Half-yearly Report

The Law Debenture Corporation p.l.c. and its subsidiaries HALF YEARLY REPORT FOR THE SIX MONTHS TO 30 JUNE 2011 (unaudited) The Directors recommend an interim dividend of 4.5p on the ordinary shares for the six months to 30 June 2011. The report including the unaudited results for the period was as follows: Group summary From its origins in 1889, Law Debenture has diversified to become a group with a unique range of activities in the financial and professional services sectors. The group divides into two distinct complementary areas of business. Investment portfolio We are a global investment trust, listed on the London Stock Exchange. Our portfolio of investments is managed by Henderson Global Investors Limited under a contract terminable by either side on six months' notice. Our objective is to achieve long term capital growth in real terms and steadily increasing income. The aim is to achieve a higher rate of total return than the FTSE All-Share Index through investing in a portfolio diversified both geographically and by industry. Independent fiduciary services We are a leading provider of independent fiduciary services. Our activities are corporate trusts, treasury management and structured finance administration, pension trusts, corporate services (including agent for service of process) whistle blowing and board effectiveness services. We have offices in London, Sunderland, New York, Delaware, Hong Kong, the Channel Islands and the Cayman Islands. Companies, agencies, organisations and individuals throughout the world rely upon Law Debenture to carry out its duties with the independence and professionalism upon which its reputation is built. Registered office Fifth Floor 100 Wood Street London EC2V 7EX Telephone: 020 7606 5451 Facsimile: 020 7606 0643 Email: enquiries@lawdeb.com (Registered in England No 30397) Financial summary Highlights 30 June 30 June 31 December 2011 2010 2010 Pence Pence Pence Share price 372.80 278.20 356.60 NAV per share after proposed 361.86 279.40 342.92 dividend Net revenue return per share: - Investment portfolio 5.03 4.32 7.07 - Independent fiduciary services 3.55 2.72 6.19 Group net revenue return per share 8.58 7.04 13.26 Capital return per share 15.05 (7.71) 58.22 Dividends per share 4.50 4.20 12.70 Performance to 30 June 2010 6 months 12 months % % Share price total return 1 7.1 39.2 NAV total return 1 6.8 34.3 FTSE All-Share Index total return 3.0 25.6 1 Including reinvestment of dividends Basis of preparation The results for the period have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IAS 34 - Interim financial reporting). There have been no changes to the group's accounting policies during the period. Half yearly management report Performance Our net asset value total return for the six months to 30 June 2011 was 6.8%, compared to a total return of 3.0% for the FTSE Actuaries All-Share Index. Net revenue per share was 8.58p, an increase of 21.9% over the corresponding period last year, as a result of a 16.4% increase in the investment portfolio and a 30.5% increase in independent fiduciary services. Dividend The board has declared an interim dividend of 4.5p (2010: 4.2p). The dividend will be paid on 8 September 2011 to holders on the record date of 5 August 2011. The current expectation of the directors is that the final dividend will be at least maintained. Investment portfolio Equity markets were little changed during the period. They reacted to events as they unfolded but there was no clear direction. On the one hand, company profits have been strong, monetary policy has remained accommodative and the developing world has continued to grow strongly. On the other hand, serious problems persist: the debt