Interim Results

3 December 2015

                                   PHSC PLC                                    

                    ("PHSC", the "Company", or the "Group")                    

     Unaudited Interim Results for the six months ended 30 September 2015      

                   GROUP CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S STATEMENT                   

Financial Highlights

  * Group turnover for first half down 18% at £3.354m compared with £4.129m
    last year.
  * EBITDA reduces to £229k, versus £444k after cost of acquisitions last year.
  * Basic earnings per share down 45% at 1.23p compared with 2.26p last year.
  * Cash position increased from £138k at 30 Sept 2014 to £611k
  * Net asset value (unaudited) up to £6.635m from £6.622m last year.
  * Pro-forma net asset value (unaudited) per share of 53.3p compared to a
    current share price (mid) of 24.5p.
  * Near-threefold increase in EBITDA in Q2 versus Q1, as new contracts and
    cost savings take effect.
Trading overview

As indicated in our previous trading update, the conclusion of two large
contracts resulted in a hiatus in our order book which we have been seeking to
address. In our pre-AGM trading update covering the first four months, we
reported EBITDA of circa £66k. It can be seen from today's announcement that
the final two months of H1 generated an additional £139k of profit, enabling us
to climb up to £229k EBITDA for the first half of the year. Although somewhat
less than at this stage in 2014-15, the recent upturn in performance has given
the board a degree of confidence that subsidiaries are successfully adjusting
to their new circumstances. The breakdown of performance by individual
subsidiary later in this statement will show that the single most significant
factor was a gap in the order book of B to B Links Limited. The subsidiary did
not have the benefit of last year's large one-off contract and this coincided
with work deferrals from a major customer. Those orders were subsequently
released to us for fulfilment and the positive effect can be seen in Q2's
improved performance.

Our QCS International Limited subsidiary is now rolling out a programme of
training and consultancy support in connection with recent revisions to
international quality standards ISO 9001and ISO 14001. This programme was
forecast to have commenced in Q2 but there was a delay in official publication
by the standards body. This resulted in the subsidiary having to postpone a
number of transitional courses but these will now commence in Q3.

Health and safety consultancy and training activity continued to take place in
line with expected customer demand. The conclusion of a large value
asbestos-related project with a leading university detrimentally affected
income and caused an overmanning situation which has now been rectified.


The Group traditionally performs better in the second half of the financial
year, although this trend was interrupted in 2014-15 by the exceptional
performance of B to B Links in the first half. Based on the current order book
we expect to see further progress from existing subsidiaries in Q3 and Q4,
giving us a stronger second half to the current year.

Dividend prospects

The Board is not declaring an interim dividend but intends to recommend an
appropriate final dividend in line with its stated policy of at least
maintaining the level of dividend.

Cash Flow

The bank balance stood at £611k as at the date of the interim accounts,
compared with £138k this time last year. The relatively low balance last year
was caused by meeting our obligations in respect of acquisition payments that
fell due in that period.

An agreement has been put in place with our bankers, HSBC, that allows the
Group to call upon an overdraft facility of £200k. This facility is due for
review in November 2016. We are confident that our cash balance and the
availability of bank funding will enable us to meet all our financial
obligations over the foreseeable future.

Performance by Trading Subsidiaries

Profit/loss figures for individual subsidiaries are stated before tax and
inter-company charges (including the costs of operating the plc which are
recovered through management charges to trading subsidiaries), interest paid
and received, depreciation and amortisation.

Adamson's Laboratory Services Limited

Revenue of £1,105,100 yielding a profit of £102,900 (the equivalent figures for
the same period last year were £1,288,600 and £67,400).

Inspection Services (UK) Limited

Invoiced sales of £106,500 yielding a profit of £18,800 (the figures for the
same period last year were £96,300 and £8,900).

Personnel Health and Safety Consultants Limited

Invoiced sales of £328,300 yielding a profit of £132,000 (the figures for the
same period last year were £390,800 and £191,200).

RSA Environmental Health Limited

Invoiced sales of £209,700 resulting in a profit of £21,000 (the figures for
the same period last year were £198,200 and £8,000).

Quality Leisure Management Limited

Invoiced sales of £239,600 resulting in a profit of £34,900 (the figures for
the same period last year were £246,800 and £57,000).

QCS International Limited

Invoiced sales of £245,000 yielding a profit of £58,000 (the figures for the
same period last year were £254,000 and £58,900).

