Interim Results
13th September 2004
London & Associated Properties PLC is a specialist shopping centre investor
that owns or manages £222m of retail assets.
Pre-tax profits rise from £1.42 million to £1.60 million +12%
Fully diluted net assets per share increase to 90.2p* + 2%
(* NB there has been no property revaluation in the first half)
Rental income for the period totalled £3.9 million (against £4.0 million)
despite sales of properties with a rent roll of £1 million
LAP now directly owns or manages £222 million of retail property
Planning for redevelopment of King Edward Court, Windsor granted
- 20,000 sq ft of new retail space pre-let to Hennes
- Further two new retail units under off
- New 40,000 sq ft supermarket under offer
- Hotel pre-let to Travelodge
Rent roll at Church Square, St Helens increased by £225,000 a year
£7.5m acquisition of adjoining retail unit at Orchard Square, Sheffield -
potential for creation of new 20,000 sq ft flagship shop
'I am pleased to say that the Company is in its strongest ever financial
position. In addition to the healthy cash flow generated by both the wholly
owned core portfolio and our joint ventures, we currently have substantial cash
and undrawn facilities totalling around £30 million. This gives us the ability
to move quickly should opportunities to invest in shopping centres arise.
We continue to seek to expand our shopping centre portfolio as well as improve
and grow our existing properties. Against this background we are confident of a
satisfactory conclusion to the year and view the future with optimism.'
Michael Heller,
Contact: London & Associated Properties PLC. Tel: 020 7415 5000
John Heller, Chief Executive
Robert Corry, Finance Director
Baron Phillips Associates. Tel: 020 7920 3161 or
07050 124119
Baron Phillips
I am pleased to report a further advance in profits for the six months to 30th
June 2004 together with substantial progress in the management of our
properties over the period.
Pre-tax profits for the first half of the year rose by 12% to £1.60 million
from £1.42 million for the same period a year ago. This rise is due to two
factors: an increased contribution from Analytical Properties, our joint
venture with the Bank of Scotland, of £446,000 against £230,000 last time, and
achieving a higher rent roll from our own wholly owned core portfolio of
shopping centres as a number of developments and other projects that completed
last year started to contribute to rental income.
We contracted an additional £277,000 of annualised rental income from our core
portfolio during the first half. During this period our rental income totalled
£3.9 million compared to £4.0 million for the same period a year ago. We
believe this is a creditable achievement as over the last 12 months we have
sold mature properties with a combined annual rental income of approximately £1
London & Associated Properties directly owns or manages retail property on
behalf of Analytical, Bisichi Mining and Dragon Retail Properties, with a gross
value of some £222 million. Net assets, including our listed share portfolio at
market value, have grown to £74.2 million, compared to £72.8 million at 31st
December 2003 while fully diluted net assets per share have risen to 90.22p
against 88.58p at the year end.
As in previous years, we have not declared a dividend at the interim stage.
Analytical Properties
King Edward Court, Windsor
Since the end of the period under review we have been granted planning consent,
subject only to a Section 106 agreement for which head of terms have been
finalised, for the partial redevelopment of the King Edward Court Shopping
Centre, Windsor. We plan to replace an outdated existing supermarket and office
tower with 100,000 sq ft of modern retail space and a 113-bed hotel. This will
increase the centre's retail content by 60,000 sq ft to over 215,000 sq ft and
we hope to commence on site early in the new year.
The new retail space will comprise four large shop units ranging in size from
5,000 sq ft to 20,000 sq ft and a new 40,000 sq ft supermarket. I am pleased to
report that we have pre-let a 20,000 sq ft retail unit to the fashion group
Hennes at an annual rent of £395,000. Two further retail units are under offer
to first class tenants and the supermarket is also under offer to one of the
major chains. The hotel has been pre-let to Travelodge at an annual rent of £
We anticipate that this redevelopment will add a further £1.3 million to the
centre's current gross annual rent roll of £4.8 million for a capital outlay of
approximately £15 million. The local authority's contribution will be
approximately pro rata to the head lease gearing.
Elsewhere at King Edward Court our lease renewal programme is progressing well.
At the time of acquisition in December 2002 we estimated the rental value to be
around £92.50 a sq ft. Today we believe rental values have increased to between
£97 and £101 a sq ft, depending on the location of the unit within the centre.
