Interim Management Statement and interim dividend

The Law Debenture Corporation p.l.c. and its subsidiaries INTERIM MANAGEMENT STATEMENT FOR THE SIX MONTHS TO 30 JUNE 2009 (unaudited) The Directors recommend an interim dividend of 4.2p on the ordinary shares for the six months to 30 June 2009. The interim management statement including the unaudited results for the period is as follows: Company summary From its origins in 1889, Law Debenture has diversified to become a group with a unique range of activities in the financial and professional services sectors. The group divides into two distinct complementary areas of business. Investment trust We are a global investment trust, listed on the London Stock Exchange. Our portfolio of investments is managed by Henderson Global Investors Limited under a contract terminable by either side on 12 months' notice. Our objective is to achieve long term capital growth in real terms and steadily increasing income. The aim is to achieve a higher rate of total return than the FTSE All-Share Index through investing in a portfolio diversified both geographically and by industry. Independent fiduciary services We are a leading provider of independent fiduciary services. Our activities are corporate trusts, treasury management and structured finance administration, pension trusts, corporate services (including agent for service of process) and whistleblowing services. We have offices in London, Sunderland, New York, Delaware, Hong Kong, the Channel Islands and the Cayman Islands. Companies, agencies, organisations and individuals throughout the world rely upon Law Debenture to carry out its duties with the independence and professionalism upon which its reputation is built. Registered office Fifth Floor 100 Wood Street London EC2V 7EX Telephone: 020 7606 5451 Facsimile: 020 7606 0643 Email: (Registered in England No 30397) Financial summary Highlights At At At 30 June 30 June 31 December 2009 2008 2008 Pence Pence Pence Share price 229.50 281.00 223.50 NAV per share after proposed 218.19 280.29 219.20 Dividend Revenue return per share: - Investment trust 4.36 6.18 10.23 - Independent fiduciary services 2.26 2.56 5.35 Group revenue return per share 6.62 8.74 15.58 Dividends per share 4.20 4.20 12.20 Performance to 30 June 2009 6 months 12 months % % Share price 2.7 (18.3) NAV total return 1.5 (17.8) FTSE All-Share Index total return 0.8 (20.5) Basis of preparation The results for the period have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IAS 34 - interim financial reporting). There have been no changes to the group's accounting policies during the period. Interim management report Performance In the six months to 30 June 2009 our net asset value total return per share increased by 1.5%, compared to a total return of 0.8% for the FTSE Actuaries All-Share Index. Revenue return and dividends Revenue return per share for the period was 6.62p, a decrease of 24.3% from 8.74p for the corresponding period last year. The investment trust suffered a significant reduction in income as companies cut dividends and interest rates fell. £15million was invested in short dated quality corporate bonds with yields of around 6% to reduce the negative impact on revenue return. The board has declared an interim dividend of 4.2p. The dividend is payable on 9 September 2009 to shareholders on the register on 14 August 2009. The current expectation of the directors is that the final dividend will be maintained. The board is reviewing the timing of the payment of the final dividend. Investment manager's report The portfolio has begun to recover some of the ground lost in 2008. During the first three months of the period, equity markets fell as the world's economy continued to suffer a severe contraction. Company profit expectations were reduced