problems of recent years have not been resolved, the handling of the euro crisis is not encouraging and two rounds of quantitative easing in the USA do not appear to have had the desired impact on the general economy. A feature of the period has been the strength of company performance. Corporate debt has fallen and strong cash generation is coming through as profitability increases, driven by well controlled costs and growing sales. Growing profits combined with a high level of dividend cover have delivered dividend growth in our portfolio and this is likely to continue. Against this background we have retained a modest level of gearing, which along with the bias to industrial companies has led to the outperformance over the period. Activity The changes to the portfolio have been small. It has been a period in which it has been best to keep with successful companies and not to be tempted to buy shares that appear cheap in companies where there are problems to overcome. The reason is that the world economy is very competitive, which is not helping the weaker companies, while the strength of global trade is rewarding the truly competitive. Management fee As previously announced, the management fee payable to Henderson from 1 April 2011 is expressed as a percentage of the value of the net assets of the Group, excluding the net assets of the independent fiduciary services business. The percentage amount payable is now 0.3% per annum. Outlook Law Debenture's portfolio is a collection of companies. It is not a proxy for the UK economy. The UK companies in the portfolio, it is estimated, have approximately two-thirds of their profits coming from overseas. This is a measure of how outward looking they have become. The valuations are modest and growth prospects real. Independent fiduciary services Revenues, net of legal costs recharged to clients, increased by 10.4%. Administrative costs continued to be tightly controlled and consequently profit before taxation increased by 28.0%. New appointments in financial wholesale markets remain at low levels with little sign of any substantial improvement in the corporate bond and securitisation markets. However, global markets continue to grow and we have benefited from increased levels of corporate transactions. The outlook for financial markets remains uncertain, particularly in Europe, but we continue to look for new opportunities and to control our costs. Group income statement For the six months ended 30 June 2011 (unaudited) 30 June 2011 30 June 2010 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 UK dividends 6,580 - 6,580 5,278 - 5,278 Overseas dividends 1,185 - 1,185 1,425 - 1,425 Overseas special dividends 51 - 51 53 - 53 Interest from securities 222 - 222 327 - 327 8,038 - 8,038 7,083 - 7,083 Interest income 52 - 52 50 - 50 Independent fiduciary 14,416 - 14,416 14,489 - 14,489 services fees Other income 175 - 175 144 - 144 Total income 22,681 - 22,681 21,766 - 21,766 Net gain/(loss) on - 17,744 17,744 - (8,962) (8,962) investments held at fair value through profit or loss Gross income and capital 22,681 17,744 40,425 21,766 (8,962) 12,804 gains/(losses) Cost of sales (1,615) - (1,615) (2,885) - (2,885) Administrative expenses (8,874) (64) (8,938) (8,627) (84) (8,711) Operating profit 12,192 17,680 29,872 10,254 (9,046) 1,208 Finance costs Interest payable (1,225) - (1,225) (1,234) - (1,234) Profit/(loss) before 10,967 17,680 28,647 9,020 (9,046) (26) taxation Taxation (894) - (894) (754) - (754) Profit/(loss) for the 10,073 17,680 27,753 8,266 (9,046) (780) period Return/(loss) per ordinary 8.58 15.05 23.63 7.04 (7.71) (0.67) share (pence) Diluted return/(loss) per 8.57 15.04 23.61 7.04 (7.71) (0.67) ordinary share (pence) Statement