In total 10 tenants' leases expire during the remainder of 2004 and, with the
exception of only two tenants, they have asked for new leases. Both these units
are in prime positions and we already have one under offer and the other at an
advanced stage of negotiation. When they complete both units this will
establish a new record rental level and I shall report on the progress of these
units and the lease renewal programme at the year end.
Church Square, St. Helens
Progress at Analytical's other shopping centre investment, the 350,000 sq ft
Church Square, St Helens is also ahead of expectations. When we acquired the
centre last year we felt there were a large number of reversionary units and
that we would achieve rental growth at rent review. I am pleased to report that
during the first six months we have increased the annual rent roll by £225,000,
including £158,000 that has come directly from rent reviews. This brings the
total rental uplift during our ownership to £304,000 a year which is
approximately 6% of Church Square's annual gross rent roll of £5.4 million.
We continue to develop plans for larger retail units to the rear of St Mary's
Arcade, which is usually considered the more value-orientated of the two
shopping centres that make up Church Square. To date we have received
encouraging interest from retailers, and I look forward to updating you on this
project in the future.
Directly Held Portfolio
Orchard Square, Sheffield
In March we acquired for £7.5 million a large freehold unit on Fargate,
adjacent to Orchard Square. This unit is let to Dixons until 2009 at £407,750 a
year. As a result of this acquisition we have now extended our substantial
frontage on to Fargate, Sheffield's prime shopping street, enabling us to
extend the unit over the medium term and create a prime 20,000 sq ft flagship
Within Orchard Square, we have grown the rents by a further £50,000 a year at
rent review, again ahead of estimated rental value. We have also commenced
building a new unit to the rear of the Shopping Centre which is currently under
offer to a national retailer at £32,500 a year. The total costs of the
construction will be less than £270,000.
Kings Square, West Bromwich
At Kings Square, West Bromwich, we have completed a number of lettings,
including a new unit to Card Factory at £37,500 a year compared to £32,500 on
this unit previously. We have also relocated a local multiple tenant at an
increased rent of £48,500 compared to £41,450 a year previously. These two
lettings equate to £63 and £65 per sq ft respectively compared to an existing
rental value of £ 62 per sq ft.
The one empty shop in the main part of the shopping centre has been let to Raid
Shoes at £30,000 a year. In addition we have taken back a unit at the front of
the shopping centre which was occupied by a local tenant who paid £68,000 a
year. At a cost of around £200,000 we are splitting this unit into two smaller
but better configured shops, both of which are under offer to national
retailers at a combined rent of over £90,000 a year, equating to £70 a sq ft
for the front unit.
The Mall, Dagenham
At the Mall, Dagenham, we have increased the rents by £75,000 a year. This
includes a new shop let to Ethel Austin during the first half at £45,000 a year
following an extension at the rear of the unit.
Other properties
Elsewhere in our directly held portfolio all the shopping centres continue to
perform well.
Bisichi Mining plc
At Bisichi, our 42% owned associate, LAP's share of operating profits were £
368,000 (2003:£417,000). Trading at Black Wattle Colliery, Bisichi's principal
coal mining subsidiary, continues to be satisfactory. The acquisition of a
`continuous miner' during the second half of 2004 should further increase
production. In addition, Black Wattle will continue to benefit from the rise in
the selling price of export coal.
Current Trading & Prospects
I am pleased to say that the Company is in its strongest ever financial
position. In addition to the healthy cash flow generated by both the wholly
owned core portfolio and our joint ventures, we currently have substantial cash
and undrawn facilities totalling around £30 million. This gives us the ability
to move quickly should opportunities to invest in shopping centres arise.
We continue to seek to expand our shopping centre portfolio as well as improve
and grow our existing properties. Against this background we are confident of a
satisfactory conclusion to the year and view the future with optimism.
