Correction : Result of AGM
Votes withheld column incorrect figure.
14 May 2015
Keller Group plc ("the Company")
2015 AGM Results
At the Company's Annual General Meeting held earlier today, each of the
resolutions set out in the Notice of Annual General Meeting dated 2 March 2015
was passed on a poll. Votes cast were as follows:
Resolution Votes % Votes % Total Votes
For Against Votes Withheld
1 - To receive the 53,994,088 98.43% 860,003 1.57% 54,854,091 191,478
report and accounts
2 - To approve the 40,443,065 78.84% 10,855,529 21.16% 51,298,594 3,746,975
remuneration report
3 - To declare a 54,409,971 98.85% 635,598 1.15% 55,045,569 0
final dividend of
16.8p per ordinary
4 - To appoint KPMG 51,879,988 94.25% 3,165,581 5.75% 55,045,569 0
LLP as Auditors
5 - To fix the 54,276,064 98.89% 611,505 1.11% 54,887,569 158,000
remuneration of the
6 - To elect Ms 54,675,967 99.33% 367,886 0.67% 55,043,853 1,716
Nancy Tuor Moore
7 - To re-elect Mr 54,848,630 99.64% 195,590 0.36% 55,044,220 1,349
Roy Franklin
8 - To re-elect Mr Resolution
Justin Atkinson Withdrawn
9 - To re-elect Ms 54,653,271 99.29% 390,949 0.71% 55,044,220 1,349
Ruth Cairnie
10 - To re-elect Mr 54,432,241 98.89% 611,979 1.11% 55,044,220 1,349
Chris Girling
11 - To re-elect Mr 54,679,679 99.34% 365,541 0.66% 55,045,220 349
James Hind
12 - To re-elect Dr 54,679,679 99.34% 365,541 0.66% 55,045,220 349
Wolfgang Sondermann
13 - To re-elect Mr 54,677,567 99.33% 367,653 0.67% 55,045,220 349
Paul Withers
14 - Authority to 54,901,372 99.74% 144,197 0.26% 55,045,569 0
allot shares
15 - Authority to 54,852,699 99.65% 192,521 0.35% 55,045,220 349
disapply pre-emption
(subject to
Resolution 14)
16 - Authority to 54,805,621 99.56% 239,948 0.44% 55,045,569 0
buy back shares
17 - Authority to 52,425,118 96.62% 1,834,106 3.38% 54,259,224 786,345
make political
18 - Authority to 51,924,146 94.33% 3,121,423 5.67% 55,045,569 0
call a general
meeting on 14 days'
In accordance with Listing Rule 9.6.2, copies of the resolutions passed (other
than those concerning ordinary business) will shortly be submitted to the
National Storage Mechanism and will be available for inspection at
The full text of all the resolutions passed at the meeting can be found in the
Notice of Annual General Meeting, which is available for inspection at and on the Company's website at
Keller Group plc
Kerry Porritt, Company Secretary
Tel: 020 7616 7575