Dividend Declaration

LONDON FINANCE & INVESTMENT GROUP P.L.C. ("the Company") Amended Dividend announcement for the year ended 30th June 2012 Further to the dividend announcement released on 19th October 12012, it has come to our attention that there was an error in the calculation of the figures for the gross and net dividend payable to shareholders on the Company's South African register. The amended announcement below shows the correct figures. Further to the Company's preliminary announcement of results for the year ended 30th June 2012, released on 28th September 2012, the Board recommends a final dividend of 0.35p, making 0.7p per share for the year (2011 - 0.6p). Subject to member's approval, which will be sought at the Annual General Meeting to be held on Wednesday, 28th November 2012, the dividend will be paid on 30th November 2012 to those members on the register at the close of business on 9th November 2012. Shareholders on the South African register will receive their dividend in South African rand converted from sterling at the closing rate of exchange on 18th October 2012. Salient dates for dividend Last day to trade (SA) Friday 2nd November 2012 Shares trade ex dividend (SA) Monday 5th November 2012 Shares trade ex dividend (UK) Wednesday 7th November 2012 Record date (UK & SA) Friday 9th November 2012 Pay date Friday 30th November 2012 Currency conversion date Thursday 18th October 2012 Shareholders are hereby advised that the exchange rate to be used will be GBP 1 = ZAR13.9332. This has been calculated as the average of the bid/ask spread as at 16h00 (United Kingdom time) being close of business on 18th October 2012. Consequently the dividend of 0.35p will be equal to 4.87662 South African cents. Since the introduction on 1st April 2012 of a new dividend withholding tax in South Africa, the JSE Listings Requirements require disclosure of additional information in relation to any dividend payments. Shareholders registered on the Johannesburg register are therefore advised that the new dividend withholding tax will be withheld from the gross final dividend amount of 4.87662 SA cents per share at a rate of 15%, unless a shareholder qualifies for an exemption; shareholders registered on the Johannesburg register who do not quality for an exemption will therefore receive a net dividend of 4.14513 SA cents per share. The Company, as a non-resident of South Africa, was not subject to the secondary tax on companies (STC) applicable before 1st April 2012, and accordingly, no STC credits are available for set-off against the dividend withholding tax liability on the final net dividend amount. The dividend is payable in cash as a `Dividend' (as defined in the South African Income Tax Act, 58 of 1962, as amended) by way of a reduction of income reserves. The dividend withholding tax and the information contained in this paragraph is only of direct application to shareholders registered on the Johannesburg register, who should direct any questions about the application of the new dividend withholding tax to Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Limited, Tel: +27 11 373-0004. From the commencement of trading on Monday 5th November 2012 until the close of business on Friday 9th November 2012, no transfers between the London and Johannesburg registers will be permitted and no shares may be dematerialised or rematerialised, both days inclusive. By Order of the Board City Group P.L.C. Secretaries 22nd October 2012
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