Michael Heller
10 September 2004
Consolidated profit and loss account
six months ended 30 June 2004
Note 6 months 6 months Year
ended ended ended
30 June 30 June 31 December
2004 2003 2003
£'000 £'000 £'000
Gross rental income
Group and share of joint 6,539 5,263 11,360
Less: joint ventures-share of (2,652) (1,260) (3,469)
rental income
3,887 4,003 7,891
Less: property overheads -
Ground rents (835) (515) (1,252)
Direct property expenses (670) (507) (1,078)
Attributable overheads (1,074) (894) (1,787)
(2,579) (1,916) (4,117)
Less: joint ventures - share of 990 413 1,169
(1,589) (1,503) (2,948)
Net rental income 2,298 2,500 4,943
Listed investments - net income 1 180 34 62
Operating profit 2,478 2,534 5,005
Share of operating profit of 1,665 852 2,218
joint ventures
Share of operating profit of 406 417 813
Profit on ordinary activities 4,549 3,803 8,036
before interest
Exceptional items:
Profit on sale of investment
Company 62 95 157
Associate and joint venture - (63) (67)
2 62 32 90
Interest receivable 357 173 333
Interest payable - group (1,829) (1,826) (3,599)
- joint ventures (1,541) (758) (2,052)
3 (3,013) (2,411) (5,318)
Profit on ordinary activities 1,598 1,424 2,808
before taxation
Taxation of profit on ordinary 4 486 384 404
Profit for the period 1,112 1,040 2,404
Earnings per share - basic 5 1.36p 1.30p 2.98p
Earnings per share - fully 5 1.36p 1.28p 2.95p
Dividend per share - - 1.525p
The revenue and operating profit for these financial periods derive from
continuing operations in the United Kingdom.
Consolidated balance sheet
at 30 June 2004
Note 30 June 30 June 31 December
2004 2003 2003
£'000 £'000 £'000
Fixed assets
Properties and other tangible 6 98,701 96,295 94,601
Investments in joint ventures
- Share of gross assets 59,395 27,714 59,129
- Share of gross liabilities (49,582) (24,780) (49,427)
- Share of net assets 9,813 2,934 9,702
Other investments
- Associated company 4,893 3,670 4,636
- Other 3,784 1,834 3,784
18,490 8,438 18,122
Total fixed assets 117,191 104,733 112,723
Current assets
Debtors 3,051 1,716 2,362
Investments (Market value - £ 7 3,039 2,393 2,135
Bank balances 12,384 1,393 11,451
18,474 5,502 15,948
Creditors due within one year
Creditors and accruals (10,866) (8,551) (13,166)
Bank borrowings (1,043) (3,678) (1,284)
(11,909) (12,229) (14,450)
Net current assets (liabilities) 6,565 (6,727) 1,498
Total assets less current 123,756 98,006 114,221
Creditors due after more than (49,247) (41,130) (40,988)
one year
Provisions for liabilities and (1,346) (1,702) (1,346)
Net assets 73,163 55,174 71,887
Equity shareholders' funds 73,163 55,174 71,887
Net assets per share* (pence)
Basic 8 90.86p 69.31p 89.39p
Fully Diluted 8 90.22p 68.80p 88.58p
*Including current asset investments at market value.
This interim statement was approved by the board of directors on 10 September
Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses
6 months ended 30 June 2004
6 months 6 months Year
ended ended ended
30 June 30 June 31 December
2004 2003 2003
£'000 £'000 £'000
Profit for the financial period 1,112 1,040 2,404
Currency translation differences on
currency net investments of associate 48 77 87
Increase on revaluation of investment
Company - - 10,127
Associate and joint venture - - 5,660
Taxation on gains on disposals of (130)
Total gains and losses recognised in 1,160 1,117 18,148
the period
Consolidated cash flow statement
6 months ended 30 June 2004
6 months 6 months Year
ended ended ended
30 June 30 June 31 December
2004 2003 2003
£'000 £'000 £'000
Operating profit 2,478 2,534 5,005
Depreciation 52 41 90
Loss (profit) on disposal of fixed 2 (3) (7)
Dividend from associated company - - 65
Dividend from joint ventures - - 93
Decrease (increase) in current assets (4,518) 405 4,396
Net cash flow from operating (1,986) 2,977 9,642
Returns on investments and servicing (1,606) (1,556) (3,004)
of finance
Taxation - - (400)
Capital expenditure and financial (4,241) (103) 8,515
Equity dividends paid - - (783)
Cash (outflow) inflow before use of (7,833) 1,318 13,970
resources and financing
Management of liquid resources 643 350 307
Cash inflow (outflow) from financing 8,064 (5,118) (5,275)
Increase (decrease) in cash in the 874 (3,450) 9,002
Reconciliation of net cash flow to
movement on net debt
