Trading Update / Notice of Results

18 January 2007 Personal Group Holdings plc (`the Company') Trading Update and Notice of Announcement of Results The Company's results for the year ended 31 December 2006, which will be announced on Monday 26th March 2007, are expected to be marginally above those currently forecast by the market. In its trading update released on 25 September 2006 the Company announced a planned investment programme aimed at strengthening its product marketing capabilities. The investment programme is currently progressing well but had a negligible impact on costs during the last quarter of 2006. The majority of the costs associated with the programme are now expected to be incurred in the financial year to 31 December 2007. Contact: Personal Group Holdings Plc John Barber, FD Tel: 01908 605000 Simon Rothschild Bankside Tel: 020 7367 8888
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