Result of AGM
London & Associated Properties PLC ("the Company)
The Company is pleased to announce that at the Company's 69th Annual General
Meeting held on 10 June 2009 at The RAC Club, 89 Pall Mall, London SW1Y 5HS all
ordinary and special resolutions concerning ordinary business were duly passed.
There was no special business.
Proxy votes were as follows:
Resolution To approve and adopt the company's annual report & accounts. for
1 the year ended 31 December 2008
Votes Votes
Those in favour: 45,520,038 Discretion 59,304
Those against 2,000 Withheld 0
Resolution To approve the remuneration report for the year ended
2 31 December 2008
Votes Votes
Those in favour: 45,253,634 Discretion 58,192
Those against 260,310 Withheld 9,206
Resolution To declare & approve a final dividend of 0.4 pence per
3 share.
Votes Votes
Those in favour: 45,522,038 Discretion 59,304
Those against 0 Withheld 0
Resolution To re-elect as a director Mr R
4 J Corry
Votes Votes
Those in favour: 45,265,840 Discretion 59,304
Those against 5,122 Withheld 251,076
Resolution To re-elect as a director Mr H
5 D Goldring
Votes Votes
Those in favour: 44,409,923 Discretion 59,304
Those against 4,265 Withheld 1,107,850
Resolution To re-elect as a director Mr J A
6 Heller
Votes Votes
Those in favour: 45,262,840 Discretion 59,304
Those against 8,122 Withheld 251,076
Resolution To re-elect as a director Mr C A
7 Parritt
Votes Votes
Those in favour: 45,265,395 Discretion 59,304
Those against 4,265 Withheld 252,378
Resolution To re-appoint Baker Tilly UK Audit LLP as
8 auditors.
Votes Votes
Those in favour: 45,513,272 Discretion 62,948
Those against 5,122 Withheld 0
Resolution To authorise the directors to determine the
9 remuneration of the auditors
Votes Votes
Those in favour: 45,212,700 Discretion 63,023
Those against 2,000 Withheld 3,619
Resolution In connection with the proposed
10 Capitalisation Issue:
a. to give the directors authority to
capitalise £622,000 of the Company's
share premium account and apply this sum
in up ordinary shares of 10 pence each
b. to give the directors authority to allot
Ordinary Shares
Votes Votes
Those in favour: 45,263,346 Discretion 63,136
Those against 254,601 Withheld 259
Resolution To empower the directors to
11 disapply statutory pre-emption
Votes Votes
Those in favour: 45,249,321 Discretion 66,946
Those against 246,487 Withheld 588
Resolution To authorise the company to make market purchases of
9 its own shares.
Votes Votes
Those in favour: 45,254,403 Discretion 66,946
Those against 9,734 Withheld 250,259
Copies of the Special Resolutions referred to above have been sent to the FSA
Document Viewing facility at:
The Financial Services Authority
25 The North Colonnade
Canary Wharf
London E14 5HS
Telephone (020) 7066 1000
For further information, please contact:
Michael Stevens
London & Associated Properties PLC
Tel: 020 7415 5000 Date 10 June 2009