Final Results

To be embargoed until 7.00 a.m. 20 October 2005 Karelian Diamond Resources Plc ('KDR') Final Results for the period from date of incorporation, 1 March 2004 to 31 May 2005 Dear Shareholder, I have great pleasure in presenting your Company's first Annual Report and Financial Statements. Karelian Diamond Resources Plc is the holding company of a diamond exploration group focused on the discovery of potential world-class diamond deposits on the Finnish side of the Karelian Craton. The Karelian Craton, a block of ancient crustal rocks in North West Europe, shows all the characteristics of diamond producing cratons found elsewhere in the world. The potential of the Karelian Craton to host diamond deposits is indicated by major discoveries by other companies on the Russian side of the same Craton. These include two world class deposits, the Grib pipe which is estimated to contain a resource of 98 million tonnes at an average grade of 69 cpht with an estimated in situ value of US$3.7 billion and the Lomonosova diamond deposit whose diamond reserves are estimated to be worth US$ 12.0 billion. The regional geology of Finland is also similar to that of Canada's Slave Lake Craton, where diamonds were first discovered in 1991. BHP Billiton's Ekati mine opened in 1998 and produced over 7 million carats in 2003, worth approximately US$800 million. Rio Tinto's Diavik mine opened in early 2003 and produced some 3.8 million carats in its first year, worth around US$380 million. Two further diamond mines (Jericho and Snap Lake) are planned to come into production in the region in the near future. KDR holds a total of 58 diamond claims in Finland, 21 of which were acquired in July 2004,when the Company purchased Nordic Diamonds Limited from Conroy Plc and Karelian Diamonds Limited from Conroy Diamonds and Gold plc., together with all intellectual property and confidential proprietary data relating to the diamond exploration programmes in Finland of those two companies. KDR has subsequently applied for and been awarded a further 37 claims under claim reservation exclusivity, including claims covering a diamondiferous kimberlite pipe at Seitaperä in the Kuhmo area. KDR's licences in Finland are divided on a geographical basis into four separate claim blocks (Lapland, Western Finland, Kuhmo and South-eastern Finland) all four of which have been independently assessed as 'highly prospective for diamonds.' Diamondiferous kimberlites are largely confined to ancient stable cratons where the thickness of the earth's crust is sufficient to minimise heat loss and preserve the high temperatures necessary for diamond formation. The Kuhmo area of the Karelian Craton is characterised by a particularly thick crustal zone. KDR management has developed a close working relationship with the Geological Survey of Finland ('GTK') and is able to draw on its expertise, its extensive knowledge of the geology of Finland and its excellent technical and laboratory services. Karelian employs GTK staff as local consultants and to carry out fieldwork and has benefited greatly from this relationship, which has extended over many years. In addition KDR's senior consultant, Dr Bert Gerryts, is an internationally respected diamond geologist who pioneered the use of indicator minerals and geophysics in diamond exploration. KDR's exploration programme will include further drilling of the known diamondiferous pipe at Seitaperä in the Kuhmo block, ground geophysics in the adjacent area to select further drilling targets and till sampling up ice, followed where appropriate by ground geophysics and drilling. Work will also continue on the other three highly prospective blocks. Your Company is undertaking its diamond exploration programme at a time of buoyant market conditions for diamonds due to the tightness of supply and growing demand. Diamond prices are now rising faster than at any time since the late 1980s. The management of your Company, together with its staff and consultants, have a track record of success in mineral exploration and look to enhance this record with a major commercial diamond discovery in Finland. STRATEGY AND PROSPECTS Your Company's strategy is to apply up-to-date diamond exploration techniques in the Finnish Karelian Craton with a view to the discovery in Finland of major diamond deposits similar to those which have been found in the same Craton across the border in Russia. KDR has developed a model for diamond prospectivity in Finland. Key elements in the model include: * the identification of thick Archaean crust (45km to 240km); * the identification of favourable structural zones for emplacement of kimberlites, including activation zones and broad zones of deep seismic activity indicating the presence of these