Interim Management Statement

Matrix Income & Growth 4 VCT plc (the Company) INTERIM MANAGEMENT STATEMENT For the quarter ended 31 October 2008 In accordance with Rule 4.3 of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the UK Listing Authority, Matrix Income & Growth 4 VCT plc presents an Interim Management Statement for the quarter ended 31 October 2008. The statement also includes relevant financial information between the end of the period and the date of this statement. NET ASSET VALUE PER SHARE 31 October 2008 31 July 2008 Net assets attributable to shareholders 21,729,860 £22,843,188 Shares in issue 20,247,799 20,317,925 Net asset value per Ordinary Share 107.32p 112.4p Cumulative dividends paid 13.70p 12.70p Total net asset value return per share since 121.02 125.10p inception NEW INVESTMENTS In October 2008, the Company invested £1 million into ATG Media Holdings Limited, publishers of the Antique Trade Gazette. Since the quarter-end, the Company has invested a further £95,461 into PXP Holdings Limited (Pinewood Structures). DIVESTMENTS There were no divestments in the quarter. SHARE BUY-BACKS During the quarter, the Company bought back a total of 70,126 Ordinary Shares at a price of 101.187 pence per share. For further information, please contact: Sarah Penfold, for Matrix-Securities Limited, Company Secretary: 020 3206 7000
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