Result of EGM

JZ CAPITAL PARTNERS LIMITED (the "Company") (a closed-end investment company incorporated with limited liability under the laws of Guernsey with registered number 48761) Results of Extraordinary General Meeting 26 February 2015 At the Extraordinary General Meeting (the "EGM") of the Company held today, the following Ordinary Resolution as set out in the Notice of EGM dated 30 January 2015 (the "Notice of EGM") and sent to members of the Company was duly passed as detailed below: 1. ORDINARY RESOLUTION THAT, the amended and restated investment policy set out on pages 10 and 11 of the circular of the Company dated 30 January 2015, a copy of which is attached thereto, be approved and adopted as the investment policy of the Company in substitution for, and to the exclusion of, the Company's existing investment policy. (52,246,839 in favour / 2,020,523 against / 0 abstain) At the same EGM noted above, the following Special Resolution as set out in the Notice of EGM and sent to members of the Company was also duly passed as detailed below: 2. SPECIAL RESOLUTION THAT, the Articles of Incorporation produced to the EGM and initialled by the chairman of the EGM for the purpose of identification, be approved and adopted as the Articles of Incorporation of the Company in substitution for, and to the exclusion of, the Company's existing Articles of Incorporation. (52,445,466 in favour / 1,821,856 against / 40 abstain) Details of the proxy voting results which should be read alongside the Notice of EGM sent to members of the Company. Enquiries: Company website: Andrew Maiden Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Guernsey) Limited Tel: +44 (0) 1481 745368
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