and levels of corporate debt became an increasingly pressing problem. There was a recovery in share prices from late March following which a number of companies sought to raise new equity capital. The investment trust took up its rights under issues from companies including HSBC and Great Portland Estates. Investments were also made in high quality corporate bonds of relatively short duration, benefiting our revenue which has suffered due to dividend cuts by many companies in the portfolio and low interest rates on deposits. Our investment manager believes that most of the cuts have now been made and that dividend growth should resume in 2010. In addition to investing in equities and corporate bonds, holdings were sold where it was believed that the company would not cope satisfactorily with the difficult economic climate. Over the period effective gearing reduced from 108% to 106%. The holding in the Henderson Far East OEIC was reduced, with the proceeds used to buy three other Far East trusts. The global economy is stabilising but overall growth is slow. Companies in the portfolio are reducing costs and focusing on generating cash. The investment manager believes that these companies will over time prove to be good investments, being well placed to take advantage of a recovery when it comes. Independent fiduciary services The profit before tax for our independent fiduciary services business fell by 13.1% compared with the corresponding period last year. While revenues were, on the face of it, up on the previous year, this was largely attributable to legal fees incurred and recharged to third parties, which are included both in revenue and in cost of sales. Our corporate trust business has seen an overall reduction in new opportunities, but there has been an increase in investment grade corporate bond issues. Additional work continues to arise on established trusts as a result of the impact of the recession on companies. Our corporate services business has been affected similarly with a reduced level of new appointments but with special work on existing business. Service of process work has slowed significantly during the period as a result of reduced corporate transactions activity. Our pension trustee business continues to see new business enquiries and the new members of the team recruited at the end of 2008 have taken on new clients. In the US new business won at the end of 2008 and organisational changes made at the beginning of 2009 have benefited the results for the period. The profile of our independent whistleblowing service provided by Safecall is increasing in the current economic environment. Because of the general reduction in new business, steps were taken to reduce costs. From 1 April 2009, future pension benefits accruing to employees through the defined benefit pension scheme were reduced, transferring some of the mortality and investment risks to employees. In July 2009, following a review of our UK business, headcount was reduced partly as a result of merging our treasury management and structured finance administration businesses. This will reduce costs from 2010, whilst being neutral for this year. There is no doubt that market conditions remain tough. But Law Debenture's traditional strengths of independence and quality of service should ensure that we continue to win our fair share of new business opportunities. Group statement of comprehensive income For the period ended 30 June 2009 (unaudited) 30 June 2009 30 June 2008 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 UK dividends 4,745 - 4,745 7,511 - 7,511 UK special dividends 29 - 29 15 - 15 Overseas dividends 1,549 - 1,549 1,694 - 1,694 Interest from securities 468 - 468 60 - 60 6,791 - 6,791 9,280 - 9,280 Interest income 202 - 202 534 - 534 Independent fiduciary 18,672 - 18,672 15,853 - 15,853 services fees Other income 257 - 257 - - - Total income 25,922 - 25,922 25,667 - 25,667 Net (loss) on investments - (3,859) (3,859) - (74,454) (74,454) held at fair value through profit or loss Gross income and capital 25,922 (3,859) 22,063 25,667 (74,454) (48,787) (losses) Cost of sales (7,556) - (7,556) (4,439) - (4,439) Administrative expenses (8,240) (98) (8,338) (8,452) (218) (8,670) Operating profit/(loss) 10,126 (3,957) 6,169 12,776 (74,672) (61,896) Finance costs Interest payable (1,226) - (1,226) (1,227) - (1,227) Profit/(loss) before 8,900 (3,957) 4,943 11,549 (74,672) (63,123) taxation Taxation (1,142) - (1,142) (1,323) - (1,323) Profit/(loss) for the 7,758 (3,957) 3,801 10,226 (74,672) (64,446) period Return/(loss) per 6.62 (3.38) 3.24 8.74 (63.81) (55.07) ordinary share (pence) Diluted return/(loss) per 6.62 (3.38) 3.24 8.72 (63.65) (54.93) ordinary share (pence) Other comprehensive income For the period ended 30 June 2009 (unaudited) 30 June 2009 30 June 2008 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Profit/(loss) for the 7,758 (3,957) 3,801 10,226 (74,672) (64,446) period Other comprehensive income: Foreign exchange - (252) (252) 34 - 34 Total comprehensive 7,758 (4,209) 3,549 10,260 (74,672) (64,412) income/(loss) for the period Group balance sheet 30 June 30 June 2008 31 December 2009 2008 (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) £000 £000 £000 Assets Non current assets Goodwill 3,088 4,028 3,181 Property, plant and equipment 433 630 477 Other intangible assets 136 39 83 Investments held at fair value 291,288 358,228 288,566 through profit or loss Deferred tax assets 1,999 340 1,953 Total non current assets 296,944 363,265 294,260 Current assets Trade and other receivables 5,477 5,437 3,461 Other accrued income and prepaid 4,347 5,038 4,126 expenses Corporation tax receivable 271 200 239 Other taxation including social 34 - 455 security Cash and cash equivalents 20,191 21,386 31,590 Total current assets 30,320 32,061 39,871 Total assets 327,264 395,326 334,131 Current liabilities Trade and other payables 8,901 7,277 8,491 Short term borrowings 75 72 85 Corporation tax payable 1,469 1,855 1,782 Other taxation including social - 443 416 security Deferred income 4,062 3,807 4,019 Total current liabilities 14,507 13,454 14,793 Non current liabilities and deferred income Long term borrowings 39,324 39,297 39,311 Retirement benefit obligations 5,200 17 5,478 Deferred income 6,849 7,649 7,226 Contingent purchase consideration 900 1,986 900 Total non current liabilities 52,273 48,949 52,915 Total net assets 260,484 332,923 266,423 Equity and liabilities Called up share capital 5,902 5,889 5,902 Share premium 7,971 7,568 7,971 Capital redemption 8 8 8 Share based payment 201 235 201 Own shares (2,257) (2,137) (2,137) Capital reserves 222,806 293,328 226,763 Retained earnings 25,319 28,259 26,929 Translation reserve 534 (227) 786 Total equity shareholders' funds 260,484 332,923 266,423 Group cash flow statement For the period ended 30 June 2009 30 June 30 June 31 December 2009 2008 2008 (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) £000 £000 £000 Operating activities Operating profit/(loss) before 6,169 (61,896) (118,253) interest payable and taxation Losses on investments 3,957 74,672 141,772 Foreign exchange losses/(gains) 97 - (248) Depreciation of property, plant and 82 94 286 equipment Amortisation of intangible assets 20 7 31 Share based payments - - 6 (Increase) in receivables (1,816) (2,476) (29) (Decrease) in payables (327) (1,501) (551) Transfer from capital reserves (164) (186) (336) UK and overseas withholding tax (158) (146) (212) deducted at source Normal pension contributions in (278) (240) (811) excess of cost Cash generated from operating 7,582 8,328 21,655 activities