Director/PDMR Shareholding

MAJEDIE INVESTMENTS PLC The Company has been advised of the following: The Lady D H Barlow Will Trust (a trust in which William Barlow, a director of the Company was a beneficiary) was on 30 September 2010 wound up and the 937,837 shares held within the trust were distributed to the ultimate beneficiaries. 93,783 shares were distributed to persons connected with William Barlow. As a result William Barlow's beneficial holding in the Company has reduced by 844,054 to a holding of 676,083 Ordinary shares of 10p each (representing 1.29% of the issued class of capital). The non-beneficial interests of William Barlow remain unchanged. 5 October 2010 Enquiries: Capita Sinclair Henderson Ltd, Company Secretary, 01392 477651
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