Blocklisting - Interim Review

BLOCK LISTING SIX MONTHLY RETURN Information provided on this form must be typed or printed electronically. To: The FSA Date: __2 July________2007_ Name of applicant: Oxford Instruments plc Name of scheme: ESO Scheme (A3274711995) Period of return: From: 01 January 2007 To: 30 June 2007 Balance under scheme from previous 503,661 return: The amount by which the block scheme N/A has been increased, if the scheme has been increased since the date of the last return: Number of securities issued/allotted 218,827 under scheme during period: Balance under scheme not yet issued/ 284,834 allotted at end of period Number and class of securities 500,000 Ordinary Shares - 12/12/06 originally listed and the date of admission Total number of securities in issue at 49,308,122 the end of the period Name of contact: Jo Young Address of contact: Tubney Woods, Abingdon, Oxon OX13 5QX Telephone number of contact: 01865 393432 SIGNED BY ____Jo Young__________________________________________ Director/company secretary/suitably experienced employee/duly authorised officer, for and on behalf of _____Oxford Instruments plc__________________________________________ Name of applicant If you knowingly or recklessly give false or misleading information you may be liable to prosecution.
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