Month End Portfolio Information

PACIFIC ASSETS TRUST plc (the "Company") All data as at 30 June 2010 This data will be available on the Company's website, from approximately 19 July 2010. Top Ten Equity Holdings % Perusahaan Gas 4.3 Shinhan Financial 3.5 Kasikornbank 3.5 NHN Corp 3.2 DBS Group 3.1 Hon Hai Precision 2.9 China Shineway 2.9 CNOOC Ltd 2.9 China Mobile 2.8 Bank of China 2.6 Total 31.7 Geographical breakdown % Hong Kong 21.2 Korea 18.7 China 13.8 Indonesia 9.8 Singapore 5.5 India 2.1 Other 25.1 Liquidity 3.8 Total 100.0 Actual Gearing 100.0 Note: All percentages are based on Gross Assets. - ENDS- 19 July 2010 Frostrow Capital LLP Secretary
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