 126,184 Littledown Nominees Ltd A/C 30337 14,000 Littledown Nominees Ltd A/C 10479 9,853 Littledown Nominees Ltd A/C 10488 2,395,419 Littledown Nominees Ltd A/C 10491 1,023,613 Littledown Nominees Ltd A/C 10492 250,000 Littledown Nominees Ltd A/C 21688 203,975 Littledown Nominees Ltd A/C 02642 409,641 Littledown Nominees Ltd A/C 07205 340,649 Littledown Nominees Ltd A/C 07207 807,807 Littledown Nominees Ltd A/C 07196 28,980 Littledown Nominees Ltd A/C 07199 23,498 Mellon Nominees (UK) Ltd A/C WWSF0004002 239,430 Mellon Nominees (UK) Ltd A/C AVOF0003002 471,858 Roy Nominees A/C 104450 70,794 William & Glyns (Isle of Man) Nominees A/C 301780 20,000 Ltd 14. Contact Name: Angela Purtill, Assistant Company Secretary, Johnson Matthey plc 15. Contact Telephone Number: 020 269 8461
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