Result of AGM

Date:                             14th November 2019

On behalf of:               London Finance & Investment Group PLC

London Finance & Investment Group PLC

Results of Annual General Meeting

London Finance & Investment Group PLC (LSE: LFI, JSE: LNF) is pleased to announce that at its 2019 Annual General Meeting (the “Meeting”) held yesterday, all resolutions put to the Meeting were passed by the required majority.

The resolutions were as set out in the Notice of Annual General Meeting, as filed with the National Storage Mechanism ( and are also available on the Company's website,

The voting on all resolutions, save for Resolutions 6 and 7, were carried on a show of hands. 

The total number of the Company’s ordinary shares in issue is 31,207,479.  Proxy appointments were received from shareholders of 533,760 ordinary shares [(no votes were withheld) amounting to 1.7% of the Company’s issued ordinary share capital.

The proxy votes that would have been cast for the resolutions, other than Resolutions 6 and 7, had a poll been held on each resolution, were as follows:

Resolution For Against Withheld
Number % of votes cast Number Number
1 533,760 100 0 0
2 533,760 100 0 0
3 533,760 100 0 0
4 533,760 100 0 0
5 533,760 100 0 0
8 533,760 100 0 0
9 533,760 100 0 0
10 533,760 100 0 0
11 533,760 100 0 0
12* 533,760 100 0 0

*Special Resolution

Resolutions 6 and 7, relating to the re-election of the Independent Directors, were carried on a poll: In accordance with Listing Rule 9.2.2 E(R), the re-election of each of the Independent Directors was approved by:

  1. the Company’s Shareholders and

  2. the Company’s Independent Shareholders.

    The results of the voting by the Company’s Shareholders were as follows:

Resolution For Against Withheld
Number % of all votes Number Number
6 14,881,423 100 0 0
7 14,881,423 100 0 0

The results of the voting by the Company’s Independent Shareholders were as follows:

Resolution For Against Withheld
Number % of all votes Number Number
6 1,990,730 13.4 0 0
7 1,990,730 13.4 0 0

In accordance with Listing Rule 9.6.2, copies of the resolutions passed at the meeting that do not constitute ordinary business have been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will be available for inspection at (


(a)   The votes "for" include those votes giving the Chairman discretion.

(b)   A vote “withheld" is not counted towards the votes cast "for" or "against" a resolution.

The Directors of the Company accept responsibility for the contents of this announcement.

LEI:   213800BV1J4DJE2SY849

Enquiries to:
London Finance & Investment Group PLC
020 7796 9060
UK 100