of comprehensive income For the six months ended 30 June 2011 (unaudited) 30 June 2011 30 June 2010 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Profit/(loss) for the 10,073 17,680 27,753 8,266 (9,046) (780) period Other comprehensive income: Foreign exchange - (109) (109) - 407 407 Total comprehensive income 10,073 17,571 27,644 8,266 (8,639) (373) /(loss) for the period Group statement of financial position 30 June 2011 30 June 2010 31 December 2010 (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) £000 £000 £000 Assets Non current assets Goodwill 2,191 2,266 2,211 Property, plant and equipment 214 268 190 Other intangible assets 85 110 118 Investments held at fair value 459,133 366,858 441,337 through profit or loss Deferred tax assets 662 1,003 871 Total non current assets 462,285 370,505 444,727 Current assets Trade and other receivables 4,989 3,339 6,731 Other accrued income and prepaid 5,502 4,730 3,797 expenses Cash and cash equivalents 19,300 14,954 20,030 Total current assets 29,791 23,023 30,558 Total assets 492,076 393,528 475,285 Current liabilities Trade and other payables 10,818 7,967 11,446 Short term borrowings - 77 77 Corporation tax payable 1,109 1,037 1,119 Other taxation including social 622 446 846 security Deferred income 3,848 4,127 3,714 Total current liabilities 16,397 13,654 17,202 Non current liabilities and deferred income Long term borrowings 39,378 39,351 39,364 Retirement benefit obligations 561 1,613 876 Deferred income 5,433 6,035 5,277 Total non current liabilities 45,372 46,999 45,517 Total net assets 430,307 332,875 412,566 Equity and liabilities Called up share capital 5,904 5,903 5,904 Share premium 8,070 8,038 8,066 Capital redemption 8 8 8 Share based payments 201 201 201 Own shares (1,717) (1,816) (1,794) Capital reserves 386,346 291,290 368,666 Retained earnings 31,082 28,424 30,993 Translation reserve 413 827 522 Total equity 430,307 332,875 412,566 Group statement of cash flows For the six months ended 30 June 2011 30 June 30 June 31 December 2011 2010 2010 (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) £000 £000 £000 Operating activities Operating profit before interest 29,872 1,208 88,022 payable and taxation (Gains)/losses on investments (17,680) 9,046 (68,330) Foreign exchange 20 (82) (24) Depreciation of property, plant and 63 67 122 equipment Amortisation of intangible assets 33 31 95 Decrease/(increase) in receivables 37 125 (2,334) (Decrease)/increase in payables (548) (369) 2,352 Income gain on OEICs (40) (120) (347) Normal pension contributions in (315) (315) (769) excess of cost Cash generated from operating 11,442 9,591 18,787 activities Taxation (695) (535) (1,325) Interest paid (1,225) (1,234) (2,452) Operating cash flow 9,522 7,822 15,010 Investing activities Acquisition of property, plant and (87) (64) (58) equipment Expenditure on intangible assets - (28) (86) Purchase of investments (20,403) (20,995) (36,262) Sale of investments 20,272 18,308 36,676 Cash flow from investing activities (218) (2,779) 270 Financing activities Dividends paid (9,984) (9,378) (14,308) Proceeds of increase in share capital 4 - 29 Purchase of own shares 77 224 246 Net cash flow from financing (9,903) (9,154) (14,033) activities Net (decrease)/increase in cash and (599) (4,111) 1,247 cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at 19,953 18,612 18,612 beginning of period Foreign exchange (losses)/gains on (54) 376 94 cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at end of 19,300 14,877 19,953 period Cash and cash equivalents comprise Cash and cash equivalents 19,300 14,954 20,030 Bank overdrafts - (77) (77) 19,300 14,877 19,953 Group statement of changes in equity Share Share Own Capital Share