Interim Results
The Directors announce the unaudited statement of results for the period 1
April 2004 to 30 September 2004 as follows:-
(incorporating the revenue account*)
1 April 2004 1 April 2003
to 30 September 2004 to 30 September 2003
Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Capital gains on - 1,857 1,857 - 14,262 14,262
Dividends and 1,009 - 1,009 1,191 - 1,191
Investment (205) (205) (410) (189) (189) (378)
management fee
Other expenses (119) - (119) (108) - (108)
Return before
and taxation 685 1,652 2,337 894 14,073 14,967
Interest payable and (110) (110) (220) (122) (246) (368)
similar charges
Return on ordinary 575 1,542 2,117 772 13,827 14,599
activities before
and after taxation
Dividend** 9 - 9 - - -
Transfer to reserves 584 1,542 2,126 772 13,827 14,599
Return per ordinary 1.63p 4.38p 6.01p 2.10p 37.53p 39.63p
* The revenue column of this statement is the revenue account of the Company.
** The Company repurchased and cancelled 320,000 ordinary shares following the
31 March 2004 year end, prior to the ex-dividend date of the final dividend. As
no dividend is payable on shares that have been repurchased the dividends due
on such shares, totalling £9,000, reverted back to the Company.
*** The calculation of returns per ordinary share exclude shares held in
treasury, so the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period
been adjusted to reflect this.
The financial statements have been prepared using accounting standards and
policies adopted at the previous year end.
All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing
operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the period.
These financial statements are unaudited and are not the Company's statutory
financial accounts.
As at As at As at
30 31 March 30 September
2004 2004 2003
£'000 £'000 £'000
Fixed asset investments 66,394 63,430 56,317
Net current assets 2,999 8,032 9,222
Long term credit facility (7,500) (7,500) (7,500)
Net assets 61,893 63,962 58,039
Share capital and reserves
Share capital 3,652 3,684 3,684
Share premium account 18,680 18,680 18,680
Capital redemption reserve 1,058 1,026 1,026
Special reserve 11,075 11,518 11,518
Capital reserve - realised 27,157 26,983 27,094
Capital reserve - unrealised 2,450 1,082 (5,455)
Revenue reserve 1,573 989 1,492
Own shares held in treasury (3,752) - -
Shareholders' funds 61,893 63,962 58,039
less current period revenue (584) - (772)
Total net assets for the purpose of 61,309 63,962 57,267
calculating the net asset value per
ordinary share
Net asset value per ordinary share* 181.56p 173.63p 155.46p
* Net asset values per share are calculated based on the number of ordinary
shares in issue at the period end excluding shares held in treasury.
1 April 2004 to 1 April 2003 to
30 September 30 September
2004 2003
£'000 £'000
Net cash inflow from operating activities 528 756
Servicing of finance
- Interest and similar charges paid (218) (260)
Net cash outflow from servicing of finance (218) (260)
Capital expenditure and financial investment
- Purchases of investments (15,440) (15,246)
- Sales of investments 13,876 17,697
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from capital
and financial investment (1,564) 2,451
Equity dividends paid (1,041) (928)
Net cash (outflow)/inflow before financing (2,295) 2,019
- Ordinary shares repurchased and cancelled (443) (558)
- Ordinary shares repurchased and held in (3,752) -
- Repayment of credit facility - (2,500)
- Loan breakage costs - (124)
Net cash outflow from financing (4,195) (3,182)
Decrease in cash (6,490) (1,163)
These financial statements are unaudited and are not the Company's statutory
accounts. Full financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2004 include an
unqualified audit report and have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.
Charles Montanaro commented:
Over the six months ended 30 September 2004, the Company's net asset value
('NAV') increased by 5% compared with a fall of more than 4% by the SmallCap,
outperforming its benchmark by 9%.
From the launch of the Company in March 1995 to the end of September 2004, the
NAV has risen by 84% compared with a gain by the benchmark of 50%.
There are occasions, thankfully, when markets are quiet. In contrast with the
turbulence and volatility of last year, the UK small company market was subdued
over the past six months. The SmallCap declined by 2% over the first quarter
ended 30 June 2004 and by a further 2% over the quarter ended 30 September
2004. In comparison, the FTSE All-Share rose by 3% over the past six months.
Investors could go safely on holiday (if they could find any sunshine in the
UK) and return to find UK equity markets pretty much unchanged. As always, we
actively search for attractive investment opportunities irrespective of market
conditions. It is pleasing to report that the Company achieved healthy
outperformance over this period as a result of good stock selection.
Although very little happened in UK equity markets over the past six months, a
great deal was happening elsewhere. To curb an overheating housing market, the
Bank of England increased interest rates three times from 4% to 4.75% - UK
property prices in August recorded their first decline in two years. The
geo-political situation continued to be difficult with Iraq and the Middle East
remaining unsettled. The oil price rose from $35 to almost $50 per barrel, an
increase of more than 40%, and commodity prices continued to rise. Against this
background, equity markets held up well.
Recently, small companies have reported earnings that overall have met or
exceeded market expectations, which augurs well for the coming months -
particularly since valuations appear reasonable.
One of the striking features of the UK small company market has been an
increase in take-over activity. No less than three portfolio companies have
disappeared (Yates, Synstar, Linx Printing) and others are involved in
take-over discussions. This is an unusually high level of activity by historic
standards and reflects that company balance sheets appear strong - there is
plenty of cash around. We would expect this trend to continue as large
companies find top line growth difficult to achieve in a low inflationary
environment and look to acquire more dynamic companies as a solution to the
problem. Cash from such realisations and exceptional dividends is likely to be
recycled into the UK small companies market.
Take-over activity has been focused on well-managed, quality businesses, which
form the core of the portfolio. It is here that we believe our research and
skill in stock selection can make a significant difference to achieving
attractive returns in a very stock specific market, such as we have seen over
the past six months.'
Montanaro Investment Managers Limited
22 November 2004