14 June 2021
Menhaden PLC
(the “Company”)
Change of Name
The Company’s published investment objective is to generate long-term shareholder returns, predominantly in the form of capital growth, by investing in businesses and opportunities that are demonstrably delivering or benefitting significantly from the efficient use of energy and resources.
The Board has resolved to change the Company’s registered name to "Menhaden Resource Efficiency PLC", in order for it to reflect its investment objective. This will take effect when the Registrar of Companies issues a replacement certificate of incorporation. It should be noted that this may take a number of weeks due to a backlog at Companies House and a further announcement will be released confirming the change when it becomes effective.
The trading symbol (or “TIDM”) and ISIN code for the Company’s ordinary shares listed on the London Stock Exchange will remain unchanged.
No new share certificates are being issued in respect of existing shares held in certificated form, but after the change takes effect any new share certificates will be issued in the name of Menhaden Resource Efficiency PLC. Shareholders should retain their existing share certificates which will continue to be valid.
Frostrow Capital LLP
Company Secretary
Tel: 020 3709 8733