Translation Capital Retained Total capital premium shares redemption based reserve reserves earnings payments £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Balance at 1 5,904 8,066 (1,794) 8 201 522 368,666 30,993 412,566 January 2011 Net profit - - - - - - 17,680 10,073 27,753 Other comprehensive income: Foreign exchange - - - - - (109) - - (109) Total - - - - - (109) 17,680 10,073 27,644 comprehensive income for the period Issue of shares - 4 - - - - - - 4 Movement in own - - 77 - - - - - 77 shares Dividend relating - - - - - - - (9,984) (9,984) to 2010 Total equity at 5,904 8,070 (1,717) 8 201 413 386,346 31,082 430,307 30 June 2011 Group segmental analysis Investment portfolio Independent fiduciary Total services 30 June 30 June 31 Dec 30 June 30 June 31 Dec 30 June 30 June 31 Dec 2011 2010 2010 2011 2010 2010 2011 2010 2010 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Revenue Segment income 8,038 7,083 12,449 14,416 14,489 30,381 22,454 21,572 42,830 Other income 71 63 87 104 81 31 175 144 118 Cost of sales - - - (1,615) (2,885) (6,184) (1,615) (2,885) (6,184) Administration costs (958) (867) (1,679) (7,916) (7,760) (15,689) (8,874) (8,627) (17,368) 7,151 6,279 10,857 4,989 3,925 8,539 12,140 10,204 19,396 Interest (net) (1,245) (1,214) (2,565) 72 30 409 (1,173) (1,184) (2,156) Return, including 5,906 5,065 8,292 5,061 3,955 8,948 10,967 9,020 17,240 profit on ordinary activities before taxation Taxation - - - (894) (754) (1,679) (894) (754) (1,679) Return, including 5,906 5,065 8,292 4,167 3,201 7,269 10,073 8,266 15,561 profit attributable to shareholders Revenue return per 5.03 4.32 7.07 3.55 2.72 6.19 8.58 7.04 13.26 ordinary share (pence) Assets 468,162 370,957 450,287 23,914 22,571 24,998 492,076 393,528 475,285 Liabilities (53,635) (52,924) (51,665) (8,134) (7,729) (11,054) (61,769) (60,653) (62,719) Total net assets 414,527 318,033 398,622 15,780 14,842 13,944 430,307 332,875 412,566 The capital element of the income statement is wholly attributable to the investment portfolio. Analysis of the investment portfolio By geographical location Valuation Purchases Costs of Sales Appreciation/ Valuation % acquisition proceeds 30 June 31 £000 (depreciation) 2011 December £000 £000 2010 £000 £000 £000 United 313,388 12,304 (55) (15,799) 15,994 325,832 70.9 Kingdom North America 30,250 6,931 (7) (3,055) (217) 33,902 7.4 Europe 41,450 1,168 (2) (1,418) 3,353 44,551 9.7 Japan 18,928 - - - (590) 18,338 4.0 Other Pacific 37,321 - - - (811) 36,510 8.0 441,337 20,403 (64) (20,272) 17,729 459,133 100.0 By Sector (excluding cash) As at As at 30 June 31 December 2011 2010 % % Oil & gas 10.9 10.7 Basic materials 3.3 3.2 Industrials 24.6 22.7 Consumer goods 12.3 12.6 Health care 8.1 7.4 Consumer services 7.6 9.7 Telecommunications 2.6 2.8 Utilities 4.5 4.3 Financials 14.0 14.3 Technology 0.6 0.1 Pooled equity investments 11.5 12.2 100.0 100.0 Investment portfolio valuation as at 30 June 2011 UK unless otherwise stated. Holdings in italics were acquired after 31 December 2010 £000 % Oil & gas Oil & gas producers Royal Dutch Shell 15,321 3.34 BP 12,144 2.64 BG 4,946 1.08 Total (Fra) 2,212 0.48 34,623 7.54 Saipem (Ita) Oil equipment & services Schlumberger (USA) 5,378 1.17 John Wood 3,238 0.71 National Oilwell 2,434 0.53 Varco (USA) Gibson Energy (Can) 2,243 0.49 Saipem (Ita) 1,242 0.27 Diamond Offshore 1,096 0.24 Drilling (USA) 15,631 3.41 Basic materials Chemicals Croda 3,772 0.82 Asahi Kasei (Jap) 1,663 0.36 Brenntag (Ger) 881 0.19 6,316 1.37 Forestry & paper Mondi 3,723 0.81 3,723 0.81 Mining BHP Billiton 4,902 1.07 4,902 1.07 Industrials Construction & materials Balfour Beatty 2,975 0.65 CRH (Ire) 1,770 0.39 Marshalls 674 0.15 5,419 1.19 Aerospace & defence Senior 