Annual Information Update
Matrix Income & Growth 2 VCT plc
Annual Information Update
11 June 2008
In accordance with Prospectus Rule 5.2, the following information has been
published or made available to the public in the period from 1 May 2008 to 11
June 2009.
Announcements listed as published on the London Stock Exchange have been
published via a Regulatory Information Service and can be found on Copies of documents filed with Companies House can
be obtained from Companies House or, if you are a registered user, through
Companies House Direct at
Some of the information referred to below was provided as at a specific date
and may now be out of date.
Announcements published on the London Stock Exchange
Date Description
29 May 2009 Total voting rights at 29 May 2009 - Ordinary Shares:
11,259,333; C Shares: 17,483,358.
5 May 2009 Offer for subscription closed, having raised approximately
5 May 2009 Directors' shareholdings: Nigel Melville allotted 2,854
new C Shares under the Offer for Subscription.
5 May 2009 Issue of equity: issue of 572,972 new C Shares under the
Offer for Subscription on 5 May 2009.
30 April 2009 Total voting rights at 30 April 2009 - Ordinary Shares:
11,259,333; C Shares: 16,910,386 .
6 April 2009 Issue of equity: issue of 1,061,662 new C Shares under the
Offer for Subscription on 5 April 2009.
6 April 2009 Correction: Directors' shareholdings: Correction of number
of new C shares allotted to Nigel Melville under the Offer
for Subscription from 2,705 to 2,854.
3 April 2009 Directors' shareholdings: the following directors were
allotted new C Shares under the Offer for subscription:
Nigel Melville allotted 2,854 (see correction above), Adam
Kingdon 5,709, Kenneth Vere Nicoll 11,418.
3 April 2009 Issue of equity: issue of 6,702,734 new C Shares under the
Offer for Subscription on 3 April 2009.
17 March 2009 Interim management statement for the quarter ended 31
January 2009.
27 February 2009 Total voting rights at 27 February 2009 - Ordinary Shares:
11,259,333; C Shares: 9,145,990.
9 February 2009 Purchase of 10,000 Ordinary shares at 42p per share for
cancellation on 6 February 2009.
30 January 2009 Total voting rights at 30 January 2009 - Ordinary Shares:
11,269,333; C Shares: 9,145,990.
27 January 2009 Purchase of 106,200 Ordinary Shares at 36p per shares for
cancellation on 23 January 2009.
19 January 2009 Offer for Subscription to raise up to £10m launched and
copies of the prospectus sent to the UKLA's Document
Viewing Facility.
16 January 2009 Half-Yearly Report for the six months ended 31 October
2008 submitted to the UKLA's Document Viewing Facility.
24 December 2008 Change of Adviser: Matrix Corporate Capital LLP appointed
as the Company's broker with immediate effect.
24 December 2008 Half-Yearly Report for the six months ended 31 October
31 October 2008 Total voting rights at 31 October 2008 - Ordinary shares:
11,375,533; C Shares: 9,145,990.
7 October 2008 Purchase of 115,475 ordinary Shares at 73.5p per share for
cancellation on 3 October 2008.
15 September 2008 Interim management statement for the quarter ended 31 July
11 September 2008 Result of Class Meetings: all resolutions proposed at the
separate Class Meetings of Ordinary and C Shareholders
were approved by shareholders of each class on 11
September 2008.
11 September 2008 Result of AGM: all resolutions proposed at the Annual
General Meeting held on 10 September 2008 were approved by
Shareholders. The Separate Class Meetings of Ordinary and
C Shareholders were adjourned until 11 September 2008.
7 August 2008 Annual information update for the period 1 May 2007 to 7
August 2008.
7 August 2008 Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 30 April
2008 submitted to the UKLA Document Viewing Facility.
15 July 2008 Final results for the year ended 30 April 2008.
25 June 2008 Change of registered office to One Vine Street, London,
W1J 0AH.
18 June 2008 Interim dividends for the year ended 30 April 2008
declared of 1.5p income and 4.5p capital dividends per
Ordinary Share and 2.5p income dividend per C Share,
payable on 23 July 2008 to Shareholders on the register on
27 June 2008.
Documents filed at Companies House
Date Description
9 June 2009 Form 88(2) return of allotment of 572,972 C Shares.
18 May 2009 Form 88(2) return of allotment of 6,702,734 C Shares.
18 May 2009 Form 88(2) return of allotment of 1,061,662 C Shares.
21 March 2009 Form 363a Annual Return made up to 8 March 2009
21 March 2009 Form 288c - change of particulars for Sally Duckworth (nee
18 February 2009 Form 169 Purchase for cancellation of 10,000 Ordinary
Shares on 6 February 2009.
9 February 2009 Form 169 Purchase for cancellation of 106,200 Ordinary
Shares on 23 January 2009.
30 October 2008 Form 169 Purchase of cancellation of 115,475 Ordinary
Shares on 3 October 2008.
25 September 2008 Full accounts made up to 30 April 2008.
25 September 2008 Amended Articles of Association.
25 September 2008 Resolutions passed at the AGM and Class Meetings held on
10 & 11 September 2008.
26 June 2008 Form 288C change of secretary's particulars -
Matrix-Securities Limited.
25 June 2008 Form 287 change of registered office to One Vine Street,
London, W1J 0AH.
21 May 2008 Form 169 Purchase for cancellation of 28,646 Ordinary
Shares on 29 April 2008.
In accordance with the provisions of Article 27.3 of the Prospectus Directive
Regulation, we confirm that to the best of our knowledge, information relating
to 'Holdings in Company' and 'Directors' Shareholdings' is up to date at the
date of this announcement but it is acknowledged that such disclosures may, at
any time, become out of date, due to changing circumstances.
Copies of information released can be obtained through the Company Secretary at
the Company's Registered Office at One Vine Street, London W1J 0AH, tel 020
3206 7000.