Director/PDMR Shareholding

(a closed-ended investment company incorporated with limited liability under the laws of Guernsey with registered number 48761)

Directors’ Dealings
5 October 2015

Pursuant to Disclosure Rule 3.1, the Company is obliged to notify the market of Director’s holdings or interests of the Directors or their connected persons in shares of the Company.

The Company announces that the following beneficial holdings of ordinary shares were acquired through the placing and open offer by the Directors of the Company, on 30 September 2015:

David Macfarlane: 19,800 shares
Patrick Firth: 1,440 shares
James Jordan: 10,800 shares
Tanja Tibaldi: 720 shares
Chris Waldron: 720 shares

Following this purchase, the Directors now hold the following total number of ordinary shares in the Company:

David Macfarlane: 74,800 shares
Patrick Firth: 5,440 shares
James Jordan: 40,800 shares
Tanja Tibaldi: 2,720 shares
Chris Waldron: 2,720 shares


Company website:

Paul Le Ray
Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Guernsey) Limited
Tel: +44 (0) 1481 745815

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