17,185 3.74 Meggitt 6,005 1.31 Rolls Royce 4,512 0.98 BAE Systems 3,185 0.69 Hampson Industries 255 0.06 31,142 6.78 £000 % General industrials Smith (DS) 4,642 1.01 Smiths 1,800 0.39 3M (USA) 1,476 0.32 Siemens (Ger) 1,109 0.24 9,027 1.96 Electronic & electrical equipment Morgan Crucible 7,846 1.71 Applied Materials 4,052 0.88 (USA) Spectris 3,184 0.69 TT Electronics 2,900 0.63 Legrand (Fra) 785 0.17 18,767 4.08 Industrial engineering Weir Group 6,378 1.39 Hill & Smith 6,033 1.31 Cummins (USA) 5,154 1.12 Caterpillar (USA) 2,652 0.58 Renold 1,516 0.33 ABB (Swi) 1,129 0.25 Severfield-Rowen 543 0.12 23,405 5.10 Industrial transportation Kuehne & Nagel 2,016 0.44 (Swi) BBA Aviation 1,630 0.35 Goldenport 788 0.17 Wincanton 558 0.12 Autologic 352 0.08 5,344 1.16 Support services Interserve 6,859 1.49 Carillion 4,693 1.02 SGS (Swi) 1,824 0.40 Deutsche Post (Ger) 1,723 0.38 Sodexho (Fra) 1,365 0.30 Johnson Service 1,363 0.30 Babcock 988 0.22 Adecco (Swi) 797 0.17 Augean 295 0.06 19,907 4.34 £000 % Consumer goods Automobiles & parts GKN 10,705 2.33 Toyota Motor (Jap) 1,752 0.38 Bridgestone (Jap) 1,067 0.23 13,524 2.94 Beverages Diageo 5,474 1.19 Pernod-Ricard (Fra) 783 0.17 6,257 1.36 Food producers Nestlé (Swi) 3,657 0.80 Unilever 3,507 0.76 Associated British Foods 3,246 0.71 Dairy Crest 740 0.16 Uniq 64 0.01 11,214 2.44 Household goods Bellway 3,575 0.78 Redrow 2,752 0.60 Reckitt Benckiser 2,575 0.56 Essilor (Fra) 1,488 0.32 10,390 2.26 Leisure goods Harvard International 156 0.03 156 0.03 Tobacco British American Tobacco 8,193 1.78 Imperial Tobacco 5,693 1.24 Swedish Match (Swe) 1,311 0.29 15,197 3.31 Health care Health care equipment & services Fresenius (Ger) 4,501 0.98 Becton Dickinson (USA) 4,025 0.88 Smith & Nephew 3,125 0.68 Fresenius Medical Care (Ger) 2,267 0.49 13,918 3.03 £000 % Pharmaceuticals & biotechnology GlaxoSmithKline 10,672 2.32 AstraZeneca 4,660 1.01 Shire 3,888 0.85 Novartis (Swi) 2,645 0.58 Roche (Swi) 1,351 0.29 23,216 5.05 Consumer services Food & drug retailers Tesco 4,823 1.05 Sainsbury 1,646 0.36 6,469 1.41 General retailers Dunelm 3,501 0.76 Inditex (Spa) 1,781 0.39 Lawson (Jap) 1,300 0.28 Findel 1,196 0.26 Topps Tiles 428 0.09 8,206 1.78 Media Reed Elsevier 4,245 0.92 Pearson 3,234 0.70 Daily Mail & General Trust 2,090 0.46 Toppan Printing (Jap) 862 0.19 Yell 72 0.02 10,503 2.29 Travel & leisure Greene King 2,826 0.62 Carnival 2,507 0.55 Marstons 2,085 0.45 International Consolidated 1,459 0.32 Airlines Carnival (USA) 849 0.18 9,726 2.12 £000 % Telecommunications Fixed line telecommunications BT 2,619 0.58 Cable & Wireless Worldwide 461 0.10 Cable & Wireless 405 0.09 Communications 3,485 0.77 Mobile telecommunications Vodafone 6,302 1.37 Inmarsat 2,017 0.44 8,319 1.81 Utilities Electricity Scottish & Southern Energy 4,179 0.91 Scottish & Southern Energy 2,530 0.55 5.75% 5/2/14 Iberdrola (Spa) 922 0.20 7,631 1.66 Gas water & multiutilities National Grid 6.125% 15/4/ 5,820 1.27 14 National Grid 3,430 0.75 Severn Trent 2,991 0.65 Centrica 808 0.18 13,049 2.85 Financials Banks HSBC 11,120 2.42 Banco Santander (Spa) 2,471 0.55 Barclays 1,795 0.39 BNP Paribas (Fra) 1,254 0.27 UBS (Swi) 808 0.18 17,448 3.81 Nonlife insurance Hiscox 5,650 1.23 Amlin 4,873 1.06 Chubb (USA) 2,925 0.64 Hardy Underwriting Bermuda 500 0.11 Chaucer 405 0.09 14,353 3.13 £000 % Life insurance / assurance Aviva 3,446 0.75 Prudential 3,190 0.69 Chesnara 2,337 0.51 Irish Life & Permanent 10 - (Ire) 8,983 1.95 Real estate investments & services St Modwen Properties 1,847 0.40 1,847 0.40 Real estate investment trusts Great Portland Estate 3,052 0.66 Land Securities 2,741 0.60 Mucklow (A&J) Group 2,482 0.54 Segro 2,018 0.44 10,293 2.24 Financial services IP Group 2,871 0.63 International