Directorate Change

Powerhouse Energy Group plc

("Powerhouse" or the "Company")

Change of Directorate

10 August 2020

Powerhouse Energy Group plc (AIM: PHE), the UK technology company commercialising hydrogen production from waste plastic, announces that Brent Fitzpatrick has stepped down from the Board of Powerhouse Energy Group plc with immediate effect.

Cameron Davies, Chairman of Powerhouse, said the following: 

“I would like to thank Brent personally and sincerely on behalf of the Board of Powerhouse Energy Group plc for his friendship and his sage advice to me and to the board. His valuable contribution to our progress over almost a decade has helped to guide the Company through sometimes challenging and difficult times to the threshold of a new era as we prepare to deploy our DMG technology aimed at tackling the global problem of unrecyclable plastic waste. Our technology additionally can produce synthetic gas for power generation and for upgrade to provide a local source of high-quality hydrogen for heavy goods vehicles and rail transport.

“I take this opportunity to wish him well and every success for the future in his other ventures."

At the current time the Board of Powerhouse does not propose to replace Brent following the recent appointment of two non-executive directors.

For more information, contact:

Powerhouse Energy Group plc Tel: +44 (0) 203 368 6399
David Ryan, Chief Executive Officer
WH Ireland Limited (Nominated Adviser) Tel: +44 (0) 207 220 1666
James Joyce / Lydia Zychowska
Turner Pope Investments Ltd (Joint Broker) Tel: +44 (0) 203 657 0050
Andrew Thacker / Zoe Alexander
Ikon Associates (Media enquiries) Tel: +44 (0) 1483 271291
Adrian Shaw Mob: +44 (0) 7979 900733

About Powerhouse Energy Group plc

Powerhouse has developed a proprietary process technology - DMG® - which can utilise waste, unrecycleable plastic, end-of-life-tyres, and other waste streams to efficiently and economically convert them into syngas from which valuable products such as hydrogen, chemical precursors, electricity and other industrial products may be derived. The Powerhouse technology is one of the world’s first proven, modular, hydrogen from waste (HfW) process.

The Powerhouse DMG® process can generate up to 2 tonnes of road-fuel quality H2, and more than 58MWh of exportable electricity per day.

The Powerhouse process produces low levels of safe residues and requires a small operating footprint, making it suitable for deployment at enterprise and community level.

Powerhouse is quoted on the London Stock Exchange's AIM Market under the ticker: PHE, and is incorporated in the United Kingdom.

For more information see

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