Final Results
Manchester & London Investment Trust plc
For the year ended 31st July 2007
Attached pages 1-6
Manchester & London Investment Trust plc
B S Sheppard
Tel : 0161-228 1709
Investment Manager:
Midas Investment Management Limited
M B B Sheppard
Tel : 0161-228-1709
Manchester & London Investment Trust plc 17th October 2007
The Directors Announce the Audited Figures
For the year ended 31st July 2007
Consolidated Income Statement
2007 2006
Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Gains on investments at fair - 5,233 5,233 - 2,673 2,673
Income (note 1) 1,322 - 1,322 1,084 - 1,084
Investment management fee (122) (226) (348) (88) (165) (253)
Other operating expenses (185) (223) (408) (240) (58) (298)
Profit before tax 1,015 4,784 5,799 756 2,450 3,206
Taxation - - - - - -
Profit attributable to 1,015 4,784 5,799 756 2,450 3,206
equity holders
Earnings per ordinary share
Basic 7.28 34.3 41.58 10.08 32.67 42.75
Fully diluted 7.28 34.3 41.58 7.76 23.38 31.14
The total column of this statement represents the Income Statement of the Group
prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
The supplementary revenue return and capital return columns are both prepared
under guidance published by the Association of Investment Companies.
All items in the above statement derive from continuing operations.
Equity dividends
Interim dividend paid per each 25p ordinary share 2.5p (2006 - 2.5p)
Final dividend proposed per each 25p ordinary share 7.5p (2006 - 7.0p)
The ordinary dividend is payable on 4th December 2007 to shareholders on the
Register at the close of business on 26th October 2007.
Manchester & London Investment Trust plc 17th October 2007
Consolidated Balance Sheet
At 31st July 2007
2007 2006
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Non-current assets
Investments at fair value through 49,514 30,444
profit or loss
Current Assets
Receivables 108 111
Cash and cash equivalents 3,669 6,326
3,777 6,437
Current Liabilities
Trade and other payables (737) (87)
Net Current Assets 3,040 6,350
Total assets less current 52,554 36,794
Non-current liabilities
Preference shares - (687)
Net Assets 52,554 36,107
Equity attributable to equity
Ordinary share capital 3,487 1,875
Share premium 9,921 -
Equity conversion reserve - 57
Other reserves
Capital reserve - realised 23,169 22,033
Capital reserve - unrealised 12,485 8,837
Goodwill reserve (79) (79)
Retained earnings 3,571 3,384
Total equity 52,554 36,107
Net Asset Value per share
Ordinary shares - basic 376.8p 481.4p
Ordinary shares - fully diluted 376.8p 351.2p
Manchester & London Investment Trust plc 17th October 2007
Consolidated Cashflow Statement
For the year ended 31st July 2007
2007 2006
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Operating activities
Operating profit 5,799 3,206
Gains on investments (5,233) (2,673)
Financing costs - 57
(Increase) decrease in 3 (47)
(Decrease) increase in payables 650 (49)
Net cash inflow from operating 1,219 494
Investing activities
Purchase of investments (37,143) (11,643)
Sale of investments 23,306 14,054
Net cash inflow from investing (13,837) 2,411
Financing activities
Equity shares issued 868 -
Share premium 9,921 -
Interest paid on borrowings - (57)
Equity dividends paid (828) (713)
Net cash outflow from financing 9,961 (770)
Net increase in cash and cash (2,657) 2,135
Net increase in cash and cash (2,657) 2,135
6,326 4,191
Cash and cash equivalents at
beginning of year
Cash and cash equivalents at end 3,669 6,326
of year
Manchester & London Investment Trust plc 17th October 2007
For the year ended 31st July 2007
Note 1
2007 2006
£'000 £'000
Income from
UK dividends 1,070 929
Other income
Deposit interest 252 155
Total income 1,322 1,084
The above financial information does not constitute statutory financial
statements as defined in Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The comparative
financial information is based on the statutory financial statements for the
year ended 31st July 2006.
Those financial statements, upon which the auditor issued an unqualified
opinion, have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. Statutory financial
statements for the year ended 31st July 2007 will be delivered to the
Manchester & London Investment Trust plc 17th October 2007
Results and Dividend
The net asset value per share, fully diluted, at the Company's year end on 31st
July 2007, was 376.8p which compares with a figure of 384.1p at 31st January
2007 (the date of the Company's half year) and 351.2p at the end of the
previous year. In percentage terms, this represents an annual increase of 7.3
per cent in the fully diluted net asset value per share, which compares with an
increase of 9.5 per cent in the FTSE All-Share index. On a total return basis
(i.e. including the reinvestment of dividends and adjusting for the placing
discount) the adjusted net asset value per share rose by 14.1% against a FTSE
All-Share index rise of 12.3% on the same basis.
At the interim stage, we paid a dividend of 2.5p per share, and I am now
pleased to confirm that the Directors propose a final dividend of 7.5p, making
a total for the year of 10.0p per share, an increase of 5.3 per cent. The
dividend is payable on 4th December 2007 to shareholders on the Register at the
close of business on 26th October 2007.
