JZ Capital Partners Limited
(a closed-ended collective investment scheme incorporated as a non-cellular company with limited liability under the laws of Guernsey with registration number 48761)
LEI Number: 549300TZCK08Q16HHU44
(The “Company”)
6 July 2021
At the Annual General Meeting of the Company held on 6 July 2021, all Resolutions set out in the Annual General Meeting Notice sent to Shareholders dated 18 May 2021 were duly passed.
Details of the final voting position in respect of the valid proxies received by the Company should be read alongside the Notice and are noted below:
Ordinary Resolution | For | Against | Withheld |
1 | 58,093,297 | 0 | 0 |
2 | 58,093,297 | 0 | 0 |
3 | 58,093,297 | 0 | 0 |
4 | 57,881,959 | 5,551 | 205,787 |
5 (1) | 6,364,140 | 174 | 11,937 |
6 (1) | 6,364,140 | 174 | 11,937 |
7 (1) | 6,364,103 | 211 | 11,937 |
8(1) | 6,364,103 | 211 | 11,937 |
9 | 57,099,701 | 993,596 | 0 |
Extraordinary Resolution | For | Against | Withheld |
10 | 57,806,468 | 0 | 286,829 |
Note - A vote withheld is not a vote in law and has not been counted in the votes for and against a resolution.
(1) The proxy voting results in respect of Ordinary Resolutions 5 through to 8 have been counted in accordance with Article 14(17) of the Articles of Incorporation of the Company
The Special Business by Ordinary Resolution was also passed at the AGM, as detailed below:
To authorise the Directors in accordance with Article 4(8) of the Articles of Incorporation of the Company (the “Articles”) to: (a) allot equity securities (as defined in the Articles) of the Company for cash; and (b) sell ordinary shares (as defined in the Articles) held by the Company as treasury shares for cash, as if Article 4(8) of the Articles did not apply to any such allotment or sale, provided that this power shall be limited to the allotment of equity securities for cash and the sale of treasury shares up to an aggregate amount of 7,747,417 ordinary shares, such authority to expire at the conclusion of the 2022 Annual General Meeting of the Company or on 31 July 2022, whichever is the earlier, save that the Company may before such expiry make any offer or agreement that would or might require equity securities to be allotted, or treasury shares to be sold, after such expiry and the Directors may allot equity securities, or sell treasury shares in pursuance of any such offer or agreement as if the power conferred hereby had not expired.
Ordinary Resolution | For | Against | Withheld |
11 | 50,609,277 | 6,991,578 | 492,442 |
Note - A vote withheld is not a vote in law and has not been counted in the votes for and against a resolution.
The Board is pleased with the overall level of support for all of the Resolutions set out in the Annual General Meeting Notice. It acknowledges, however, the level of votes against resolution 11 (the directors' general authority to allot equity securities). The Board intends to engage with certain of its shareholders in relation to this resolution but wishes to make clear that, whilst the Company reserves the right to issue further shares in the future, the resolution to seek authority from shareholders to do so was taken as it has been in previous years and on this occasion as a precautionary measure which is not at this time intended to be used.
Company website: www.jzcp.com
Samuel Walden
Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Guernsey) Limited
Tel: +44 (0) 1481 745001
Email: SW171@ntrs.com