Interim Results
Unaudited Interim Results for the six months ended 30 June 2006
MTI Wireless Edge Ltd., (ticker: MWE) ('MTI' or 'the Company'), a market leader
in the manufacture of flat panel antennas for fixed wireless broadband, today
announces its unaudited interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2006,
its fourteenth consecutive quarter of revenue growth.
* Revenues up 36% year on year to US$ 7.3 million (US$ 5.4 million)
* Gross profit up 44% year on year to US$ 3.2 million (US$ 2.2 million) with
gross margin of 44.3% (41.7%)
* Net profits up 84% year on year to US$ 1.4 million (US$ 0.75 million) with
increased net margin of 19.1% (14.1%)
* Basic earnings per share up 30% to 3.1¢ (2.4¢)
* Positive outlook for remainder of 2006 with healthy order book and
opportunity pipeline
* Net cash position of US$ 12 million (equating to 12p per ordinary share) as
at 30 June 2006
* Intention to pay out approximately 25 per cent. of net profit as dividend
for the full financial year
* Successful initial public offering and admission to AIM in March 2006 with
offering oversubscribed and raising net proceeds of GB £5 million
Dov Feiner, Chief Executive Officer, commented: "MTI continued its strong top
line and earnings momentum in the first six months of the year, with improved
margins at all levels reporting its 14th consecutive revenue growth. Our
contracted but as yet unfulfilled order book is very healthy with US$ 4.1
million of committed revenues for the remainder of 2006, compared to US$ 2.75
million at this stage last year. US$ 3.8 million of this current order book is
due for completion during the third quarter. We have won significant new
contracts and our forward opportunity pipeline is encouraging. We sell our
products to the world's leading original equipment manufacturers of wireless
broadband systems, and our antennas are now installed in over 130 countries,
"The fixed wireless broadband equipment market is estimated to be growing by
more than 40 per cent. per year, according to Skylight Research, and therefore
presents an enormous potential for MTI as the world leader in the provision of
fixed broadband wireless antennas. We continue to work hard to develop
long-term business relationships with key partners and customers around the
world, as well as to leverage our market leading position by developing
additional emerging applications such as Radio Frequency Identification
(`RFID') antennas for use in inventory tracking and supply chain management in
large warehouses.
"The successful completion of our IPO is a major step for the Company,
providing us with additional capital to pursue our strategic international
expansion and product development whilst, at the same time, helping to raise
our international profile."
For further information, please visit or contact:
Dov Feiner (CEO) / Moni Borovitz (CFO) Tel: +972 3 900 8900
Luke Ahern / David Seal - Corporate Synergy Plc Tel: +44 20 7448 4400
Profit and Loss statementfor the six month period ended 30 June 2006
Unaudited Audited
(US$ `000s) 30 June 30 June 31 December 2005
2006 2005
Turnover 7,290 5,372 11,694
Gross Profit 3,229 2,242 4,914
Operating Profit 1,350 836 2,043
Net Profit 1,392 756 1,749
Basic earnings per 3.1 2.4 5.6
share (US Cents)
Diluted earnings per 2.95 2 4.6
share (US Cents)
Balance Sheet as at 30 June 2006
30 June 30 June 31 December
2006 2005 2005
U.S. $ in thousands
Unaudited Audited
Cash and cash equivalents 1,495 3,299 3,980
Short-term investment 10,678 - -
Trade receivables 4,168 2,950 3,405
Other receivables 181 263 265
Inventories 1,287 1,093 1,008
Total current assets 17,809 7,605 8,658
OTHER ASSETS, NET 458 372 450
19,710 9,458 10,575
Current maturities of long-term loans 87 87 87
Trade payables 2,229 1,663 1,669
Other accounts payables 883 483 599
Total current liabilities 3,199 2,233 2,355
Liabilities to banks 65 152 109
Accrued severance pay 208 166 174
273 318 283
Share capital 115 2 2
Additional paid-in capital 16,357 7,524 7,561
Retained earnings (234) (619) 374
Total shareholders' equity 16,238 6,907 7,937
19,710 9,458 10,575
Cash Flow Statement for the six months ended 30 June 2006
Unaudited Audited
(US$ `000s) 30 June 30 June 31 December
2006 2005
Net Cash provided from operating 1,373 301 1,100
Cash Flows From Investing
Sale (purchase) of short-term (10,529) 2,095 2,095
Purchase of property and equipment (115) (37) (112)
Net cash (used in) provided by (10,644) 2,058 1,983
investing activities
Cash Flows From Financing
Dividend distributed (2,000) -
Additional capital raised in Aim 8,830 -
Listing, net
Repayment of long-term loans (44) (44) (87)
Net cash used in financing 6,786 (44) (87)
Increase (Decrease) in cash and (2,485) 2,315 2,996
cash equivalents
cash and cash equivalents at 3,980 984 984
beginning of period
cash and cash equivalents at end 1,495 3,299 3,980
of period
Notes to the Interim Results
1. Basis of Preparation
The results for the six months ended 30 June 2006 are unaudited. They have been
prepared on accounting bases and policies that are consistent with those used
in the preparation of the financial statements of the company for the 12 months
ended 31 December 2005, which were prepared with accordance with International
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
2. Earnings per Share
Earnings per share has been calculated based on 44,644,010 (47,264,710 fully
diluted) ordinary shares for the six months ended 30 June 2006 and 31,470,000
(37,932,000 fully diluted) ordinary shares for the six months ended 30 June
About MTI Wireless Edge
MTI designs and manufactures flat panel antennas, largely supplied to
international OEMs of fixed broadband wireless access systems. With over 30
years of technical `know-how', flexible high volume manufacturing capabilities
and low failure rates, MTI's antennas now comprise approximately 25% of the
global fixed broadband wireless antenna market. In addition, the Company has
successfully developed products for new commercial applications as wireless
systems become increasingly prevalent in new markets.