zones; and * the identification of diamondiferous rocks in target areas of the craton, e.g. kimberlites, lamproites and various hybrids. The extensive aeromagnetic and electromagnetic data available in Finland has therefore been useful in your Company's regional exploration. Kimberlite pipes, because of their geological composition, may exhibit a geophysical signature different to that of the surrounding rock, however, similar geophysical anomalies may arise from other causes. The interpretation of the geophysical data has, therefore, been followed by extensive regional deep till sampling in the course of which over a thousand samples were collected and analysed. A number of these samples yielded both kimberlitic and diamond indicator minerals, including G9 and G10 garnets. These garnets are particularly important as they are formed at similar temperatures and pressures to diamonds. A number of potential diamond targets have been identified using this strategy. This led to the selection of four blocks of licences grouped geographically and referred to as the Lapland, Kuhmo, Western Finland and South-eastern Finland licence blocks. All four blocks are highly prospective for diamonds. The Kuhmo block is known to contain a diamondiferous kimberlite body with a reported grade of 1.09 cpht (the Seitaperä pipe). KDR's exploration programme will include follow up drilling of the Seitaperä pipe. This pipe has a surface area of four hectares and to date has been the subject of only a limited drilling programme. Diamond indicator minerals have been discovered by KDR elsewhere in the Kuhmo block, leading to the conclusion that multiple sources for diamonds may exist in this area. Ground geophysics and deep till sampling will be used to search for and drill other kimberlite pipes in the Kuhmo area. A follow up exploration programme will also be carried out on the other highly prospective blocks with a view to the location and drilling of potential diamondiferous kimberlite pipes. CLAIMS Your Company's claims are divided into four blocks. Kuhmo Block The Kuhmo block in eastern Finland, which contains a known diamondiferous pipe at Seitaperä, comprises forty nine claims, which are believed to be highly prospective for diamondiferous kimberlites. An extensive reconnaissance till sampling programme has been completed in the area, with samples from approximately 200 sites, on three north-south traverses, initially collected and processed and subsequently followed up by further localised traverses. Some 28 diamond indicator pyrope garnets (including G9s and G10s) have been recovered as well as 15 chrome diopsides of kimberlitic composition. Sixteen separate indicator mineral anomalies have been identified. Drill targets have been highlighted by ground geophysics over one of the sixteen anomalies and the remaining fifteen similar anomalies are scheduled for systematic evaluation. Coupled with the presence of the known diamondiferous kimberlite pipe at Seitaperä, these findings suggest that multiple sources for diamonds may exist in the area. Western Block A group of five claims in an area of west-central Finland that is characterised by aeromagnetic anomalies. Preliminary basal till sampling from 34 sites located down-ice from selected anomalies has resulted in the identification of a number of kimberlitic indicator minerals, including a G9 garnet. Lapland Block Three claims have been taken out in this area in the Kola portion of the Karelian Craton following a detailed examination of the aeromagnetic database and an extensive till sampling programme. Initial results have been encouraging with a kimberlite indicator mineral (chrome diopside) recovered from 1 claim following preliminary deep till sampling. Southeastern Block This block comprises a single claim to the south-east of the Kuhmo block in an area of strong aeromagnetic anomalies. INDEPENDENT GEOLOGIST'S REPORT An independent geologist's report was prepared by the CSA Group ('CSA') to provide an independent assessment of Karelian's diamond exploration properties and information portfolio in Finland in preparation for the listing of your Company on AIM. CSA, in their summary and conclusions stated that, `The Archaean Cratons (Kola and Karelia) of Finland are an area of thick lithosphere and low heat flow. Structural zones (activation zones) exist that provide pathways for Kimberlite emplacement. Significant and world class diamond occurrences have been found within the Craton, eg. Archangel Kimberlite Fields in Russia. Diamonds have also been found in the Karelian Craton, e.g. the Kuopio-Kaavi kimberlite clusters. The area has proven prospectivity for diamonds.' CSA also commented that the `comprehensive data package, exclusive survey results and a significant portfolio