B to B Links Limited

Invoiced sales of £1,120,100 yielding a profit of £58,900 (the figures for the
same period last year were £1,654,300 and £402,000)

Stephen King - Group Chief Executive Officer

For further information please contact:

PHSC plc

Stephen King 01622 717700

Sanlam Securities UK Limited (Nominated adviser and broker) 020 7628 2200

Lindsay Mair/James Thomas

Group Statement of Comprehensive                   Six          Six        Year
Income                                          months       months            
                                                 ended        ended            
                                               30 Sept      30 Sept      31 Mar
                                                    15           14          15
                                      Note   Unaudited    Unaudited            
                                                 £'000        £'000       £'000
Continuing operations                                                          
Revenue                                  3       3,354        4,129       7,731
Cost of sales                                  (1,804)      (2,249)     (4,226)
Gross profit                                     1,550        1,880       3,505
Administrative expenses                        (1,345)      (1,383)     (2,739)
Exceptional administrative expenses      2           -         (75)       (263)
Profit from operations                             205          422         503
Finance income                                       -            -           1
Finance costs                                        -            -         (1)
Profit before taxation                             205          422         503
Corporation tax expense                           (49)        (136)       (154)
Profit for the period after tax attributable                                   
to owners of parent                      3         156          286         349
Total comprehensive income attributable to         156          286         349
owners of the parent                                                           
Attributable to:                                                               
Equity holders of the Group                        156          286         349
Basic and diluted Earnings per Share     5       1.23p        2.26p       2.75p
for profit after tax from continuing                                           
operations attributable to the equity                                          
holders of the Group during the                                                

Group Statement of Financial Position          30 Sept      30 Sept      31 Mar
                                                    15           14          15
                                             Unaudited    Unaudited            
                                     Note        £'000        £'000       £'000
Non-current assets                                                             
Property, plant and equipment           4          684          686         689
Goodwill                                         4,580        4,560       4,580
                                                 5,264        5,246       5,269
Current assets                                                                 
Inventories                                        224          228         216
Trade and other receivables                      1,864        2,922       1,980
Cash and cash equivalents                          611          138         462
                                                 2,699        3,288       2,658
Total assets                            3        7,963        8,534       7,927
Current liabilities                                                            
Trade and other payables                         1,126        1,475       1,156
Financial liabilities                                -            2           -
Current corporation tax payable                    134          237         105
Short term provisions                                -          130           -
                                                 1,260        1,844       1,261
Non-current liabilities                                                        
Deferred taxation liabilities                       68           68          68
                                                    68           68          68
Total liabilities                                1,328        1,912       1,329
Net assets                                       6,635        6,622       6,598
Capital and reserves attributable to                                           
holders of the Group                                                           
Called up share capital                          1,268        1,268       1,268
Share premium account                            1,831        1,831       1,831
Capital redemption reserve                         144          144         144
Retained earnings                                3,392        3,379       3,355
                                                 6,635        6,622       6,598

Group Statement of Changes                                                     
in Equity                                                                      
                              Share     Share      Capital   Retained     Total
                                      Premium   Redemption   Earnings          
                              £'000     £'000        £'000      £'000     £'000
Balance at 1 April 2015       1,268     1,831          144      3,355     6,598
Profit for the period             -         -            -        156       156
attributable to equity                                                         
Dividends                         -         -            -      (119)     (119)
Balance at 30 September 201   1,268     1,831          144      3,392     6,635
Balance at 1 April 2014       1,268     1,831          144      3,197     6,440
Profit for the period             -         -            -        286       286
attributable to equity                                                         
Dividends                         -         -            -      (104)     (104)
Balance at 30 September 201   1,268     1,831          144      3,379     6,622