In my 2006 Statement I referred to the fact that the increase in ordinary
shares would dilute the amount available for distribution to shareholders but,
taking into account the ample revenue reserves, the Directors consider that a
total distribution of 10p per share for the year is fully justified. In making this
decision, and notwithstanding the fact that distributions made by some of our
investments have been classified as capital rather than income, we have taken
into account the changing pattern of corporate policies with regard to dividend
payments and the trend towards a greater retention of profits in order to
strengthen balance sheets. We anticipate a continuation of this policy as
pressure starts to grow on profit margins with interest rates rising and global
inflation showing signs of awakening from its slumbers.
Post Balance Sheet events
As our year end was drawing to a close, there were already signs that share
prices were under pressure as the US "subprime mortgage crisis" began to
unfold. Uncertainty is now gripping the banking industry worldwide and this has
been exacerbated by the Northern Rock debacle.
As a result, the current year has started with a baptism of fire which is
rapidly spreading to Europe and the UK. Whilst it has startled most outside
observers to learn that reputedly respectable banks have lent vast sums of
money by way of housing mortgages (many in excess of 100 per cent valuation) to
borrowers of little or no creditability, the consequences of their actions may
not yet be fully apparent. Pundits are clamouring for a cut in interest rates
but, if borrowers are already breaching their agreements, a fall in interest
rates is no help. Against this background, bank loans exceeding the value of
assets held as security are leaving net liabilities on their balance sheets.
Furthermore, it seems unlikely that this crisis can be resolved in the short
term and, although sectors, such as manufacturing, engineering and industries
not heavily dependent upon consumer spending, are unlikely to suffer too badly,
it seems inevitable that there will be some serious knock-on effects during the
next few months. Furthermore, there will no doubt be serious lobbying for a
more disciplined approach to lending policy by banking authorities worldwide,
particularly if the crisis deepens and casualties increase, thus decreasing the
room for manoeuvre by the central banks.
Opinions are divided as to whether the crisis in the financial sector will
precipitate recession or be softened by the continuing demand for mineral
resources supplied from emerging countries, in particular Asia, Africa and
South America. It will take time to resolve the problems or indeed, to contain
them, and the jury is still no doubt musing over the added possibility of a
cooling in the booming Asian economy.
Manchester & London Investment Trust plc 17th October 2007
The Portfolio
Resulting from the influx of funds after the placing of shares in August 2006,
the Portfolio of investments has been considerably expanded. It is now our
continuing policy to hold approximately 25 investments, thereby creating a
greater spread than in previous years, as indicated in the Placing document. We
are retaining our flexible investment policy which gives the Manager scope for
investing the Company's assets in areas and sectors which appear to offer the
best prospects for capital and income growth at any particular time. Included
in our current Portfolio are several, as yet unconcluded, bid/merger
situations, two of which now appear to be reaching a satisfactory outcome,
namely ABN Amro Holding N.V. and Imperial Chemical Industries, both of which
will add to our liquidity to the extent of £5.1 million, assuming completion.
Other substantial holdings, which appear to be potential bid situations, are
Smiths Group, SSL International and Scottish & Newcastle. PZ Cussons, Mouchel
Parkman and Standard Chartered are our largest holdings with a combined value
of £16.8 million at the year end, resulting from continuing growth since
purchase; we believe that these key holdings are well positioned to benefit
further from their respective trading situations in a changing commercial
Whilst we remain confident that the constituents of the Portfolio will continue
to perform satisfactorily, there seems to be little doubt that commercial storm
clouds are gathering as the era of ultra cheap money comes to an end in an
atmosphere of increased banking suspicion, particularly in the US, UK and
Europe. In the long term, it may well be better if there is a cleansing by
crisis rather than a fudging by continuing manipulation of interest rates, the
creation of financial bubbles, and accompanying inflation.
It is impossible to forecast when, and how, the "subprime" crisis will be
resolved, but we are not convinced that all share prices will necessarily
suffer. The debt crisis will take time to be resolved and there will doubtless
be casualties, but global trade is still robust and markets are, by their very
nature, always looking optimistically forward rather than gloomily backwards.
Financial and retail sectors apart, we remain reasonably confident that
investment opportunities will continue to present themselves, particularly in
the spheres of international trading and emerging markets.
During the year under review, the Company purchased a minimal number of its own
shares and transferred them into treasury. The Directors are requesting
shareholders to approve the necessary resolution to continue their authority to
buy such shares for a further twelve months.
On the subject of shareholders' interests, it is pleasing to report the
recent judgement of the European Court of Justice that listed investment
companies should be subject to the same tax rules on their management fees as
Unit Trusts and open-ended investment companies, which have been VAT exempt
since 1990. Assuming the rule is enacted in due course, this should result in
financial benefits accruing to the Company.
Annual General Meeting
I look forward to welcoming shareholders to our Thirty Fifth Annual General
Meeting to be held in the Lancaster Suite, The Midland, Peter Street,
Manchester M60 2DS, at 12.45pm on Wednesday, 28th November 2007.
P H A Stanley
16th October 2007