Taxation (1,375) (1,182) (2,463) Interest paid (1,226) (1,227) (2,456) Operating cash flow 4,981 5,919 16,736 Investing activities Acquisition of property, plant and (42) (58) (88) equipment Expenditure on intangible assets (73) - (68) Purchase of investments (50,066) (51,018) (81,112) Sale of investments 43,676 41,564 74,208 Cash flow from investing activities (6,505) (9,512) (7,060) Financing activities Dividends paid (9,368) (9,353) (14,278) Proceeds of increase in share capital - 92 508 Purchase of own shares (net) (120) (534) (534) Net cash flow from financing (9,488) (9,795) (14,304) activities Net decrease in cash and cash (11,012) (13,388) (4,628) equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at 31,505 34,620 34,620 beginning of period Foreign exchange (losses)/gains on (377) 82 1,513 cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at end of 20,116 21,314 31,505 period Cash and cash equivalents comprise Cash and cash equivalents 20,191 21,386 31,590 Bank loans and overdrafts (75) (72) (85) 20,116 21,314 31,505 Analysis of the investment portfolio By geographical location United North Europe Japan Pacific Total Kingdom America £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Valuation at 31 202,146 10,184 40,434 17,260 18,542 288,566 December 2008 Purchases 31,876 2,213 3,813 - 12,164 50,066 Cost of acquisition (78) (3) (3) - (14) (98) Sales proceeds (24,625) (593) (5,350) (913) (12,195) (43,676) Appreciation/ (3,045) (83) (2,811) (1,423) 3,792 (3,570) (depreciation) Valuation at 30 June 206,274 11,718 36,083 14,924 22,289 291,288 2009 % of total 70.8 4.0 12.4 5.1 7.7 100.0 By Sector (excluding cash) As at As at 30 June 31 December 2009 2008 % % Oil & gas 10.9 11.6 Basic materials 3.6 3.2 Industrials 16.4 17.3 Consumer goods 13.9 13.3 Health care 8.7 10.6 Consumer services 9.0 8.5 Telecommunications 3.1 3.9 Utilities 4.8 2.6 Financials 17.7 17.7 Technology - 0.5 Equity investment instruments 11.9 10.8 100.0 100.0 Group statement of changes in equity Share Share Own Capital Share Translation Capital Retained Total capital premium shares redemption based reserve reserves earnings payment £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Balance at 1 5,902 7,971 (2,137) 8 201 786 226,763 26,929 266,423 January 2009 Net profit/(loss) - - - - - - (3,957) 7,758 3,801 for the period Other comprehensive income: Foreign exchange - - - - - (252) - - (252) Total - - - - - (252) (3,957) 7,758 3,549 comprehensive income for the period Movement in own - - (120) - - - - - (120) shares Dividend relating - - - - - - - (9,368) (9,368) to 2008 Total equity 5,902 7,971 (2,257) 8 201 534 222,806 25,319 260,484 shareholders' funds at 30 June 2009 Group segmental analysis Investment trust Independent fiduciary Total services 30 Jun 30 31 Dec 30 Jun 30 Jun 31 Dec 30 Jun 30 Jun 31 Dec 2009 Jun 2008 2009 2008 2008 2009 2008 2008 2008 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Segment income 6,791 9,280 15,201 18,672 15,853 32,090 25,463 25,133 47,291 Other income 212 - 93 45 - 19 257 - 112 Cost of sales - - - (7,556) (4,439) (9,431) (7,556) (4,439) (9,431) Administration (713) (927) (1,254) (7,527) (7,525) (15,195) (8,240) (8,452) (16,449) costs 6,290 8,353 14,040 3,634 3,889 7,483 9,924 12,242 21,523 Interest (net) (1,016) (977) (1,944) (8) 284 949 (1,024) (693) (995) Return for the 5,274 7,376 12,096 3,626 4,173 8,432 8,900 11,549 20,528 period before taxation Taxation (158) (145) (110) (984) (1,178) (2,170) (1,142) (1,323) (2,280) Return for the 5,116 7,231 11,986 2,642 2,995 6,262 7,758 10,226 18,248 period Revenue return per 4.36 6.18 10.23 2.26 2.56 5.35 6.62 8.74 15.58 ordinary share (pence) The capital element of the income statement is wholly attributable to the investment trust. Investment portfolio valuation as at 30 June 2009 UK