Group Statement of Cash Flows                       Six          Six        Year
                                                 months       months            
                                                  ended        ended       ended
                                                30 Sept      30 Sept      31 Mar
                                                     15           14          15
                                              Unaudited    Unaudited            
                                                  £'000        £'000       £'000
Cash flows generated from/(used by)                                             
operating activities                                                            
Cash generated from/(used by) operations            306        (231)         739
Interest paid                                         -            -         (1)
Tax paid                                           (20)         (27)       (177)
Net cash (used by)/generated from                   286        (258)         561
operating activities                                                            
Cash flows used in investing activities                                         
Purchase of property, plant and equipment          (18)         (12)        (59)
Purchase of subsidiary companies net of               -        (200)       (564)
cash acquired                                                                   
Disposal of fixed assets                              -                        1
Interest received                                     -            -           1
Net cash used in investing activities              (18)        (212)       (621)
Cash flows used in financing activities                                         
Dividends paid to group shareholders              (119)        (104)       (190)
Net cash used in financing activities             (119)        (104)       (190)
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash            149        (574)       (250)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of           462          712         712
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period          611          138         462
Notes to the cash flow statement                                                
Cash generated from/(used by) operations                                        
Operating profit - continuing operations            205          422         503
Depreciation charge                                  24           22          52
Goodwill impairment                                   -           49          29
Fair value movement in contingent                     -            -         233
Loss on sale of fixed assets                          -            -          12
Increase in inventories                             (8)         (73)        (61)
Decrease/(increase) in trade and other              115        (987)        (44)
(Decrease)/increase in trade and other             (30)          341          21
Decrease in financial liabilities                     -          (5)         (6)
Cash generated from/(used by) operations            306        (231)         739

Notes to the Financial Statements

1. Basis of preparation

These condensed consolidated financial statements are presented on the basis of
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European
Union and interpretations issued by the International Financial Reporting
Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) and have been prepared in accordance with AIM
rules and the Companies Act 2006, as applicable to companies reporting under

The financial information contained in this report, which has not been audited,
does not constitute statutory accounts as defined by Section 434 of the
Companies Act 2006. The Group's statutory financial statements for the year
ended 31 March 2015, prepared under IFRS have been filed with the Registrar of
Companies. The auditors' report for the 2014 financial statements was
unqualified and did not contain a statement under Section 498 (2) or (3) of the
Companies Act 2006.

The same accounting policies and methods of computation are followed within
these interim financial statements as adopted in the most recent annual
financial statements.

New IFRS standards and interpretations not adopted

Certain new standards, amendments and interpretations of existing standards
that have been published and which have not been applied in these financial
statements were in issue but not yet effective (and in some cases had not yet
been adopted by the EU)

IFRS standards and interpretations issued (and EU adopted) but Effective date -
not yet effective                                                    accounting
                                                               period beginning
Title                                                                  on/after
IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement                                       01/01/2013
IFRIC 20 Stripping Costs in the Production of a Surface Mine         01/01/2013
IFRS 1 Amendments - Government Loans                                 01/01/2013
Transition Guidance (Amendments to IFRS 10, 11 and 12)               01/01/2013
Novation of Derivatives and Continuation of Hedge Accounting         01/01/2014
(Amendments to IAS 39)                                                         
Investment Entities (Amendments to IFRS 10, IFRS 12 and IAS          01/01/2014
IAS 36 Amendments Recoverable Amount Disclosures for                 01/01/2014
non-Financial Assets                                                           
IFRIC 21 Levies                                                      01/01/2014

IFRS Standards and Interpretations issued by IASB but not yet  Effective date -
EU approved                                                          accounting
                                                               period beginning
Title                                                                  on/after
IAS 19 Amendment - Defined Benefit Plans: Employee                   01/07/2014
IFRS 10 and IAS 28 Amendments: Sale or Contribution of               01/01/2016
Assets between an Investor and its Associate or Joint                          
IAS 27 Amendment: Equity Method in Separate Financial                01/01/2016
IAS 16 and IAS 41 Amendments: Agriculture Bearer Plants              01/01/2016
IFRS 14 Regulatory Deferral Accounts                                 01/01/2016
IAS 16 and IAS 38 Amendments: Clarification of Acceptable            01/01/2016
Methods of Depreciation and Amortisation                                       
IFRS 11 Amendments: Accounting for Acquisitions of Interest          01/01/2016
in Joint Operations                                                            
IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers                        01/01/2017
IFRS 9 Financial Instruments                                         01/01/2018

The adoption of these standards, amendments and interpretations is not expected
to have a material impact on the group's profit for the period or equity.
Application of these standards will result in some changes in presentation of
information within the condensed interim financial statements.

