Agreement with Getty Images

One Media iP Group Plc
("One Media", the "Group" or the "Company")

One Media signs an exclusive exploitation deal with Getty Images for 'clips' from the Groups moving image library rights.

One Media iP Group Plc (AIM: OMIP), a digital and technical media content provider, which consolidates, exploits and monetises intellectual property rights around music and video, is pleased to announce that it has signed a new deal with Getty Images. The deal will involve One Media supplying ‘clips’ from its growing video content library to Getty Images for representation and exploitation to Getty’s worldwide client base for multiple use in documentaries, advertising and all moving image usages.

Getty Images is one of the most esteemed sources of visual content throughout the world, with over 200 million assets available through its industry-leading sites and The distribution deal will see One Media create thousands of clips from its archive to be made available to Getty Image’s clients on the their web based platforms.

Michael Infante Chairman & CEO of One Media commented, “Our video archive has grown by acquisition over that last few years and we are pleased to further exploit the content via a  â€˜clipping’ service and to supply the world leader in image hire. Our Creative Technicians are already trained and equipped to perform this function in-house and have been successful in building billions of views with the Company’s content for sites like You Tube.  Content from Men & Motors, Alien Autopsy and the HiBrow film catalogue together with our cleared music video content will spearhead the service”

Lee Shoulders, Director of Video Content Development for Getty Images commented “Getty Images is thrilled to be representing this unique and extensive library from One Media”

This announcement contains inside information for the purposes of Article 7 of EU Regulation 596/2014.

One Media iP Group Plc (
Chairman and Chief Executive
Michael Infante                                Tel: +44 (0)175 378 5500

One Media iP Group Plc (
Corporate Communications
Alice Dyson-Jones                           Tel +44 (0)175 378 5501

Cairn Financial Advisers LLP
Nominated Adviser
Liam Murray / Jo Turner                Tel: +44 (0)20 7213 0880

Panmure Gordon (UK) Limited
Karri Vuori                                           Tel: +44 (0)20 7886 2500

Notes to Editors

Based at Pinewood Studios, One Media is an 'intellectual property' (IP) owner and controller of rights within the digital arena concerning music, video and digital distribution. The consumer led but B2B (Business-to-business) operation looks to exploit its catalogue of over 250,000+ music tracks and over 10,000 hours of video by recompiling the content for sale through over 600 digital music and video stores groups worldwide.

The Company has a team of Creative Technicians, all of whom are YouTube certified, who digitise the content, create the metadata, re-compile and prepare the digital music & video releases using bespoke in-house developed software. Additionally, One Media makes its library of content available for TV shows, movies, adverts and websites requiring synchronised music. One Media focuses on music performed by well-known artists from every genre, including; pop, rock, reggae, R&B, children's music, karaoke, jazz, soul, blues, rap, hip-hop, gospel, world-music, plus stand-up comedy, spoken-word. In July 2014 the Group acquired for a consideration of USD$1.6m the Point Classics classical music library bringing the number to over 10,000 classical tracks now available to the Group for exploitation. The Group owns all the rights to the Men & Motors (originally Granada/ITV) TV shows originally aired on British TV between 1996 and 2010. Comprising of over 3500 shows is available for viewing on the Groups YouTube Channel.

Recently the Group has developed a content discovery and policing software service 'Technical Copyright Analysis Tool' (TCAT) as a new service to record companies, publishers and law firms searching information of artist and tracks on legitimate digital stores.  One Media is eligible for Enterprise Investment Schemes ("EIS") and Venture Capital Trusts ("VCT").

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