unless otherwise stated. * Holdings were acquired after 31 December 2008 £000 % Oil & gas Oil & gas producers BP 10,511 3.61 Royal Dutch Shell 10,289 3.53 BG 2,545 0.87 Total (Fra) 2,014 0.69 25,359 8.70 Oil equipment & services Schlumberger (USA) 3,285 1.13 John Wood 1,335 0.46 National Oilwell Varco 992 0.34 (USA) Saipem (Italy) 863 0.30 6,475 2.23 Basic materials Chemicals Asahi Kasei (Japan) 1,236 0.42 Croda 1,067 0.37 2,303 0.79 Forestry & paper Mondi 1,656 0.57 1,656 0.57 Mining Anglo American 3,527 1.21 Rio Tinto 3,089 1.06 6,616 2.27 Industrials Construction & materials CRH (Ireland) 1,778 0.61 Balfour Beatty 1,540 0.53 Marshalls 540 0.19 Heywood Williams 10 - 3,868 1.33 Aerospace & defence Senior 3,545 1.22 Rolls Royce 3,073 1.05 Meggitt 2,484 0.85 Smiths 1,052 0.36 10,154 3.48 £000 % General industrials Tomkins 1,110 0.38 Smith (DS) 898 0.31 2,008 0.69 Electronic & electrical equipment Applied Materials (USA) 3,331 1.14 Morgan Crucible 2,423 0.83 Neopost (Fra) 1,404 0.48 TT Electronics 475 0.16 7,633 2.61 Industrial engineering Hill & Smith 3,991 1.37 Cummins (USA) 2,136 0.73 Weir Group 1,848 0.63 Delta 1,450 0.50 ABB (Switz) 905 0.31 Caterpillar (USA) 802 0.27 Severfield-Rowen * 483 0.17 Renold 390 0.13 12,005 4.11 Industrial transportation Kuehne & Nagel (Switz) 1,017 0.35 Wincanton 922 0.32 Autologic 496 0.17 2,435 0.84 Support services Carillion 2,518 0.86 Interserve 2,322 0.80 SGS (Switz) 1,536 0.53 Sodexho (Fra) 1,305 0.44 Deutsche Post (Ger) 1,059 0.36 Johnson Service 549 0.19 Augean 412 0.14 9,701 3.32 £000 % Consumer goods Automobiles & parts GKN 2,289 0.79 Toyota Motor (Japan) 1,617 0.56 3,906 1.35 Beverages Diageo 3,745 1.29 Pernod-Ricard (Fra) 478 0.16 4,223 1.45 Food producers Unilever 2,492 0.86 Nestlé (Switz) 2,162 0.74 Associated British Foods * 1,905 0.65 Dairy Crest 640 0.22 Cadbury Schweppes Fin.785% 636 0.22 20/12/10 * Uniq 341 0.12 Premier Foods 89 0.03 8,265 2.84 Household goods Bellway 3,803 1.31 Redrow 2,929 1.01 Reckitt Benckiser 2,074 0.71 Essilor (Fra) 1,923 0.66 10,729 3.69 Leisure goods Alba 214 0.07 214 0.07 Tobacco British American Tobacco 5,856 2.01 Imperial Tobacco Finance 4,490 1.54 6.875% 13/06/12 * Imperial Tobacco * 2,760 0.95 13,106 4.50 Health care Health care equipment & services Fresenius (Ger) 2,944 1.01 Smith & Nephew 2,113 0.73 Fresenius Medical Care 1,902 0.65 (Ger) Synthes (Switz) * 439 0.15 7,398 2.54 £000 % Pharmaceuticals & biotechnology GlaxoSmithKline 9,403 3.23 AstraZeneca 2,671 0.92 Shire 2,507 0.86 Novartis (Switz) 1,708 0.59 Roche (Switz) * 825 0.28 Sanofi-Aventis (Fra) 819 0.28 17,933 6.16 Consumer services Food & drug retailers Tesco 4,240 1.46 4,240 1.46 General retailers Marks & Spencers 5.875% 29 2,348 0.81 /05/12 * Dunelm 1,984 0.68 Inditex (Spain) 1,641 0.56 Lawson (Japan) 1,067 0.37 Topps Tiles 555 0.19 Findel 285 0.10 7,880 2.71 Media Reed Elsevier 2,938 1.01 Pearson 1,676 0.58 BSkyB 1,363 0.47 Thomson Reuters 1,247 0.43 Toppan Printing (Japan) 1,104 0.38 Daily Mail & General Trust 284 0.10 * Johnston Press 254 0.09 Yell 164 0.06 9,030 3.12 Travel & leisure Greene King 1,856 0.63 Carnival 866 0.30 British Airways 717 0.25 Marstons 592 0.20 Carnival (USA) 567 0.19 Avis Europe 294 0.10 4,892 1.67 £000 % Telecommunications Fixed line telecommunications Cable & Wireless 1,331 0.46 BT 1,319 0.45 2,650 0.91 Mobile telecommunications Vodafone 4,468 1.53 Inmarsat 1,975 0.68 6,443 2.21 Utilities Electricity Scottish & Southern Energy 2,432 0.83 5.75% 05/02/14 * Scottish & Southern Energy 2,278 0.78 Iberdrola (Spain) 797 0.27 5,507 1.88 Gas water & multiutilities National Grid 6.125% 15/04 5,424 1.86 /14 * Severn Trent 1,677 0.58 National Grid 1,368 0.47 8,469 2.91 Financials Banks HSBC 8,543 2.93 Barclays Bank 2,866 0.98 Banco Santander (Spain) 2,506 0.86 Standard Chartered 2,272 0.78 BNP