Directorate Change

Classification: Directorate Change

Oxford Instruments plc

Kevin Boyd steps down as Group Finance Director

As previously announced Kevin Boyd Group Finance Director left the Company and ceased to be a director on 8 April 2016. In accordance with Section 430(2B) Companies Act 2006 information regarding Mr Boyd’s remuneration arrangements to cessation will be published on the Company’s website as soon as they are finalised following our year end results.  

Issued for and on behalf of Oxford Instruments plc

Susan Johnson-Brett
Company Secretary
01865 393324

Notes to Editors

About Oxford Instruments plc

Oxford Instruments designs, supplies and supports high-technology tools and systems with a focus on research and industrial applications. The Group aims to pursue responsible development and deeper understanding of our world through science and technology. Its products, expertise, and ideas address global issues such as energy, environment, security and health. Innovation has been the driving force behind Oxford Instruments' growth and success for over 50 years. Its strategy is to effect the successful commercialisation of these ideas by bringing them to market in a timely and customer-focused fashion.

The first technology business to be spun out from Oxford University, Oxford Instruments’ objective is to be the leading provider of new generation tools and systems for the research and industrial sectors with a focus on nanotechnology. Its key market sectors include nano-fabrication and analysis. The Group is expanding the business into the life sciences arena, where nanotechnology and biotechnology intersect.

This involves the combination of core technologies in areas such as ultra-low temperature and high magnetic field environments; Nuclear Magnetic Resonance; X-ray, electron, laser and optical based metrology; atomic force microscopy; optical imaging; advanced growth, deposition and etching.

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