The information presented within these interim financial statements is in
compliance with IAS 34 "Interim Financial Reporting". This requires the use of
certain accounting estimates and requires that management exercise judgement in
the process of applying the Group's accounting policies. The areas involving a
high degree of judgement or complexity, or areas where the assumptions and
estimates are significant to the interim financial statements are disclosed

(a) Provisions

The balance sheet of B to B Links Limited includes a £24k provision in respect
of potential repairs and replacements under warranty. The assumed risk is
expressed in percentage terms over the two year warranty period. A further £3k
provision relates to work that may be required under retention clauses.

(b) Impairment of goodwill

Our interim review of the value of goodwill in the balance sheet did not
highlight any conditions which would give rise to a material impairment and for
this reason the Board is to defer any decision regarding any additional
impairment of goodwill until the year end.

                                              30 Sept      30 Sept    31 Mar 15
                                                   15           14             
                                            Unaudited    Unaudited             
2   Exceptional Administrative                  £'000        £'000        £'000
    QCS International Limited:                      -           26           26
    Acquisition payment in excess of                                           
    B to B Links Limited:                           -            -          208
    Acquisition payment in excess of                                           
    PHSC plc:                                       -           49           29
    Goodwill impairment as detailed                                            
    in (b) above                                                               
                                                    -           75          263

Notes to the Financial Statements                                              
                                              30 Sept      30 Sept    31 Mar 15
                                                   15           14             
                                            Unaudited    Unaudited             
3   Segmental Reporting                         £'000        £'000        £'000
    PHSC plc                                        -            -            -
    Personnel Health & Safety                     328          391          754
    Consultants Ltd                                                            
    RSA Environmental Health Ltd                  210          198          422
    Adamson's Laboratory Services Ltd           1,105        1,289        2,694
    Inspection Services Ltd                       106           96          196
    Quality Leisure Management Ltd                240          246          534
    Q C S International Ltd                       245          254          527
    B to B Links Ltd                            1,120        1,655        2,604
                                                3,354        4,129        7,731
    Profit/(loss) after taxation                                               
    PHSC plc                                       15         (41)         (61)
    Personnel Health & Safety                      71           78          171
    Consultants Ltd                                                            
    RSA Environmental Health Ltd                    7            -           11
    Adamson's Laboratory Services Ltd              25         (45)           85
    Inspection Services Ltd                        13            2            6
    Quality Leisure Management Ltd                 14           24           66
    Q C S International Ltd                        34           42          117
    B to B Links Ltd                             (23)          301          231
                                                  156          361          626
    Taxation adjustment (group loss relief          -            -         (14)
    and deferred tax)                                                          
    Additional acquisition payment (QCS/B           -         (26)        (234)
    to B Links)                                                                
    Goodwill impairment                             -         (49)         (29)
                                                  156          286          349
    Total assets                                                               
    PHSC plc                                    6,337        5,890        4,889
    Personnel Health & Safety                     422          464          811
    Consultants Ltd                                                            
    RSA Environmental Health Limited              476          492          596
    Adamson's Laboratory Services Ltd             815        1,219        1,377
    Inspection Services Ltd                        57           54          111
    Quality Leisure Management Ltd                 98          111          258
    Q C S International Ltd                       103           88          307
    B to B Links Ltd                            1,126        1,730        1,049
                                                9,434       10,048        9,398
    Adjustment of goodwill                    (1,471)      (1,514)      (1,471)
                                                7,963        8,534        7,927

Notes to the Financial Statements       30 Sept 15    30 Sept 14    31 Mar 15  
                                         Unaudited     Unaudited               
4    Property, plant and equipment           £'000         £'000        £'000  
     Cost or valuation                                                         
     Brought forward                         1,055         1,124        1,127  
     Additions                                  18            12           59  
     Disposals                                   -             -        (132)  
     Carried forward                         1,073         1,136        1,054  
     Brought forward                           365           428          432  
     Charge                                     24            22           52  
     Disposals                                   -             -        (119)  
     Carried forward                           389           450          365  
     Net book value                            684           686          689  
5    Earnings per share                                                        
     The calculation of the basic earnings per share is based on               
     the following data.                                                       
                                        30 Sept 15    30 Sept 14      31 Mar 15
                                             £'000         £'000          £'000
                                         Unaudited     Unaudited               
     Continuing activities                     156           286            349
     Number of shares                   30 Sept 15    30 Sept 14      31 Mar 15
     Weighted average number of                                                
     shares for                                                                
     the purpose of basic earnings      12,686,353    12,686,353     12,686,353
     per share


UK 100