Statement re unauthorised contact with sharehol...

THE LAW DEBENTURE CORPORATION p.l.c. LETTER TO SHAREHOLDERS RE UNAUTHORISED TELEPHONE CALLS The Law Debenture Corporation p.l.c. has been informed that its shareholders have been receiving telephone calls from individuals purporting to represent Law Debenture, suggesting that the company is in discussions with the FSA on an important issue ahead of an announcement in the near future. A letter has been sent to all shareholders today - the full text of which is set out below - confirming that Law Debenture has NOT engaged a third party to contact its shareholders, and that Law Debenture is NOT in discussions with the FSA. We have reported the callers to the UKLA's Market Abuse team. The text of the letter to shareholders reads: "20 June 2008 Dear Shareholder Unauthorised telephone contact It has come to our attention that many of our shareholders have been contacted by telephone in the last couple of days by callers claiming to have been appointed by Law Debenture. The callers suggest that Law Debenture is in discussions with the FSA on an important issue and that they (the callers) will be making further contact to advise shareholders before the supposed announcement is made public. The board of Law Debenture wishes to assure you that: * It has NOT appointed any third party to make contact with shareholders; * Law Debenture is NOT in discussion with the FSA or the UK Listing Authority, or any other regulatory body, on any matter whatsoever; * Apart from matters of routine such as weekly NAV announcements, there is nothing that the directors of Law Debenture are planning to announce. Should you or a member of your family receive a call from somebody purporting to represent Law Debenture, please inform the caller that you have received this letter and terminate the call. Our interim report will be published in early August as usual and shareholders will receive a copy. Also as usual, between now and then, we will continue to make our weekly NAV announcement. To repeat the point made above, there are no plans to make any other announcements. Yours faithfully Ian Bowden Head, Company Secretariat" Issued by the Company Secretary, The Law Debenture Corporation p.l.c., Fifth Floor, 100 Wood Street, London EC2V 7EX (tel: 020 7696 5285).
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