Result of AGM
Date: 28th November 2012
On behalf of: London Finance & Investment Group P.L.C ("Lonfin" or
London Finance & Investment Group P.L.C.
Annual General Meeting results
AGM Results
London Finance & Investment Group P.L.C. (LSE: LFI, JSE: LNF), the investment
company whose assets primarily consist of two Strategic Investments and a
General Portfolio, held its Annual General Meeting today and is pleased to
report that all resolutions were passed by the required majority.
The proxy votes that would have been cast for each resolution, had a poll been
held, were as follows:
Resolution For Against Abstain
1 17,405,606 Nil 500
2 17,404,406 1,200 500
3 17,405,606 Nil 500
4 17,405,606 Nil 500
5 17,405,606 Nil 500
6 17,405,606 Nil 500
7 17,405,606 Nil 500
8 17,405,606 Nil 500
The Chairman presented a summary of investments showing net assets per share,
including investments at market value, and separately the net assets per share
including the underlying investments of Western Selection P.L.C. at market
Summary of Investments
28 November 30 June
2012 2012
£000 £000
Investment in associate at market value:
Western Selection P.L.C. 2,987 3,144
Strategic Investment at market value:
Finsbury Food Group plc 3,494 1,880
---------- ----------
6,481 5,024
General Equity Portfolio at market value 4,787 4,603
Tangible non-current assets 4 4
Cash, bank balances and deposits 795 2,217
Bank loans (1,000) (1,950)
Other net (liabilities)/assets 146 55
Non-controlling interests (98) (98)
---------- ----------
Net assets, including investments at market value 11,115 9,855
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Net assets per share 35.6p 31.6p
Net assets per share, including the underlying
investments of
Western Selection P.L.C. at market value. 44.7p 40.3p
Enquiries to:
London Finance & Investment GroupP.L.C.
Lloyd Marshall 020 7448 8950
Notes to Editors:
â— Lonfin is an investment company whose assets primarily consist of two
Strategic Investments and a General Portfolio. Strategic Investments are
significant investments in smaller UK quoted companies and these are
balanced by a General Portfolio, which consists mainly of investments in
major U.K. and European equities.
â— Its strategic investments comprise: Western Selection P.L.C. and Finsbury
Food Group plc. Western Selection P.L.C. has strategic investments in
Creston plc, Swallowfield plc, Northbridge Industrial Services plc and
Hartim Limited. The General Portfolio has material interests in Oil, Natural
Resources, Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare and Food & Beverages.