Paribas (Fra) 1,292 0.44 UBS (Switz) * 594 0.20 18,073 6.19 Nonlife insurance Amlin 3,627 1.25 Hiscox 3,185 1.09 Chubb * 605 0.21 Chauser 328 0.11 Hardy Underwriting Bermuda 176 0.06 * 7,921 2.72 £000 % Life insurance / assurance Aviva 2,679 0.92 Irish Life & Permanent 1,976 0.68 (Ire) Prudential 1,833 0.63 Legal & General 1,305 0.45 Old Mutual 1,290 0.44 Friends Provident 758 0.26 9,841 3.38 Real estate Great Portland Estate 2,464 0.85 Land Securities 2,106 0.72 Mucklow (A&J) Group 1,920 0.66 St Modwen Properties 1,633 0.56 Hammerson 1,532 0.53 Segro 1,419 0.49 11,074 3.81 General financial Provident Financial 1,389 0.48 Deutsche Börse (Ger) 1,269 0.44 Bureau Veritas (Fra) * 884 0.30 International Personal 549 0.19 Finance Intermediate Capital Group 484 0.17 4,575 1.58 Equity investment instruments Henderson Japan Capital 9,900 3.40 Growth (Japan) Henderson Asia Pacific 8,112 2.78 Capital Growth (Pacific) Baillie Gifford Pacific * 5,872 2.02 First State Asia Pacific * 5,435 1.87 Scottish Oriental Smaller 2,870 0.99 Company Trust * Herald Investment Trust 2,312 0.79 34,501 11.85 Principal risks and uncertainties The principal risks of the group relate to the investment activities and include market price risk, foreign currency risk, liquidity risk, interest rate risk and credit risk. These are explained in the notes to the annual accounts. In the view of the board these risks are applicable to the remaining six months of the financial year as they were to the period under review. Related party transactions There have been no related party transactions during the period which have materially affected the financial position or performance of the group. During the period transactions between the Corporation and its subsidiaries have been eliminated on consolidation. Details of related party transactions are given in the notes to the annual accounts. Directors' responsibility statement We confirm that to the best of our knowledge: * the condensed set of financial statements has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting as adopted by the EU; * the interim management report includes a fair review of the information required by: a. DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being an indication of important events that have occurred during the first six months of the financial year and their impact on the condensed set of financial statements; and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year; and b. DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being related party transactions that have taken place in the first six months of the current financial year and that have materially affected the financial position or performance of the entity during that period. On behalf of the board Douglas McDougall 23 July 2009 Notes 1. The financial information presented herein does not amount to full statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 435 of the Companies Act 2006 and they have neither been audited nor reviewed pursuant to guidance issued by the Auditing Practices Board. The annual report and financial statement for 2008 have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The independent auditors' report on the annual report and financial statements for 2008 was unqualified, did not include a reference to any matters to which the auditor drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying the report, and did not contain a statement under 237(2) or 237(3) of the Companies Act 1985. 2. The calculations of NAV and earnings per share are based on: NAV: shares at end of the period 117,130,631 (2008, June: 117,023,883) (2008, December: 117,261,943). Income: average shares during the period 117,153,099 (2008, June: 117,027,094) (2008, December: 117,124,503).
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