Personal 2,758 0.60 Finance Provident Financial 2,647 0.58 Intermediate Capital Group 1,449 0.32 Deutsche Börse (Ger) 1,136 0.25 10,861 2.38 Equity investment instruments Henderson Asia Pacific 12,369 2.69 Capital Growth Henderson Japan Capital 11,694 2.55 Growth Baillie Gifford Pacific 9,497 2.07 First State Asia Pacific 8,594 1.87 Scottish Oriental Smaller 6,050 1.32 Company Trust Herald Investment Trust 4,475 0.97 52,679 11.47 Technology Software & computer services Microsoft (USA) 1,618 0.35 Amadeus (Spa) 1,270 0.28 2,888 0.63 Principal risks and uncertainties The principal risks of the Corporation relate to the investment activities and include market price risk, foreign currency risk, liquidity risk, interest rate risk and credit risk. These are explained in the notes to the annual accounts. In the view of the board these risks are as applicable to the remaining six months of the financial year as they were to the period under review. The principal risks of the independent fiduciary services business arise during the course of defaults, potential defaults and restructurings where we have been appointed to provide services. To mitigate these risks we work closely with our legal advisers and, where appropriate, financial advisers, both in the set up phase to ensure that we have as many protections as practicable, and at all other stages whether or not there is a danger of default. Related party transactions There have been no related party transactions during the period which have materially affected the financial position or performance of the group. During the period transactions between the Corporation and its subsidiaries have been eliminated on consolidation. Details of related party transactions are given in the notes to the annual accounts. Directors' responsibility statement We confirm that to the best of our knowledge: * the condensed set of financial statements has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting as adopted by the EU; * the half yearly report includes a fair review of the information required by: a. DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being an indication of important events that have occurred during the first six months of the financial year and their impact on the condensed set of financial statements; and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year; and b. DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being related party transactions that have taken place in the first six months of the current financial year and that have materially affected the financial position or performance of the entity during that period. On behalf of the board Douglas McDougall 22 July 2011 Notes 1. The financial information presented herein does not amount to full statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 435 of the Companies Act 2006 and has neither been audited nor reviewed pursuant to guidance issued by the Auditing Practices Board. The annual report and financial statement for 2010 have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The independent auditors' report on the annual report and financial statements for 2010 was unqualified, did not include a reference to any matters to which the auditor drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying the report, and did not contain a statement under section 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006. 2. The calculations of NAV and earnings per share are based on: NAV: shares at end of the period 117,454,638 (30 June 2010: 117,366,193) (31 December 2010: 117,399,342). Income: average shares during the period 117,449,590 (30 June 2010: 117,356,194) (31 December 2010: 117,366,347).
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