of claims transferred into Karelian will provide Karelian with a significant advantage in its' future operations.' They also stated that `all four blocks of claims are highly prospective for diamonds.' PLACING AND ADMISSION TO AIM Your Company's shares were admitted to trading on AIM on September 1st, 2005. On admission, KDR raised £500,000 (before expenses) through a placing of 10,000,000 ordinary shares at 5 pence each, representing 22.3 per cent of the enlarged issued share capital of 44,771,676 ordinary shares. The Directors believe that Admission to AIM will have a number of benefits, including the following: * raising the profile of the Company, both amongst the investment community and within the mining industry; * facilitating the raising of further equity capital should it become required or desirable, thereby assisting the Company's ability to grow; * the Company will be better able to enter into negotiations with vendors of target businesses or assets, to whom the issue of publicly traded shares as consideration is potentially more attractive than shares in a private company; * the provision of share based incentive schemes involving quoted shares should assist in the recruitment, incentivisation, reward and retention of high calibre employees; and * an AIM listing will provide liquidity for current and future Shareholders. APPOINTMENT OF BROKER AND NOMINATED ADVISOR City Capital Securities Limited, a part of City Capital Corporation (3C), have been appointed as your Company's Broker, and John East & Partners Limited as your Company's Nominated Advisor. I have great pleasure in welcoming them and thanking them for the recent successful placing and admission of your Company to AIM. FINANCE The Financial Statements refer to the period from date of incorporation, 1 March 2004 to 31 May 2005. The Financial Statements were previously published in the admission document to AIM. The Company recorded a loss for the period of €98,941. Since the accounts were completed the Company has raised €735,294 gross in the placing referred to above. The Directors intend to raise additional equity financing from time to time, as required in order to continue your Company's activities and/or make such other joint venture, farm-out, or other arrangements as are appropriate in the interests of the Company. DIRECTORS, MANAGEMENT AND CONSULTANTS I would also like to express my appreciation and support and dedication of Directors, Management and Consultants, which has made possible the excellent progress, and significant success which your Company has already achieved. I look forward with confidence to the future. Professor Richard Conroy Chairman Profit and Loss Account For the period from date of incorporation, 1 March 2004 to 31 May 2005 € Operating Expenses (98,941) Loss for the Financial Period (98,941) Profit and Loss Account at beginning of period - Profit and Loss Account at end of period (98,941) Loss per share €0.0028 There are no recognised gains or losses other than that for the period Balance Sheet - 31 May 2005 € Fixed Assets Mineral interests 2,885,831 Financial assets 4 2,885,835 Current Assets Debtors 660 Cash at bank and in hand 3 663 Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year (397,747) Net Current Liabilities (397,084) Net Assets 2,488,751 Capital and Reserves Called up share capital 347,716 Share premium account 2,239,976 Profit and loss account (98,941) Shareholders' Funds 2,488,751 Cash Flow Statement For the period from date of incorporation, 1 March 2004 to 31 May 2005 € Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities 139,978 Capital Expenditure and Financial Investments (225,835) Net cash Outflow before Financing (85,857) Financing 85,860 Increase in Cash 3 Notes to the Financial Statements 1. Publication of non-statutory accounts The financial information set out in this preliminary announcement does are abbreviated accounts as defined in Section 19 of the Companies (Amendment) Act 1986. The financial information for the period ended 31 May 2005 have been extracted from the Company's financial statements to that date which have received an unqualified auditors' report but have not yet been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. 2. Loss per share The calculation of basic loss per ordinary share is based on a loss of €98,941 and on 34,771,600 ordinary shares, being the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period. 3. Dividends No dividends were paid or are proposed in respect of the period ended 31 May, 2005. 4. A copy of the Annual Report and Accounts will be sent to all shareholders shortly and will be available from the Company's registered office, 10 Upper Pembroke Street, Dublin 2.
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