(Decrease) increase in cash in the 874 (3,450) 9,002
Net cash inflow from increase in debt (7,950) 5,150 5,300
(7,076) 1,700 14,302
Movements on current asset 904 200 (58)
Movement in net debt in the period (6,172) 1,900 14,244
Net debt at beginning of period (28,998) (43,242) (43,242)
Net debt at end of period (35,170) (41,342) (28,998)
Analysis of net debt
Bank balances in hand 12,384 1,393 11,451
Bank overdrafts (1,043) (3,378) (984)
Debt due within one year - (300) (300)
Debt due after one year (49,550) (41,450) (41,300)
Current asset investments 3,039 2,393 2,135
(35,170) (41,342) (28,998)
Notes to the interim results
6 months 6 months Year
ended ended ended
30 June 30 June 31 December
2004 2003 2003
£'000 £'000 £'000
1. Listed investments
Investment sales 395 189 475
Dividends receivable 59 51 107
454 240 582
Cost of sales (263) (196) (500)
191 44 82
Less - attributable overheads (11) (10) (20)
180 34 62
2. Exceptional items
Profit (loss) on sale of freehold
property -
Company 62 95 157
Associate - (16) (20)
Joint ventures - (47) (47)
62 32 90
3. Interest
Interest receivable 357 173 333
Interest payable -
Bank loans and overdrafts (674) (677) (329)
Other loans (1,056) (1,058) (3,095)
Interest capitalised - 28 28
Share of associates' interest payable (99) (119) (203)
(1,472) (1,653) (3,266)
Share of joint ventures' interest (1,541) (758) (2,052)
(3,013) (2,411) (5,318)
4. Taxation
- Current tax 348 204 504
- Deferred tax - 45 (306)
348 249 198
Associate and Joint Ventures
- Current tax 138 139 211
- Deferred tax - (4) (5)
486 384 404
No provision has been made for deferred tax on gains recognised on revaluing
property to its market value or on the sale of properties where potentially
taxable gains have been rolled over into replacement assets.
Such tax would become payable only if the property were sold without it being
possible to claim rollover relief. The total amount unprovided for is £
5,149,000 (June 2003 £3,734,000, December 2003 £6,253,000). At present it is
not envisaged that any tax will become payable in the forseeable future.
Notes to the interim results (continued)
6 months 6 months Year
ended ended ended
30 June 30 June 31 December
2004 2003 2003
£'000 £'000 £'000
5.Earnings per share have been
calculated as follows:-
Group profit on ordinary activities 1,112 1,040 2,404
after tax
Weighted average number of shares in issue for
the period (`000)
81,530 80,140 80,772
Basic earnings per share 1.36p 1.30p 2.98p
Dilution adjustments to earnings 8 9 12
Diluted number of shares in issue 82,498 81,659 81,873
Fully diluted earnings per share 1.36p 1.28p 2.95p
6. Properties are included at their valuation at 31 December 2003, adjusted for
additions and disposals since that date at cost or valuation.
7. Investments held as current assets
Listed investment portfolio at cost 3,039 2,393 2,135
Unrealised excess of market value 1,073 454 876
over cost
Listed investment portfolio at market 4,112 2,847 3,011
30 June 30 June 31 December
2004 2003 2003
£'000 £'000 £'000
8. Net assets per share have been calculated as
Shares in issue ('000) 81,707 80,264 81,397
Net assets per balance sheet 73,163 55,174 71,887
Surplus on current asset investments 1,073 454 876
Basic net assets 74,236 55,628 72,763
Basic net assets per share 90.86p 69.31p 89.39p
Shares in issue diluted by 82,498 81,306 82,498
outstanding share options
Net assets after issue of share 74,433 55,908 73,075
Fully diluted net assets per share 90.22p 68.80p 88.58p
9. The above financial information does not constitute statutory accounts
within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The figures for
the year ended 31st December 2003 are based upon the latest statutory accounts,
which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies; the report of the
auditors on those accounts was unqualified and did not contain a statement
under Section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. The six months figures
use the same accounting policies as for the year ended 31 December 2003, and
have not been audited or subject to review by the company's auditors.
10. Posting to shareholders
The interim statement will be sent to shareholders by mail. Copies are now
available at the Company's Registered Office: 8-10 New Fetter Lane, London